Which statement best describes the effects of the works of copernicus, galileo, and isaac newton?

The Kirghiz with whom we stopped was very well off. . . . After some tea our host asked me, "Where is the Ak Padsha now, the White Tsar Nikolai?"
"He and all his family, the Tsaritsa, their daughters and son, have been killed by the Bolsheviks," I answered.
The old man gave a deep sigh . . ."And you . . . Are you one of the men of the regime of Nikolai?"
"Yes, of course," I replied. "I detest and despise the Bolsheviks."
The old man . . . began to blink and a tear rolled down his cheek, while the rest of the family sobbed . . .
I was deeply touched by the scene. On this remote frontier of the Empire, . . . a family of nomad herdsmen was weeping for the tragic death of their White Pasha, as the Tsar was known.

In which period of time did this scene take place?

1. during the Napoleonic Wars

2. after Mao Zedong came to power

3. after the Russian Revolution

4. during World War II

What did Francis Bacon Galileo and Isaac Newton believe knowledge should be based on?

anything that might cause a similar suspicion toward me.” 13. 2 Francis Bacon, Galileo, and Isaac Newton promoted the idea that knowledge should be based on 1. the experiences of past civilizations 2.

What was one similarity in the work of many scientists and philosophers?

examined natural laws governing the universe.

What is one similarity of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment is that both?

The SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION had a great influence on the Enlightenment ideas of NATURAL LAW and REASON. The SCIENTIFIC REVOLUTION and the Enlightenment were similar is that they encouraged the SPREAD OF NEW IDEAS.

What did the majority of Enlightenment philosophers in Europe support in their writings that later encouraged political revolutions?

Writers of the Enlightenment were primarily interested in: Changing the relationship between people and their government = moving from an absolute monarchy to a democracy. Supporting the divine right theory. Debating the role of the Roman Catholic Church in society.


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