Which statement is accurate regarding decisions related to the global compensation strategy?

What method is used by Colgate-Palmolive to prepare junior employees for top-level global management positions?

What is the most common reason given for absenteeism among Mexican workers?

According to a study by Steers, Koreans' hard work was most attributable to ________.

According to Hofstede, the critical fact to grasp about leadership in any culture is that it primarily depends upon the _________.

Values and attitudes of subordinates

Which staffing approach has the broadest geographical pool from which to recruit?

According to research, most US firms fail to include _______ in their assessment of potential candidates for international assignments.

Historically, personnel directors select potential expatriates on the basis of a candidate's _________.

A state of disorientation and anxiety that results from not knowing how to behave in an unfamiliar culture is called _____.

Hsi-An Shih's study of MNE's in five different countries found that performance appraisal feedback was provided in a one-way format by managers in ________.

Sears has > 900 stores in the US and > 300 stores in Mexico and Canada. It has been particularly successful in Mexico, and the firm's execs believe it should expand into other Latin Am countries. As a result, plans are underway for the construction of a new store in Managua, Nicaragua. Construction should be complete within 3 months, so staff selection needs to begin soon. Execs are considering the idea of using PCNs to manage the new store. What is least relevant to the decision?

What form of sales promotions would be used by Sears in Nicaragua to attract new customers?

Which is NOT one of the 4 personal development strategies through which companies and managers can meet the requirements of effective global leadership?
a. travel
b. teamwork
c. training
d. technology

According to US expatriates, Mexican workers primarily need more _______ than US workers.

What is primarily emphasized by Russian managers due to the country's stage of economic development?

Local managers are hired to fill key positions in their own company under the _______ staffing approach.

Blackmoor Ind is an US firm that manufactures auto parts. It has 2 manu facilities in the US and 1 in a foreign country. Its global managers have had difficulty motivating employees to meet deadlines and production quotas. Which undermines the argument that its global managers should use merit-based rewards?
a. Foreign facility is in Taiwan
b. Foreign facility is in Mexico
c. Foreign facility is in Canada
d. Foreign facility is in Denmark.

Blackmoor's foreign facility is located in Taiwan

When implementing work teams in Mexico, managers will most likely benefit from _________.

providing adequate training

What factor will most likely improve the integration of expatriate staff with local staff?

teaching locals about market economy

According to "Best Int'l HRM Practices Project," what country places a heavy emphasis on a person's potential and little emphasis on experience?

A visionary leader who inspires subordinates and is performance-oriented would best be described as ______.

All are most likely components of an expatriate's total compensation package EXCEPT:
a. health insurance
b. housing allowance
c. relocation expenses
d. performance based pay

The term ______ is increasingly replacing the term _______ due to the global staffing approach.

transpatriate, expatriate

Which of the following does NOT accurately characterize workers in the Mexican culture?
a. Rank high on collectivism
b. Rank high on power distance
c. Rank low on individualism
d. Rank low on uncertainty avoidance

They rank low on uncertainty avoidance

The extent to which leaders delegate authority is highest in what country?

What term refers to employees who work and live in a foreign country but remain citizens of the country where the employing organization is headquartered?

What nation ranked highest in work centrality according to the Meaning of Work research study?

What is the LEAST critical area of expatriate preparation?
a. cultural training
b. language instruction
c. repatriation procedures
d. familiarity with everyday matters

In the ________ staffing approach, the best managers are recruited from within or outside of the company, regardless of nationality.

Hsi-An Shih's study of MNE's in 5 countries found that goals were set by individual employees and finalized by host-country managers in all countries but:
a. Netherlands
b. South Korea
c. Japan
d. USA

According to the GLOBE project, what country has the highest regard for self-protective leaders?
a. Egypt
b. Canada
c. Ireland
d. Denmark

What is a typical value in Mexican business culture?
a. initiative
b. self-leadership
c. resistance to change
d. bottom-up decision making

Ideally, the _______ of the firm should dictate the organizational structure and staffing needs of the firm.

