Which statement best describes the United States economic history during the period 1865 1900?

In 1865, following the Civil War, southern state legislatures began enacting Black Codes to restrict freedmen's rights and maintain the plantation system. The Republican-controlled Congress responded to these measures by passing the three great postwar constitutional amendments (Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth) that abolished slavery, guaranteed the newly freed blacks equal protection of the laws, and gave all male American citizens the right to vote regardless of their "race, color, or previous condition of servitude."

As Reconstruction came to an end in 1877, the concept of equal rights collapsed in the wake of legislative and judicial actions. The Civil Rights Cases of 1883 greatly limited the rights of blacks and strengthened Jim Crow laws in the South. In Plessy v.Ferguson,the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the concept of separate but equal public facilities, thus ensuring racial segregation and discrimination, especially in education. Whites would use this concept to keep African Americans, as well as other minorities, in separate and unequal facilities.

The passage of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments was partly responsible for a rising focus of women's rights activists on the right to vote. Asian, Irish and other immigrant Americans were also restricted from public life, isolated in segregated schools, and discriminated against in regard to employment and housing. They also suffered under bans on racial intermarriage and limitations on real property ownership. Unlike blacks, the Chinese were excluded from immigration after 1882, while many other Asians were limited in the numbers that could legally immigrate, and none were allowed to become citizens. Americans Indians fought the tide of frontier and westward expansion and broken treaty obligations.

The last decades of the nineteenth century were a time when vast and dramatic changes took place throughout America, many of them as a consequence of the Civil War. Urbanization, industrialization, immigration, the ferment of populism and labor struggles, the expansion of education, the settlement of the West and the end of the frontier, and the emergence of women's professions created a more diversified and complicated setting for the equal rights struggle.

*Some content used with permission from Eastern National's Guidebook to The American Civil Rights Experience.

  • School Dr. Phillips High
  • Course Title ENGLISH 1001420
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  • Uploaded By smilinemedee
  • Pages 175
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151.Which term best describes United States economic policy during the eraof the rise of big business (1865-1900)?A.Laissez-faire capitalismB.MercantilismC.MarxismD.Welfare-state capitalismAnswer: (A)Laissez-faire capitalismExplanation:Laissez-faire capitalism economics helped the United Statesindustrialize. Supporters of laissez-faire believe that government should notinterfere in the economy other than to protect property rights and maintain peace.They believe that government regulation of the economy increases costs andeventually hurts society more than it helps. The United States practiced a mixture oflaissez-faire economics by keeping taxes low while promoting private investment.The government also built transportation networks that supported economic growth.152.From 1865 to 1900, how did the growth of industry affect Americansociety?A.The United States experienced the disappearance of the traditional values.B.Population centers shifted from the Northeast to the SouthC.Restrictions on immigration created a more homogeneous culture.D.The percentage of Americans living in urban areas increased.Answer: (D)The percentage of Americans living in urban areas increased.Explanation:The urban population of the United States exploded after 1865. NewYork City, which had more than 800,000 inhabitants in 1860, grew to almost 3.5million by 1900. During the same period, Chicago swelled from some 109,000residents to more than 1.6 million. The United States had only 131 cities withpopulations of 2,500 or more residents in 1840. By1900, the percentage of Americansliving in urban areas increased as there were more than 1,700 such urban areas.

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Which statement best describes the United States economic history during the period 1865 1900?

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UnitedHistoryEOC Study ReviewMr. Stackpole83UnitedHistoryHonors153.Many wealthy American industrialists of the late 19th century used thetheory of Social Darwinism toA. support the labor union movement.B.justify monopolistic actions.C.encourage charitable organizations to help the poor.D.promote legislation establishing a minimum wage.Answer: (B)justify monopolistic actions.Explanation:Another powerful idea of the era was Social Darwinism. Thisphilosophy, loosely derived from Charles Darwin’s theories, strongly reinforced theidea of “survival of the fittest.”Some industrial leaders used Social Darwinism tojustify their support of laissez-faire capitalism. This economic doctrine opposed anygovernment programs that interfered with business.

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Civil War, American Civil War, Southern United States, EOC Study Review, History EOC Study

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Which statement best describes the United States economic history during the period 1865 1900?

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How did the US economy change during the late 1800s and early 1900s?

The U.S. economy grew rapidly after the Civil War, fueled by an astounding rise in wealth, wages, production, and corporate mergers, along with limited government regulation. The volume of stocks traded rose sharply with corporations' need for investment capital and the development of new technologies.

Why did the US economy grow so rapidly from 1865 to 1900?

Overview In the decades following the Civil War, the United States emerged as an industrial giant. The American West, 1865-1900 The completion of the railroads to the West following the Civil War opened up vast areas of the region to settlement and economic development.

How did the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century affect the US economy?

The Industrial Revolution shifted from an agrarian economy to a manufacturing economy where products were no longer made solely by hand but by machines. This led to increased production and efficiency, lower prices, more goods, improved wages, and migration from rural areas to urban areas.

What event happened in the 19th century that changed the economy?

The Industrial Revolution transformed economies that had been based on agriculture and handicrafts into economies based on large-scale industry, mechanized manufacturing, and the factory system.