Which phase of the SDLC involves a complete detailed review of the systems needs of the end user?



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Terms in this set (36)

The design phase of the SDLC begins with a business need for a new or better information system.


The maintenance phase of the SDLC is the final phase of the SDLC and includes making changes, corrections, additions, and upgrades (generally smaller in scope) to ensure the system continues to meet the business requirements that have been set out for it.


The analysis phase of the SDLC involves a complete, detailed analysis of the systems needs of the end user.


Segregation of duties can be the source of IT material weaknesses when assessing the effectiveness of internal controls over the company's accounting information system.


The project sponsor is generally the same person as the project manager.


The project sponsor generally obtains necessary resources for successful project completion.


The triple constraints of project management are also referred to as Dempster's triangle.


The triple constraints of project management include time, scope, and effort.


9. The 15-15 Rule states that if a project is more than 15 percent over budget or 15 percent off the desired schedule, it will likely never recoup the time or cost necessary to be considered successful.


PERT is actually an acronym for Program Evaluation Review Tool.


The breakdown of all of the project tasks needed for completion is often called the work breakdown structure.


Parallel or concurrent tasks are tasks that be done at the same time.


Tasks that must be completed in a specific sequence but don't require additional resources or a specific completion time are considered to have task dependency.


The Technology Acceptance Model defines perceived ease of use as users adopting a new or modified system to the extent they believe the system will help them perform their job better.


The Technology Acceptance Model defines perceived usefulness as the extent to which a person believes that the use of a particular system would be free of effort.


The 100% Rule is a rule requiring 100% planning of all external tasks.


The Project Manager is the lead member of the project team that is responsible for the project.


The systems development life cycle has five phases: Planning, Analysis, Design, Implementation and Maintenance.


Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (CobIT) provides managers, auditors, and IT users with a set of generally accepted measurements, processes, indicators, and best practices to assist them in maximizing the benefits derived through the use of information technology.


Control Objectives for Information and related Technology's (CobIT) guidance is guided by a structure that corresponds to the SDLC, namely: Plan and Organize, Acquire and Implement, Deliver and Support and Monitor and Evaluate.


Which phase of the systems development life cycle would describe in detail the desired features of the system?

C. Design Phase

The final phase of the systems development life cycle is the

B. Maintenance phase

Which phase of the systems development life cycle includes transforming the plan from the design phase into an actual, functioning system:

A. Implementation Phase

The IFAC suggested ten core principles of effective information technology planning. Which of these are not one of those ten core principles?

B. Timeliness

The IFAC suggested ten core principles of effective information technology planning. Which of these are not one of those ten core principles?

B. Unbiased

In 2009, _____ of the projects failed or were challenged.

B. 68%

The triple constraint of project management includes the constraint of:

B. Time

The PERT and Gantt charts primarily address the triple constraint of:

B. Time

The 100% rule suggests that before a PERT chart is done, a project manager must:

D. Make sure 100% of the project tasks are defined.

The critical path in a PERT chart represents:

D. The longest path of tasks needed for project completion.

The Technology Acceptance Model predicts:

B. Whether the system will be adopted.

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act's 404 Reports require management and auditors to report on

C. The effectiveness of the internal controls of the company's accounting information system.

In this chapter, project management is defined as:

A. The process of carrying out the systems development life cycle to achieve an intended outcome.

The 15-15 Rule states that if a project is more than 15 percent over budget or 15 percent off the desired schedule, it will:

B. Likely never recoup the time or cost necessary to be considered successful.

36. A project sponsor is generally defined as:

B. A senior executive in the company who takes responsibility for the success of the project.

25. The IFAC suggested ten core principles of effective information technology planning. Which of these are not one of those ten core principles?

C. Reliability

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