Which situation is an example of a protective touch that may elicit negative feelings in a client?


Abduction means to move the limb away from the median plane, or axis, of the body. In care of the client with a fractured hip, the legs and hip must be aligned in an abducted position to prevent internal rotation, reduce the risk of dislocation, and decrease pain. In a client with a fractured hip, adduction of the limb, traction, and elevation are not appropriate procedures. Adduction means to move the limbs toward the medial plane, or axis, of the body, and traction involves the process of applying a pulling force in opposite directions using weights.

Assessing the medical records and diagnostic tests

Intrapersonal analysis of the assessment findings

Documenting expected outcomes

Performing verbal, visual, auditory, and tactile health teaching activities

Identifying the factors affecting the outcomes

The first step of communication throughout the nursing process is assessment, which involves assessing medical records and diagnostic tests. The second step is nursing diagnosis, which involves the intrapersonal analysis of assessment findings. The third step is planning, which involves the documentation of expected outcomes. The fourth step is implementation, which involves performing verbal, visual, auditory, and tactile health teaching activities. The final step is evaluation, which involves identifying the factors affecting the outcomes.

"Ask your healthcare provider how and when you should be taking your medications."
"Check the name, dose, and instructions about administration of drugs each time before leaving the pharmacy."
"Inform your healthcare provider of the over-the-counter drugs, recreational drugs, and amount of alcohol you ingest."

If unsure about any information, the client should be encouraged to ask for further instructions and more information. A client needs to be proactive and should check all aspects of the prescription with the pharmacist before leaving the pharmacy. A pharmacist may have permission to substitute a generic form of the drug or may change the number of pills that deliver the prescribed dose, both of which can confuse the client (e.g., one tablet may deliver 50 milligrams of a drug and be equal to two 25-milligram tablets). Because of the risk of drug interactions associated with polypharmacy and altered age-related physiological functioning that can cause drug toxicity, the client should inform the health team about all drugs (e.g., prescription, over-the-counter, recreational), herbal preparations, and amount of alcohol ingested to ensure safety. A client should stop taking a prescribed medication only after consultation with the health care provider. Unused and expired medications should not be discarded into the toilet because they can contaminate groundwater.

Which action by the nurse is an example of a protective touch?

The nurse withdraws from a client to escape the situation. The nurse may use protective touch and withdraw from the client to escape a tension-filled situation. This type of protective touch may protect the nurse emotionally but elicit negative feelings in a client.

What is protective touch?

Description. Protective Touch is a Technique that casts a defensive buff for the Spirit Awakening Skill Bonus Damage duration.

Which is an example of independent thinking in nursing practice quizlet?

What is an example of the critical thinking attitude of independent thinking in nursing practice? R: Nurses talking to each other and sharing ideas about nursing interventions reflects independent thinking. Responsibility and authority require referring to a policy and procedure manual for reviewing steps of a skill.

What are the best ways for a nurse to be protected legally select all that apply?

What are the best ways for a nurse to be protected legally? (Select all that apply.) Ensure that a therapeutic relationship with all clients has been established. Provide care within the parameters of the state's nurse practice act. Carry at least $100,000 worth of liability insurance.


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