Which program covers approximately one-quarter of all mental health spending in the united states?

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Terms in this set (49)

When an observer takes into account the context or circumstances surrounding someones behavior to determine whether they are normal or abnormal it means that:

The observer considers the behavior normal if it seems appropriate for that particular situation.

Xia has been feeling sad and lonely over the last several days. According to the ancient Chinese medical philosophy, Xia's mood is likely the result of:

Vital air flowing on the lungs.

Some states have __________, individuals who have graduate training in counseling beyond a bachelor's degree in counseling, but have not obtained a PhD.

licensed mental health counselors

Which ancient text on abnormal behavior is the oldest?

Kahun Papyrus

Which psychoanalytic theorist's method was later renamed hypnosis?

Franz Mesmer

The First Act for Regulating, enacted in England, was created in part to:


The Viennese psychiatrist credited with discovering a connection between paresis and syphilis was:

Richard Kirafft-Ebing

Which of the following is a type of community based treatment facility that offers people with long term mental health problems the opportunity to the in structured, supportive environments while they are trying to reestablish a job and ties to family and friends?


Which program covers approximately one quarter of all mental health spending in the U.S?


During the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries, European mental hospitals humiliated mentally ill patient by:

exhibiting their conditions to the public for a fee

Theorists who argue that behaviors can only be abnormal relative to cultural norms, are proponents of:

cultural relativism

Operant conditioning theory states that learning:

is a function of change in overt behavior

_____ have a degree in nursing and often work on inpatient psychiatric wards in hospitals, delivering medical care and certain forms of psychotherapy.

psychiatric nurses

__________ developed a scheme of classifying symptoms into discrete disorders that is the basis for our modern classification systems.

Emil Kraeplin

The study of abnormal psychology is the study of people who suffer, emotional and often physical pain. This is also referred to as:


Identify the movement that was launched in 1963 by President JFK to provide coordinated mental health services to people in local facilities

The community mental health movement

Most Greeks and Romans saw madness as:

an affliction from the gods

Rachel teaches in the second grade and suspects that two students in her class have behavioral problems. Although she works fervently to keep the class running smoothly, the students' behaviors continually disrupts the learning environment. When the two students blurt out the answers before being called upon, push others in line, or constantly get out of their seats, other students become distracted and irritated. According to which criterion will these students' behaviors might be considered abnormal?


According to Hippocrates, abnormal behavior could be attributed to imbalances in the four basic humors of the body. Which of the following courses of treatment was used to restore the balance?

Bleeding the patient

Many public hospitals at the time of the 20th century:

were no better than ware houses because of reduced funding and decline in quality of care

____________ specialize in helping, couples, parents, and children overcome problems that are interfering with their well-being.

Marriage and family therapists

Which of the following is a type of community based treatment facility that offers people with long-term mental health problems the opportunity to live in structures supportive environments while they are trying to reestablish a job and ties to family and friends:

halfway houses

Which of the following statements is true of mental health care in the United States?

Many states have increased co-payments and controlled drug costs

Pavlov's theory of learning focused on _____.

classical conditioning

Ancient Egyptians and Greeks held that a woman's uterus:

causes psychological abnormalities by dislodging and wandering inside the body.

Dance frenzies are examples of:

psychic epidemics

The Viennese psychiatrist credited with discovering a connection between paresis and syphilis was:

Richard Krafft-Ebbing

Who among the following maintained behavior was caused by excessive blood in the brain?

Benjamin Rush

_____________ allow people to obtain treatment during the day, as well as occupational and rehabilitative therapies, but to live at home at night.

Day treatment-centers

The thought processes that influence behavior and emotion are called:


Which of the following incorrectly pairs the historical perspective on abnormal behavior with an abnormality?

supernatural theories/ chronic stress

In the context of cultural relatives, when the slave trade was active in the US, slaves who tried to escape bondage could be diagnosed could be diagnosed with a mental disease that was said to have caused them to:

desire freedom from their masters

What phenomenon, seen in Italy in the 14th century, was attributed to a tarantula bite, causing people to jump around, dance wildly, tear at their clothes and beat each other with whips?


The disease,__________, has been characterized as one of the most important discoveries modern biological theories of abnormality.

general paresis

Which ancient Greek argued that madness arose when the rational mind was overcome by impulse, passion, or appetite?


Which historical figures argued that some forms of madness were divine and could be the source of great literary and prophetic gifts?

Socrates and plato

Which of the following is true about a widespread response to individuals who were considered insane in ancient times?

mental hygiene movement

The 19th century reformation movement that included rest, relaxation, and prayer in the treatment of mental illnesses was called the:

mental hygiene movement

Under a managed care system, primary care physicians:

can coordinate services offered by other providers such as drug treatment.

Hippocrates classified abnormal behavior into which set of categories?

epilepsy, mania, melancholia, and brain fever

Albert Bandura argued that people's beliefs about their ability to execute the behaviors necessary to control important events, which he call __________.

self efficiency

Which of the following people conceptualized the theory of self-efficiency beliefs?

Albert Bandura

__________ have a degree in nursing and often work on inpatient wards in hospital, delivering medical care and certain forms of psychotherapy.

Psychiatric nurses

Philippe Pinel, a leader in the moral treatment movement, ordered that the chains be removed from patients because he believed that:

the patients health could be improved by restoring the dignity and tranquility

A psychic epidemic broke out in the early 1990s in a Rhode High School. The students and their teachers experiences nausea, headaches, dizziness and mild carbon intox. Behaviors due to:

mass hysteria prompted by fears of chemical warfare

By 1960, as part of the patients' rights movement, patients' rights advocates argued that mental patients can recover more fully or live more satisfying lives if they are integrated into the community, with the support of community-based treatment facilities—a process known as _____.


Which of the following is true of the distress criterion for abnormality?

The individual must suffer as a result of the behavior

Which of the following opened an asylum in England called "The Retreat"?

William Tuke

In the 12th century, in the Belgian town of _____, townspeople regularly took into their homes the mentally ill visiting the shrink of saint Dymphna for cures.


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