Which source of formal power is negatively related to employee satisfaction and commitment?

Power and Politics are described as....

refers to a capacity that A has to influence the behavior of B so B acts in accordance with A's wishes.

B's relationship to A when A possesses something that B requires.

Power requires dependence and does not require....

goal compatibility and dependence.

>Requires dependence & goal compatibility >Focuses on the downward influence on followers >Minimizes the importance of lateral & upward     influence patterns > Leadership research emphasizes style >Seeks answers to questions for..     "How supportive   should leaders be?"...     "How much decision making should be shared           with followers?"                    

>Requires only dependence, NOT goal compatibility >Focuses on tactics for compliance >Goes beyond the individual as the exerciser of power because groups as well as individuals can use power to control other individuals or groups

What are the 5 bases of Power?

    1. Coercive Power
    2. Reward Power
    3. Legitimate Power
    4. Expert Power
    5. Referent Power

*formal power
A power base that is dependent on fear of the negative results from failing to comply.

*formal power
opposite of Coercive Power
Compliance achieved based on the ability to distribute rewards that others view as valuable.

*formal power
The power a person receives as a result of his or her position in the formal hierarchy of an organization.

*personal power
Influence based on special skills or knowledge.

*personal power
Influence based on identification with a person who has desirable resources or personal traits.
--if I like, respect and admire you, you can exercise power over me because I want to please you.
--develops out of admiration of another and desire to be like that person.

What are the 3 Formal Powers?

based on an individual's position in an organization:
1. Coercive Power 2. Reward Power 3. Legitimate Power

What are the 2 Personal Powers?

Comes from an individual's unique characteristics.
There are 2 bases of personal power: 1)expertise and 2) respect and admiration of others.
1. Expert Power 2. Referent Power

Which bases of power are most effective?

Personal sources of power are most effective:
1) Expert Power 2) Referent Power
*** both powers are related positively to employee's satisfaction with supervision,their organizational commitment, and their performance, where as reward and legitimate power are unrelated to these outcomes.

Which source of power can backfire in that it is "negatively" related to employee satisfaction and commitment?

Coercive Power (a formal power)

What is the "key" (the most important aspect) to power?

The General Dependence Postulate....

The greater B's dependence on A,the more power A has over B.
When you possess anything others require that you alone control, you make them dependent on you, and therefore you gain power over them.

How can you achieve putting less power over yourself from the hands of others?

by expanding more of your own options.

Dependence increases when the resource you control is:
1) important 2) scarce 3) nonsubstituable

If nobody wants what you have, it's not going to create dependence. 

We see the scarcity-dependence relationship in the power of occupational categories. Where the supply of labor is low relative to demand, workers can negotiate compensation and benefits packages than can those in occupations with an abundance of candidates.

The fewer viable substitutes for a resource, the more power control that resource provides.......hence, creates dependence.

Ways in which individuals translate power bases into specific actions.

What are the 9 distinct influence tactics


Influence Tactic
Using warnings, repeated demands, and threats.

Influence Tactic
Presenting logical arguments and factual evidence to demonstrate a request is reasonable

Influence Tactic
Developing emotional commitment by appealing to a targets values, needs, hopes, and aspirations.

Influence Tactic
Increasing the targets support by involving him or her in deciding how you will accomplish your plan.

Influence Tactic
Rewarding the target with benefits or favors in exchange for following request.

Influence Tactic
Enlisting the aid or support of others to persuade the target to agree.

Influence Tactic
Relying on your authority position or saying a request accords with the organizational policies and rules.

Influence Tactic
Using flattery, praise,or friendly behavior prior to making a request.

Influence Tactic
Asking for compliance based on friendship or loyalty.

When the audience is highly interested in the outcomes of a decision process which influence tactics tend to be the most effective?

*Rational Persuasion
*Inspirational Appeals

Which influence tactic tends to backfire and is typically the least effective of the nine tactics.

How can you increase your chances of success when using influence tactics?

by using 2 or more tactics together or sequentially, as long as your choices are compatible.

What are the 3 categories of Influence Direction used with Preferred Power Tactics?

