Which specific and measurable strategic aspect serves as the basis for implementation decisions?

A project manager must form a cross-departmental team to implement a new program. Which steps should be taken first to ensure that the project is completed on time and in scope?

Measure performance, communicate roadblocks, reset project schedule, and request additional support.
Select team members, review qualifications, gain corporate support, and evaluate performance to date.
Define tasks, communicate expectations, assign tasks, and monitor progress.
Gain stakeholder support, secure project funding, develop use case analysis, and communicate results.

What are the 3 most important aspects of strategic management?

Strategic management has three major elements, which include strategic analysis, strategic choice, and strategy implementation.

What are 4 important aspects of strategy?

Read ahead to learn more about the six vital elements of strategic planning: vision, mission, objectives, strategy, approach, and tactics..
Define your vision..
Create your mission. ... .
Set your objectives. ... .
Develop your strategy. ... .
Outline your approach. ... .
Get down to tactics..

What is strategic implementation process?

Strategic implementation refers to the process of executing plans and strategies. These processes aim to achieve long-term goals within an organization. Strategic implementation, in other words, is a technique through which a firm develops. It utilizes and integrates new processes into the structure of an organization.

What are the 4 strategic process?

The four phases of strategic management are formulation, implementation, evaluation and modification.