All are HRM changes being made by many Japanese firms to help them compete in a global economy EXCEPT:
a. requiring workers to compete for jobs
b. placing more emphasis on lifetime employment
c. basing pay on performance rather than seniority
d. requiring workers to make retirement fund decisions

placing more emphasis on lifetime employment

According to the Meaning of Work research study, what is the most important motivation for working in all countries?

Which is considered the most important personal development strategy for effective global leaders?
a. formal training seminars
b. overseas assignments
c. virtual global teams
d. travel expenses

Which has the most significant effect on the status of leaders in France?
a. industry of the firm
b. wealth accumulated
c. educational institutions attended
d. political involvement and success

educational institutions attended

Which of the following has been the LEAST effective way for Starbucks to motivate its Beijing managers?
a. giving managers many opportunities to learn
b. compensating managers better than other firms do
c. providing managers with a good working environment
d. offering managers opportunities to exercise initiative and authority

compensating managers better than other firms do

Which of the following is used by many firms to reduce the overall costs of expatriate assignments?
a. extending the expatriate's tour
b. allowing expatriates more trips home
c. standardizing global compensation
d. implementing global benefits policies

extending the expatriate's tour

A global firm's success or failure is increasingly dependent upon ________, which cannot be duplicated.

In China, the plaque award "Ms. Wong- employee of the Month" was given to ________.

embarrass the worst employee

What occurs when a manager is transferred to another part of a country where there are significant cultural differences?

Employees in countries that rank low on power distance are more likely to prefer a(n) ___________ leadership style.

In order to motivate its managers and employees, Fujitsu _________.

significantly reduced manager's salaries

_____ suggests the need for job security, whereas people with _____ would probably be motivated by more risky opportunities for variety and fast-track advancement.

High uncertainty avoidance; low uncertainty avoidance

All are potential problem areas related to expatriate assignments EXCEPT:
a. inadequate cultural training
b. performance appraisal feedback
c. career needs of expatriate's spouse
d. coordination with headquarters

performance appraisal feedback

What leadership characteristic is most likely expected and admired in France and Italy?

Which staffing approach is most appropriate when a foreign subsidiary suffers from an inadequate supply of skilled local managers and close communication is needed between the subsidiary and headquarters?

When the expatriate manager and his or her family area able to function effectively in two cultures, it is known as the _____ stage.

The _____ model of leadership style has been recommended by American research studies as one more likely to have positive results with American employees.

Which is NOT one of the common factors frequently mentioned in research as a major cause of expatriate failure?
a. problems with spouse and children
b. alienation from headquarters
c. selection based on assignment needs
d. inability to adapt to local culture

selection based on assignment needs

According to the "Best Int'l HRM Practices Project," the majority of training and development practices are intended to _____.

improve employees' technical skills

Blackmoor's global managers have recently reported that they are having difficulty motivating their employees to meet various deadlines and production quotas. What supports the argument that Blackmoor's global managers should use bonuses and promotions as employee motivational tools?

Blackmoor's foreign facility is located in a masculine culture.

According to Hofstede, employees in countries that rank high on power distance are more likely to prefer a(n) _____ leadership style.

Acording to Kopp, which of the following is an IHRM problem associated with Japanese firms that use ethnocentric staffing approach?
a. high turnover among expatriates
b. low number of top level managers
c. employee repatriation difficulties
d. insufficient projection of HR needs

high turnover among expatriates

Which of the following is a context variable of global leadership?
a. degree of autonomy
b. technical knowledge
c. business environment
d. communication skills

While most Americans believe that hard work leads to success, many Hong Kong Chinese believe that _____ determines the outcome of a situation.

What is central to the Mexican culture?

What term best describes a leader delegates decision making and encourages subordinates to take responsibility?

Which is increasingly influencing changes in the role, environment, and management style of global leaders?
a. travel
b. training
c. transfers
d. technology

Which staffing approach will most likely be effective when implementing a global strategy of "acting local?"