1)Upward Influence 2) Downward Influence 3) Lateral Influence

Which tactic is the ONLY tactic effective across organizational levels?

Which tactic works best as a downward influencing tactic with subordinates?

When _______ tactic works, it's generally "downward only."

_______and _______ are most effective as lateral influence.

Personal Appeals Coalitions

Name 3 other factors that affect the effectiveness of influence...

1) the sequencing of tactics
2) a persons skill in using the             tactic.
3) the organizational culture

You are more likely to be effective if you begin with "_________" tactics that rely on ____________ power.

Softer tactics include.....

1) Personal Appeals2) Inspirational Appeals 3) Rational Persuasion 4) Consultation

If the softer tactics fail, you can move to "__________" tactics.

Harder tactics emphasize _______ power and incur greater _______ and ________.

Harder tactics include......

1) exchange 2) coalitions 3) pressure
**these emphasize formal power and incur greater costs and risks.

A single soft tactic is ( more / less )effective than a single hard tactic.

What 2 combinations of the tactics and influences are MORE effective than any single tactic or combination of hard tactics?

1) combining 2 soft tactics
2) soft tactic and rational               persuasion

List 4 traits of the people who are likely to comply with soft power tactics.

1) tend to be more reflective 2) intrinsically motivated 3) have high self esteem 4) have greater desire for control

List 3 traits of the people who are likely to comply with hard power tactics.

1)action-oriented 2) extrinsically motivated
3) focused on getting along with others more than on getting their own way.

The ability to influence others in such a way as to enhance one's objectives.

How does power affect people?

1) leads people to place their own interest ahead of others. 2) they focus on their self-interest 3) liberates people to focus inward 4) place greater weight on their own goals and interests. 5) leads people to objectify others (to see them for tools to obtain their instrumental goals) 6) to value relationships with people of less power 7) to see relationships as more peripheral

any unwanted activity of a sexual nature that affects and individuals employment and creates a hostile environment.

Ways managers can protect themselves and their employees from sexual harassment....

1) make sure an active policy defines what constitutes sexual harassment: inform empl. they will be fired and establish proc. for making complaints 2) Reassure employees they wont encounter retaliation if a complaint is filed. 3) Investigate every complaint & inform legal/Hr 4) make sure offenders are disciplined or terminated 5) Set up in-house seminars to raise employee awareness of sexual harassment issues.

Activities that are not required as part of a persons formal role in the organization but that influences, or attempt to influence, the distribution of advantages and disadvantages within the organization.

Reactive and protective behaviors to avoid action, blame or change.

List 5 "defensive behaviors" using "avoiding Action"......

  • Overconforming
  • Buckpassing
  • Playing dumb
  • Stretching
  • Stalling

List 5 "defensive behaviors" using "avoiding Blame"......

  • Buffing
  • Playing safe
  • Justifying
  • Scapegoating
  • Misrepresenting

List 2 "defensive behaviors" using "avoiding Change"......

  • Prevention
  • Self protection

Impression Management (IM)

The process by which individuals attempt to control the impression others form of them.

List 8 Impression Management (IM) Techniques...

*Conformity *Favors

Which of the following power is most likely to be negatively related to employee satisfaction and?

The correct answer is D) coercive power Though with the help of different powers available to the employees and leaders of the organization, coercive power is negatively related to employee satisfaction in the firm.

Which bases of power are positively related to employee satisfaction and commitment?

Referent power is more effective than formal power bases and is positively related to employees' satisfaction with supervision, organizational commitment, and performance. One of the keys to these recommendations is to engage in them in a genuine manner.

What are the three types of formal power?

Formal Power Sources.
Coercive Power. You use coercive power when you threaten that people will be punished in order to gain compliance, such as threatening that they will be fired or demoted unless they hit their objectives. ... .
Reward Power. ... .
Legitimate Power..

What is the source of formal power?

Formal power is based on an individual's position in an organization. Formal power can come from the ability to coerce or reward, from formal authority, or the control of information. The formal power is based on rank—for example, the fire chief or the captain.


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