Which scheme would be the most ideal to achieve stabilization and muscular endurance adaptations?

What is known as a sudden lack of blood supply to the brain, caused by either a blockage in an artery or a ruptured blood vessel?

What artery is used to measure blood pressure?

A client wants to improve their deadlift. Which of the following is an outcome goal?

I want to deadlift 300 pounds

To increase the metabolic demand of SAQ exercises among weight-loss clients, which of the following adjustments to a workout session could be implemented?

At which stage of change are self-efficacy levels generally the highest?

What is a primary difference between a food label and a supplement label?

A supplement label only needs to list what is present, not specific amounts.

What are ground reaction forces?
Select one:

Forces imparted on the body when it contacts the ground after jumping

Research has demonstrated that moderate-intensity exercise is best for which of the following?

Providing psychological benefits

Which type of lipids are considered to be heart-healthy and associated with reduced inflammation?

Which of the following is true about body image?

Body image may not match reality, and people may view their bodies in a negative way and evaluate themselves inaccurately.

Which of the following describes attitude?

The degree to which a person has a favorable or unfavorable evaluation of a behavior

What is an example of an individual in the exhaustion stage of the general adaptation syndrome?

The person has suffered an ACL sprain.

Food in the stomach is processed and then passes into what anatomical structure?

Duodenum of the small intestine

Which of the following examples describes a muscle that is functioning as an antagonist?

The biceps brachii being active during elbow extension

When a person loses body weight, what is the only way that mass is lost?

As exhaled carbon dioxide

What would be considered a normal resting heart rate for a healthy sedentary person?

Which muscles are typically overactive when the feet turn out?

Which statement about a Certified Personal Trainer's scope of practice is accurate?

Certified Personal Trainers do not diagnose or treat areas of pain or disease.

Which muscles are typically underactive in association with upper crossed syndrome?

What is the correct order of segments for the spine, starting at the top?

Cervical, thoracic, and lumbar

Low-intensity activity burns a higher proportion of fat as fuel, but if someone wanted to burn the most total calories from any substrate, which of the following activities would be most effective?

20 minutes of moderate-intensity activity

Which of the following tests is designed to test reaction capabilities, acceleration, and maximal sprinting speed?

Which of the following modalities is the least likely to increase joint instability?

Empathy is best described as?

The ability to identify with how another person feels

What does the electron transport chain (ETC) do?

The ETC uses a hydrogen gradient to create ATP.

What is defined as the ability to generate force as quickly as possible?

Why are proper frontside mechanics in sprinting important?

Frontside mechanics align the lead leg to optimally apply force into the ground to help propel the body forward.

Where in the digestive system are most fluids absorbed?

In which of the following phases of the OPT model is suspended bodyweight training considered ideal?

What are two of the most common issues at the foot and ankle complex?

Sprains and plantar fasciitis

Which of the following is not a tracked component on an athlete’s macrocycle annual training plan?

You have a youth client. What training frequency is most recommended for a young athlete performing SAQ?

Core and balance exercises are a component of which part of an OPT workout?

Which feature of a food label would enable a client to assess the nutrient composition of a food product?

The nutrition facts panel

Which benefit will positively affect the body through integrated training?

Through an integrated and systematic approach, which order of phases of training is correct?

Stabilization Endurance, Strength Endurance, Muscular Development, Maximal Strength, and Power

The risk of which lower-extremity injury was decreased in female basketball athletes who participated in a 5-week balance training program that improved landing movement mechanics?

Anterior cruciate ligament injury

What muscles does the tubing (shoulder) internal rotation exercise primarily target?

How is ventilatory threshold 1 (VT1) best defined?

The point at which the body uses an equal mix of carbohydrate and fat as fuel sources

What is credible nutrition information?

Nutrition information that is rooted in and supported by science

Kettlebell exercises have proven extremely beneficial in the development in which plane or of which chain?

Which of the following is not considered a component of fitness?

What statement best describes a mid-market health club?

A health club that provides all the features of low-cost clubs and additional amenities like higher-end locker rooms, snack and supplement sales, and group fitness workouts included in the price of membership

Which muscle would be considered underactive, leading to the excessive forward trunk lean during the overhead squat assessment?

For which population is the 1.5-mile (2.4-km) run test considered most valid?

Which of the following muscles are responsible for normal resting state (quiet) breathing?

Of the following individuals, who would be the most suitable for being programmed SAQ (speed, agility, and quickness) exercises/movements?

A client who has been training for 1 month with adequate strength

Which of the following blood pressure readings would classify an individual as having stage 1 hypertension?

Which regions of the spine demonstrate lordotic curves?

Which scheme would be the most ideal to achieve stabilization and muscular endurance adaptations?

2 sets, 20 repetitions, 50% 1RM

How is VT1 identified when using the talk test during a cardio workout?

Continuous talking becomes challenging

Vitamin and mineral supplements are which kind of supplements?

Asking a client to close their eyes during a balance exercise would challenge which system?

What are the two categories of bone markings?

Depressions and processes

What is defined as the specific outline created by a fitness professional that details the form of training, length of time, and specific exercises to be performed?

A client plans to go for a 10-mile run, but they become fatigued after 7 miles, so they stop. What is the most likely cause of this fatigue?

Glycogen stores were exhausted.

