Which situation best indicates that the nurse has a good understanding regarding auditing and monitoring of patients health records quizlet?

A nurse obtained a telephone order from a primary care provider for a patient in pain. Which chart entry should the nurse document?

12/16/20XX 0915 Tylenol 3, 2 tablets, every 6 hours for incisional pain. VO Dr. Day/J. Winds, RN, read back.

12/16/20XX 0915 Tylenol 3, 2 tablets, every 6 hours for incisional pain. TO J. Winds, RN, read back.

12/16/20XX 0915 Tylenol 3, 2 tablets, every 6 hours for incisional pain. TO Dr. Day/J. Winds, RN, read back.

12/16/20XX 0915 Tylenol 3, 2 tablets, every 6 hours for incisional pain. TO J. Winds, RN.

When the nurse describes a patients perceived ability to successfully complete a task which term should the nurse use?

11. A nurse is describing a patient's perceived ability to successfully complete a task. Which term should the nurse use to describe this attribute? Self-efficacy, a concept included in social learning theory, refers to a person's perceived ability to successfully complete a task.

Which nursing action is most appropriate for assessing a patients learning needs?

Which nursing action is most appropriate for assessing this patient's learning needs? Assess the patient's health literacy.

What is the most appropriate time the nurse should begin the patient education and the teaching/learning process?

Effective patient education starts from the time patients are admitted to the hospital and continues until they are discharged. Nurses should take advantage of any appropriate opportunity throughout a patient's stay to teach the patient about self-care.

In what type of documentation method would a nurse document narrative notes in a nursing section?

In what type of documentation method would a nurse document narrative notes in a nursing section? Feedback: A source-oriented record is one in which each health care group keeps data on its own separate form (e.g., physicians, nurses, and laboratory).