Which statement indicates that the emt has an accurate understanding of the bronchioles?

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Which statement indicates that the emt has an accurate understanding of the bronchioles?

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Which statement indicates that the emt has an accurate understanding of the bronchioles?

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Which statement indicates that the emt has an accurate understanding of the bronchioles?

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Which one of the following statements indicates that the EMT has a correct understanding of the use of oxygen in the prehospital setting?

Which of these statements indicates that the EMT has a correct understanding of the use of oxygen in the prehospital setting? "Oxygen should never, ever be withheld from a patient whom you think may need it."

Which one of the following statements made by an EMT shows he understands the use of the pocket mask?

Which one of the following statements made by an EMT shows he understands the use of the pocket mask? "In comparison to the bag-valve mask, the pocket mask can deliver a just as good, if not better, tidal volume."

What structure lies between the trachea and bronchi?

The trachea is a midline structure and lies just anterior the esophagus. After it originates from the larynx, the trachea divides into the left and right mainstem bronchi. This junction point is called the carina.

What is the basic function of the respiratory system quizlet EMT?

The primary function of the respiratory system is to supply the blood with oxygen in order for the blood to deliver oxygen to all parts of the body. The respiratory system does this through breathing. When we breathe, we inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.