Which is NOT one of the typical characteristics of a successful leader with a global mindset?
a. flexibility
b. personal autonomy
c. emotional strength
d. narrow perspective

Which is the most likely reason that Japanese expatriates are successful?
a. Executives are generally posted for a longer time, allowing them more time to adjust
b. Companies provide better training and support from headquarters
c. Executives are not usually accompanied by their families
d. all of the above

During which stage of a firm's globalization are the training needs of host-country nationals most likely the highest?
a. MNC
b. MDC
c. export
d. global

What refers to an approach to the compensation of expatriates that equalizes the standard of living between the host and home countries, plus compensation for inconvenience?

A global leader's role is an interaction of which two sets of variables?

A merit-based reward system would be ineffective in Taiwan because such a system would most likely _____.

disturb workplace harmony

What is the most common staffing choice for a foreign subsidiary when proprietary technology is used extensively?
a. independent contractors
b. HCNs
c. TCNs
d. PCNs

Which is NOT one of the reasons that most MNCs shift from an ethno to poly or regiocentric approach?
a. staffing with expatriates is costly to MNCs
b. local gov'ts pressure MNCs to hire locals
c. technical competence among local managers has improved
d. using local managers enables MNCs to maintain tight strategic control

using local managers enables MNCs to maintain tight strategic control

In which country are employees most likely to be highly motivated when they feel that the firm provides them with good working conditions, fringe benefits, and training?

During the MDC stage of a firm's globalization process, management training should emphasize all EXCEPT:
a. interpersonal skills
b. technology transfer
c. global competitors
d. local culture

According to research, _____ has been the most frequently cited reason for the failure of expatriate managers who work in foreign subsidiaries of US or European companies.

inability of the spouse to adjust

The _____ dimension describes a leader who is self-centered, conflictual, and status conscious.

It has been a challenge for Starbucks in China to recruit good local managers because _____.
a. many local managers prefer to work for Chinese rather than US firms
b. many local managers are not interested in working for Western firms
c. Starbucks has a bad reputation among experienced managers in China
d. the demand for local managers by foreign companies exceeds the supply

the demand for local managers by foreign companies exceeds the supply

Which of the following traits and behaviors is universally considered beneficial to leaders?
a. visionary
b. risk-taker
c. autonomous
d. malevolent

Which is NOT one of the primary reasons that leading an e-business differs from leading a traditional business?
a. need to develop a vision of the future to overcome resistance
b. speed that decisions must be made due to the Internet
c. high number of global and domestic employees
d. importance of flexibility and experimentation

high number of global and domestic employees

Which international staffing approach is more likely to be effective when implementing a multinational strategy?

People in highly individualistic countries, such as the US, are more likely to be motivated by _____.
a. opportunities for personal advancement
b. relationships with co-workers
c. collective rewards
d. skills training

opportunities for personal advancement

The _____ management style works best in Mexico.
a. democratic
b. authoritative
c. consensus
d. rational

A survey of 200 chief executives in France, Germany, and the UK concluded that _____.

French leaders like to make decisions unilterally

In which of the following countries would a chief financial officer most likely earn the largest salary?
a. Thailand
b. Malaysia
c. India
d. China

All are major causes of expatriate failure EXCEPT _____.
a. selection based on headquarters' criteria
b. host government intervention
c. insufficient compensation
d. inadequate training

host government intervention

Employees' motivational needs are primarily determined by their _____.

What refers to the ability to recognize global market opportunities for a company and having a vision of doing business worldwide?

What two sets of needs are identified in the Herzberg model?
a. needs and wants
b. interests and needs
c. motivators and societal factors
d. motivators and maintenance factors

motivators and maintenance factors

The leadership style of most French managers is best described as _____.

Workers in a large power distance society like India are more likely to prefer _____.
a. managers that consult with subordinates about major decisions
b. clear distinctions between managers and subordinates
c. leaders that exhibit a democratic style of authority
d. leaders that are consultative and participative

clear distinctions between managers and subordinates

According to surveys, what is the primary problem for foreign firms with businesses in China and SE Asia?
a. lack of skilled local managers
b. monetary cost of trade restrictions
c. lack of modern infrastructure
d. misunderstandings with locals

lack of skilled local managers

According to research, which is NOT a category of success for expatriate managers?
a. job factors
b. country factors
c. cultural empathy
d. family situation

All are disadvantages of an ethnocentric staffing approach EXCEPT _____.
a. fewer opportunities for local staff's advancement
b. poor adaptation of expatriates in foreign countries
c. lack of managerial effectiveness of parent-country nationals
d. time spent training expatriates on the firm's policies and technologies

time spent training expatriates on the firm's policies and technologies

While American companies tend to stress individual goals, achievement, and rewards, Japanese companies tend to stress _____ goals.