According to the NASM Code of Professional Conduct, for how long must a fitness professional maintain accurate financial, contract, appointment, and tax records?

A client who is training with you to improve his body composition states that he only sleeps 4 or 5 hours a night because he thinks that any more is a waste of time. How might you respond to him in view of his body composition goals?

Explain that adequate sleep is important in regulating hunger and satiety hormones, and that chronic sleep deprivation is detrimental for weight management.

Which of the following is an example of an exercise that targets the local muscles of the core?

Which governmental agency regulates dietary supplements in the United Kingdom?

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

What is the general recommended rest between SAQ reps for beginner clients?

Which of the following is not an appropriate expectation for a CPT?

What percentage of adults experience low-back pain at least once in their lifetime?

For effective weight loss, how many calories should obese clients expend per exercise session?

Which of the following is an appropriate assessment for a senior client who is sedentary?

What surrounds the skeletal muscles and connects them to other surrounding muscles?

Performing 4 weeks of stabilization training before moving on to strength endurance training for another 4 weeks would be an example of what kind of periodization?

In which training stage would you utilize work intervals performed just above VT1 and recovery intervals performed below VT1?

What term is used to describe the premise that increased ventricular filling improves contractile force of the heart as a result of greater stretch of cardiac fibers?

Frank Starling Law of the Heart

Loaning some exercise bands to a client who is scheduled to go on vacation is an example of which type of social support?

What is a proper regression if a client cannot perform the lunge exercise correctly?

What is the leading cause of death and disability for both men and women?

Which of the following modalities is most likely to allow for strength and/or power development in the transverse plane?

Which of the following examples of training exercises is not a form of cardiorespiratory fitness?

Which of the following is proper technique during a squat movement?

Tracking the knees over the second and third toes

What location on the body does NASM recommend for measuring the resting heart rate?

Other than age, training history, and injury history, what screening tool is most beneficial in assessing whether a client is ready for plyometric training?

What variable of plyometric training is determined by the client's fitness level, current training program, training history, injury history, and training goals?

Which option is a common power-focused resistance training exercise?

Medicine ball soccer throw

What is the most important reason that a Certified Personal Trainer should make sure an older adult has been cleared by the medical provider to take part in a balance training program?

Changing leadership style based on the size of a group would be an example of which component of leadership?

What is a safe flexibility modification that you can recommend to a client who has varicose veins?

Which of the following is true of protein shakes?
Select one:

They are convenient options for increasing protein intake.

SAQ programs for youth have been found to decrease what?

What are the steps in the cumulative injury cycle?

Tissue trauma, inflammation, muscle spasm, adhesions, altered neuromuscular control, and muscle imbalance

If a client is exercising for 150 minutes per week (30 minutes, 5 days per week), then a 10% increase in volume would result in how many minutes total per week?

What are the three types of muscles in the body?

Skeletal, cardiac, and smooth

Which exercise would be most appropriate for the power movement of Phase 5 (Power Training) superset?

Front medicine ball oblique throw

When working in a health club, what piece of equipment would it be essential to know the location of?

The AED, in case the personal trainer will need to perform CPR on a health club member

Before amino acids can be used to make ATP, what process do they have to go through?

Which of the following tests is used to measure lateral acceleration, deceleration, agility, and control?

Asking a client to stand on a BOSU ball would provide a major challenge to what system?

Which of the following is true about cholesterol?

Exercise has been shown to help reduce high cholesterol.

If someone were performing repeated sprints with each sprint lasting between 30 and 90 seconds, which energy system would be contributing the most to ATP production during this activity?

What plyometric exercise variable is defined as the distance covered and amount of effort applied by the muscles?

You are working with an advanced client on SAQ drills. From the choices provided, what would be the best number of SAQ drills per workout?

What is the purpose of the intervertebral discs?

They act as shock absorbers.

Which statement best describes the term deconditioned?

A state in which a person may have a combination of muscle imbalances, poor flexibility, insufficient endurance, or limited joint stability

Without a perceived discrepancy between a client's current state and making a change, what is lacking?

What are two signs of a muscle being overstretched?

Prolonged joint or muscle pain lasting more than 24 hours and swelling in the muscle

Which scheme would be the most ideal to achieve maximal strength adaptations?

Muscular Development/Hypertrophy training is ideal for the adaptation of maximal muscle growth, by focusing on higher volumes of work at moderate-to-high intensity levels and with minimal rest periods between exercise sets.

What is the primary adaptation of the stabilization endurance phase?

In this phase individuals will train for the necessary adaptations to stabilize their bodies for prolonged periods of time in all three planes of motion. The primary adaptations of this level are increased stability, muscular endurance, control in all planes of motion, and coordination of movement.

Which of the following is the main focus of stabilization endurance training?

The focus of stabilization-endurance training includes: Improving stabilization of the core musculature. Preventing tissue overload by preparing muscles, tendons, ligaments, and joints for the upcoming imposed demands of training.

What is the main purpose and goal of the stabilization endurance phase Phase 1 )?

Phase 1- Stabilization Endurance. It primarily focuses on increasing muscular endurance and stability while developing coordination (neuromuscular efficiency). This will help your client with overall posture and help with stabilizing joints. Level 2 – Strength is consists of 3 phases.


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