Which piece of equipment will the nurse remove from the bedside of a client on seizure precautions

Socialize with the restrained client.

Remove the restraint and perform range of motion activity

Reapply the restraint after assisting the client to the bathroom

The skill of applying restraints can be delegated to the UAP whom the nurse knows is competent in caring for a client with restraints. The nurse is responsible to document the mental status of the client necessitating the restraints. The nurse must determine the appropriate type of restraint and frequency of position change. The UAP may perform care including meeting mobility, hydration, nutrition, elimination, and socialization needs and removing and reapplying restraints under the direction of the nurse.

Which action would the nurse take for a client who is having a tonic clonic seizure?

If you are with someone having a tonic-clonic seizure (where the body stiffens, followed by general muscle jerking), try to: Stay calm and remain with the person. If they have food or fluid in their mouth, roll them onto their side immediately. Keep them safe and protect them from injury.

How should the nurse determine that the restraints are not too constrictive?

How should the nurse determine that the restraints are not too constrictive? Place two fingers under the restraint to determine snugness.

Which client is the safest one for a licensed practical nurse to care for?

Which client is the safest one for a licensed practical nurse (LPN) to care for? Rationale: The LPN should care for the most stable, least high-risk client. In this case, a client who had a scheduled cesarean delivery would be the most stable client.