The direct cost alone of a failed expatriate assignment is estimated to be _____.
a. $50,000- $75,000
b. $100,000- $150,000
c. $200,000- $1.2 million
d. $1.5 million- $3.0 million

In what culture would a merit-based reward system most likely be effective?

Training during the export stage of globalization will most likely focus on _____.
a. parent-country products
b. global conduct policies
c. product and service systems
d. production and service procedures

Which, if true, undermines the argument that PCNs should mange the Sears store in Nicaragua?
a. Sears is implementing a multinational strategy of global expansion
b. Decision-making authority stems primarily from Sears' top executives
c. Managers must stay in close communication with Sears' headquarters
d. Sears' HR department recently developed new repatriation policies

Sears is implementing a multinational strategy of global expansion

Which, if true, is a general statement about Mexican culture?
a. scheduling and time management are primary concerns
b. harmony in the workplace is extremely important
c. workers expect leaders to share decision making
d. business takes priority over family and friends

harmony in the workplace is extremely important

According to surveys of SME managers, what is the top training priority for e-business development?
a. addressing security and privacy concerns
b. understanding electronic payment methods
c. understanding mobile commerce
d. devising a sustainable revenue model

addressing security and privacy concerns

What is a leadership style and behavior that is culturally contingent?
a. encouraging
b. participative
c. effective bargainer
d. skilled communicator

Which is a content variable of global leadership?
a. community relations
b. cultural adaptability
c. physical location
d. local resources

According to research, which is most highly valued by Islamics?
a. work
b. wealth
c. friendship
d. societal needs

Low power distance suggests that people are more motivated by _____.
a. pressure from supervisors
b. flexible roles
c. teamwork
d. variety

The degree of general importance that working has in the life of an individual is called _____.

Which is most likely a characteristic of the irritation and hostility stage of culture shock?
a. hyperactivity
b. disorientation
c. social anxiety
d. memory loss

Chinese recruits at Starbucks have stated that they are primarily interested in _____.
a. leaving China and living permanently in the US
b. training and career opportunities at global firms
c. earning high salaries and competitive benefits
d. working for high-tech global firms

training and career opportunities at global firms

Employers in Anglo countries believe that _____ are the most important selection criteria.
Answer with the letter only
a. education level, job interview, & global experience
b. seniority level, technical skills, & interpersonal skills
c. employment test, work experience, & education level
d. job interview, technical skills, & work experience

Which is NOT one of the typical roles managers must juggle during international assignments?
a. family member
b. local firm manager
c. parent firm representative
d. local culture representative

local culture representative

Which is the most appropriate staffing choice when a high level of technical capability is required and close control is desired?
a. PCNs
b. HCNs
c. independent contractors
d. TCNs

Recruiting managers from Latin America for a position in Brazil is an example of which staffing approach?

Which will most likely hinder the integration of expatriate staff with local staff?
a. exhibiting deep financial knowledge
b. delegating a small number of responsibilities
c. transferring business and technical knowledge
d. having previous assignments in the same region

delegating a small number of responsibilities

In the Middle East, leaders are expected to _____.
a. show a highly democratic tone
b. work with teams of subordinates
c. provide few management directives
d. make all decisions without any questions

make all decisions without any questions

All are training techniques classified by Tung, EXCEPT _____.
a. sensitivity training
b. host-family surrogates
c. field experiences
d. cultural assimilators

Which best explains why China has a surplus of entry-level managers but few upper-level managers?
a. Chinese culture holds that women should not work in business
b. Government limits the age at which people can work
c. Many Chinese attended college in the US and never returned
d. Most Chinese prefer to attend trade school rather than college

