Which performance appraisal method lists several traits and a range of performance values for each trait?

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11) Which performance appraisal technique lists traits and a range of performance values foreach trait?A) behaviorally anchored rating scaleB) graphic rating scaleC) forced distributionD) critical incidentAnswer:BExplanation:B) A graphic rating scale lists traits (such as "quality and reliability" or"teamwork") and a range of performance values (from "unsatisfactory" to "outstanding," or"below expectations" to "role model") for each trait. The supervisor rates each subordinate bycircling or checking the score that best describes the subordinate's performance for each trait.The assigned values for the traits are then totaled.Diff: 1Chapter:9Objective:4Skill:ConceptLearning Outcome:Describe the process of performance appraisal and different appraisalmethods

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Which performance appraisal method lists several traits and a range of performance values for each trait?

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Foundations of Business


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25412) Wilson Consulting is a management consulting firm with seventy employees. As associatevice president of marketing, Suzanne Boyle is responsible for conducting performance appraisalsof the twelve employees under her direct supervision. Suzanne plans to use a graphic rating scaleto evaluate the performance of her subordinates.Which of the following, if true, best supports the argument that a graphic rating scale is the mostappropriate performance appraisal tool for Suzanne to use?A) The firm wants Suzanne to evaluate her subordinates on an ongoing basis and to keep a log ofcritical incidents.B) Suzanne wants to ensure that the firm is protected from employee discrimination lawsuits, soshe has conducted a job analysis of each position.C) Suzanne wants a quantitative rating of each employee based on competencies important to thefirm, such as problem-solving skills.D) Employees in Suzanne's department participated in developing their own performancestandards when they were first hired by the firm.Answer:CExplanation:C) Graphic rating scales with competency-based appraisal forms enable anemployer to focus on the extent to which an employee exhibits the competencies essential for thejob. Graphic rating scales do not track critical incidents, and they are not the best tool forprotecting a firm from legal charges because of problems with bias, central tendency, and haloeffect.Diff: 3AACSB:Analytic SkillsChapter:9Objective:4Skill:Critical ThinkingLearning Outcome:Describe the process of performance appraisal and different appraisalmethods

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Which performance appraisal method lists several traits and a range of performance values for each trait?

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Foundations of Business


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Which performance appraisal method lists several traits and a range of performance values for each trait quizlet?

Explanation: B) The graphic rating scale is the simplest and most popular method for appraising performance. A graphic rating scale lists traits and a range of performance values for each trait.

Which appraisal technique lists a range of performance values or critical incidents as its criteria?

Answer and Explanation: The correct option is B) graphic rating scale.

Which is a trait based performance appraisal method?

There are three main methods of determining performance. The first is the trait method, in which managers look at an employee's specific traits in relation to the job, such as friendliness to the customer. The behavioral method looks at individual actions within a specific job.

What are the 3 types of performance appraisals?

There are several types of performance appraisals, including peer reviews, self-assessments and 360-degree assessments..
Negotiated appraisal. ... .
Management by objective (MBO) ... .
Assessment center method. ... .
Self-appraisal. ... .
Peer reviews. ... .
Customer or client reviews..