Which play item should the nurse bring from the playroom to a hospitalized toddler in isolation?

A, B, D, E
Temper tantrums are a common response to anger and frustration in toddlers. They occur more often when toddlers are tired, hungry, bored, or excessively stimulated. A nap prior to fatigue or a snack if mealtime is delayed will be helpful in alleviated the times when tantrums are most likely to occur. Tantrums may include screaming, kicking, throwing things, biting themselves, or banging their head. Effective management of tantrums includes safely isolating and ignoring the child. The child should learn that nothing is gained by having a temper tantrum. Giving in to the child's demands only increases the behavior.

B, C, E
To prevent accidental poisoning, parents should be taught to promptly discard empty poison containers, to know the number of the nearest poison control center, and to caution the child against eating nonedible items, such as plants. Parents should place all potentially toxic agents, including cosmetics, personal care items, cleaning products, pesticides, and medications, in a locked cabinet, not in the garage. Parents should be taught to never remove labels from containers of toxic substances.

Sets with similar terms

Which toy is the most developmentally appropriate for an 18 to 24 month old child quizlet?

Which toy is the most developmentally appropriate for an 18- to 24-month-old child? Push-pull toys encourage large muscle activity and are appropriate for toddlers.

Which toy should the nurse suggest that grandparents purchase as a gift for an 18 month old grandchild quizlet?

Age appropriate toys and activities for infants include large nesting cups, teething toys, and playing pat-a-cake, rattles, large board books, music, or soft dolls or animals.

Which toy should the nurse suggest that grandparents purchase as a gift for an 18 month old grandchild?

"Safe toys for this age group are stacking toys, jigsaw puzzles, and large crayons."

Which play is most typical of the preschool period?

Which type of play is most typical of the preschool period? Associative play is group play in similar or identical activities but without rigid organization or rules.