Many Chinese attended college in the US and never returned

Which is most likely an advantage of the polycentric approach? (Letter only)
a. home-country managers gain valuable overseas management experience
b. coordination between the subsidiary and the parent company is simplified
c. managers are familiar with local customs, languages, and business practices
d. firms save time because managers are fully knowledgeable about practices and procedures

Which is NOT a leadership style that is universally considered an impediment to leadership effectiveness?
a. ruthless
b. egocentric
c. uncooperative
d. self-protective

Leaders with global business savvy are LEAST likely to exhibit a strong understanding of _____.
a. HR procedures
b. a firm's resources
c. subsidiary product lines
d. local subsidiary operations

Which culture views the terms leader and manager negatively?
a. Arabs
b. Dutch
c. Mexicans
d. Iranians

Fred, an American, works as a manage at his firm's headquarters in New York. He recently learned that he has been assigned to manage the firm's subsidiary office in Tokyo and that he will be relocating to Japan within the next six weeks. This is an example of the _____ staffing approach.

According to Laurent, managers in Sweden, Denmark, and Great Britain believe that employers prefer which style of leadership?
a. autocratic
b. charismatic
c. participative
d. autonomous

Which is NOT one of the typical reward categories in American culture?
a. job content
b. relationships
c. financial
d. social status

Based on the Meaning of Work research study, which is a true statement? (Letter only)
a. Japanese value status and prestige almost as much as they value their income
b. Arabs do not take work seriously and enjoy frequent social breaks in the workday
c. Israelis derive a higher level of interest and satisfaction from work than Germans do
d. The British regard work as the top priority in their lives and work long hours as a result.

Workers in more feminine cultures, such as _____, are more likely to be motivated by positive relationships with their managers and co-workers.
a. Singapore
b. Japan
c. Sweden
d. Mexico

Unlike most Japanese firms, Matsushita selects staff for its overseas operations based on all of the following criteria EXCEPT _____.
a. years with the firm
b. language facility
c. motivational abilities
d. international adaptability

Which is a true statement regarding a common leadership style in the EU? (Letter)
a. a common leadership style already exists among EU members
b. it is unlikely that a common leadership style will develop in the EU
c. EU members agree that a common leadership style is desirable for competition
d. a common leadership style in the EU does not exist but is likely to occur because of e-business

Laurent concluded that _____ significantly affects the perception of what is effective management.
a. an organization's size
b. organizational structure
c. subordinates' needs
d. national origin

What refers to the critical factors necessary for successful leadership overseas?
a. globalism
b. global mindset
c. cultural savvy
d. cultural quotient

According to surveys, which country is considered the most challenging expatriate assignment?
a. China
b. Mexico
c. South Korea
d. Saudi Arabia

According to research, which has the highest value to Islamics? (Letter)
a. the value of work is derived from the accompanying intention rather than its results
b. any man who works is more likely to get ahead in life
c. one should carry work out to the best of one's ability
d. more leisure time is good for society

The concept of "keeping the expatriate whole" in terms of compensation most likely means ensuring that the expatriate's _____. (Letter)
a. family is prepared for the overseas assignment
b. health insurance coverage is globally accepted
c. foreign and domestic taxes are paid in a timely manner
d. standard of living equates to colleagues at home plus additional costs

According to the "Best Int'l HRM Practices Project," which is a skill sought universally in the selection process? (Letter)
a. communicating clearly
b. getting along with others
c. exhibiting technical capability
d. having appropriate experience

Managerial training in _____ is becoming increasingly important among firms in emerging markets as a way to capitalize on new strategic opportunities. (Letter)
a. e-business development
b. HR management policies
c. cultural adaptation
d. accounting practices

All are advantages of using third-country nationals to manage foreign subsidiaries EXCEPT _____. (Letter)
a. having personal connections with local suppliers and distributors
b. reducing resentment between headquarters and locals
c. exhibiting cultural flexibility and adaptability
d. saving firms money in salary and benefits

Which staffing approach will most likely produce a specific mix of PCNs, HCNs, and TCNs?

