Which physical examination technique is the nurse performing when listening to heart sounds quizlet?

ANS: Warm the hands first before touching the patient., Start with light palpation to detect surface characteristics., Use the fingertips to examine skin texture, swelling, pulsation, and presence of lumps., Identify any tender areas, and palpate them last.

Always warm the hands before beginning palpation. Use intermittent pressure rather than one long continuous palpation; identify any tender areas, and palpate them last. Fingertips are used to examine skin texture, swelling, pulsation, and presence of lumps. Use the dorsa (backs) of the hands to assess skin temperature because the skin on the dorsa is thinner than on the palms.

Cognitive-perceptual pattern

Health-perception-health-management pattern
Assessment of the cognitive-perceptual pattern involves a description of all senses (vision, hearing, taste, touch, and smell) and the cognitive functions, with pain included as a sensory perception. Activity-rest pattern, self-perception-self-concept pattern, and health-perception-health-management pattern don't involve vision and hearing.Test-Taking Tip: A psychologic technique used to boost your test-taking confidence is to look into a mirror whenever you pass one and say out loud, "I know the material, and I'll do well on the test." Try it; many students have found that it works because it reduces "test anxiety."

Adequate lighting-

Adequate lighting is most important for the physical examination of the client with scabies. Sunlight (when available) would be preferable; however, even a portable lamp or a good overhead light is sufficient for illuminating the skin and for viewing shadows and contours. A warm and comfortable room, a quiet area free of disturbance, and a firm examination bed or table are subsequent preparations to the physical setting for the examination.

1, 2, 3, 5

To get the best results from inspection, there should be adequate lighting for easy viewing. The nurse should use a penlight or lamp for inspecting body cavities. An indirect light source may not help in the visualization of inside of the body cavity. The nurse should inspect each area for size, shape, color, symmetry, position, and abnormality to detect any changes. Checking for side-to-side symmetry ensures that the inspected area has no deviation. The patient should not be completely exposed. Expose body parts only as needed to maintain privacy.

Test-Taking Tip: Look for answers that focus on the patient or that are directed toward the patient's feelings. Another way to think of this tip is "How would you feel if you were the patient?" Then reexamine the answers. For this question, would you want to be exposed completely? No, so you've eliminated that choice.


The nurse inspects appearance and behavior first as part of the nursing assessment. As the patient enters the room, the nurse can observe the patient's appearance and behavior, noting any unusual choice of clothing or hygiene or any signs of confusion, anxiety, or unhappiness. Taking vital signs, observing body systems, and conducting a health history come after inspecting appearance and behavior.

Test-Taking Tip: When responding to a question like this one, consider the variety of information you gather visually. Observation can give you clues about ambulation, gait and balance, as well as general appearance and behavior. You may be able to detect an odor, a change in the color of mucosa or conjunctiva, or a posture that indicates pain, even before you begin your examination.

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Which physical examination technique is the nurse performing when listening to heart sounds?

Auscultation is used by the nurse to assess the lub-dub sounds of the heart. The nurse detects tympanic sounds of the bowel by percussing the abdomen. A nurse is performing percussion on a client's back to assess the lungs, and hears a loud, low-pitched, hollow sound, indicating normal lungs.

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Which physical examination technique is the nurse performing when using the bell of a stethoscope to hear a patient's heart sounds?

4. Auscultation. Auscultation involves listening for various lung, heart, and bowel sounds with a stethoscope.