Which term best describes a team-oriented leader?
a. charismatic
b. diplomatic
c. egocentric
d. compassionate

According to the "Best Int'l HRM Practices Project," the most important selection tool in Korea is _____, but in Taiwan it is _____. (Letter)
a. an employment test; the job interview
b. technical skill; work experience
c. work experience; technical skill
d. the job interview; an employment test

Which is one of the tenets of the Toyota Way? (Letter)
a. exclusive decision-making by top management
b. mutual ownership of problems and solutions
c. concealment of problems and difficulties
d. emphasis on individual achievement

Which is NOT a leadership style and behavior that was found to be culturally contingent?
a. charismatic
b. participative
c. autonomous
d. trustworthy

In the Chinese culture, which one of Maslow's needs is probably the most important?
a. self-actualization
b. belonging
c. esteem
d. safety

In Michailova's study, Russian employees were more motivated by the _____ of their Russian managers than by attempts of empowerment by Western managers.
a. authoritarianism
b. patriarchy
c. autonomy
d. pluralism

What is the primary concern of Western managers in China according to a study by Bjorkman and Lu?
a. competing with Chinese firms
b. handling nepotism issues
c. compensating expatriates
d. compensating HCNs

According to Tye and Chen, which is the greatest predictive value of expatriate success?
a. gender
b. social skills
c. international experiences
d. domestic work experience

The most likely underlying purpose of leadership is to help employees _____. (Letter)
a. earn annual promotions and raises
b. work independently and with others
c. maximize their highest potential at work
d. feel satisfied about their job performance

Most MNCs start their operations in a particular region using a(n) _____ staffing approach and then move to a _____ or _____ staffing approach.

ethnocentric; polycentric; regiocentric

Effective _____ leadership involves the ability to inspire and influence the thinking, attitudes, and behavior of people anywhere in the world.
a. global
b. domestic
c. polycentric
d. ethnocentric

Which best supports that parent-country nationals should manage the Sears in Nicaragua? (Letter)
a. encourages employees to participate in community outreach programs
b. computerized testing for employee recruitment is only available in English
c. wants to maintain close control of the Nicaragua store for at least 3 years
d. managers in Nicaragua will choose what items to stock based on local customs

In Taiwan, the most highly sought reward is _____. (Letter)
a. wages
b. job security
c. admiration from peers
d. recognition from managers

_____ suggests that most people would be more comfortable with the traditional division of work and roles; in a _____ culture, the boundaries could be looser, motivating people through more flexible roles and work networks. (Letter)
a. high masculinity; more feminine
b. high femininity; more masculine
c. high uncertainty avoidance; low uncertainty avoidance
d. low uncertainty avoidance; high uncertainty avoidance

For most people, the basic meaning of work refers to _____.
a. self-fulfillment
b. networking
c. group membership
d. economic necessity

Expatriates from which nation seem to have the highest probability of success in their overseas assignment?
a. US
b. Great Britain
c. Italy
d. Japan

Firms with successful operations in emerging markets most likely attract and retain talent by offering all of the following EXCEPT _____. (Letter)
a. a global name brand
b. global policies and procedures
c. career development opportunities
d. an organizational culture of openness

Which of the following statements best describes a multinational company?

Which of the following statements best describes a multinational company? An organization that builds facilities in a number of different countries in an effort to minimize production and distribution costs.

Which statement best describes a difference of giving performance feedback outside the United States quizlet?

Which statement best describes a difference of giving performance feedback outside the United States? EMPLOYEES IN OTHER COUNTRIES ARE LESS LIKELY TO BE COMFORTABLE WITH DIRECT STATEMENTS ABOUT THEIR PERFORMANCE.

What is the most likely reason for hiring host country nationals to fill most of a company's foreign positions?

What is the most likely reason for hiring host-country nationals to fill most of a company's foreign positions? They can easily understand the values of the local workforce.

What is the usual way in which companies first enter foreign markets group of answer choices?

Exporting is a typically the easiest way to enter an international market, and therefore most firms begin their international expansion using this model of entry. Exporting is the sale of products and services in foreign countries that are sourced from the home country.