Which term refers to having a high concern with others perceptions and adjusting ones behavior to fit the situation?

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Terms in this set (59)

____ power is granted by virtue of one's position in the organization.
a. Legitimate
b. Reward
c. Coercive
d. Expert
e. Referent


____ power exists when a person has the ability to punish or harm someone else.
a. Legitimate
b. Reward
c. Coercive
d. Expert
e. Referent


____ power exists when a person has valuable skills or knowledge.
a. Legitimate
b. Reward
c. Coercive
d. Expert
e. Referent


A person in the organization has the ability to given bonuses to employees as part of a corporate compensation program. This is an example of ____ power.
a. referent
b. legitimate
c. reward
d. expert
e. coercive


An up-and-coming executive who is charismatic is likely exhibiting ____ power.
a. coercive
b. emulation
c. personal
d. referent
e. legitimate


Referent power involves all of the following except
a. trust.
b. similarity.
c. acceptance.
d. promotions.
e. affection.


____ power exists when subordinates behave as the manager does and wants because they seek his or her approval.
a. Legitimate
b. Reward
c. Coercive
d. Expert
e. Referent


Referent, expert, informational, and persuasive powers all contribute to
a. psychological power.
b. personal power.
c. position power.
d. authority.
e. referent power.


The primary bases of positional power include all of the following EXCEPT
a. referent power.
b. legitimate power.
c. reward power.
d. coercive power.
e. All of these are bases of positional power.


Which of the following statements is NOT true about personal power?
a. Followers of leaders with personal power tend to be acting from choice.
b. An informal leader will have some measure of personal power.
c. Leaders with strong personal power should avoid using position power.
d. Personal power is often exercised through rational persuasion.
e. Leaders with personal power tend to exact greater loyalty from their followers than leaders with position power.


Which of the following is the most likely to have the greatest potential influence on the actions of subordinates?
a. A leader with position power
b. An informal leader
c. A leader with personal power
d. A formal leader
e. A leader with both personal and position power


Which response to influence entails endorsing the influence attempt and becoming an actively involved participant?
a. passive resistance
b. commitment
c. compliance
d. active resistance
e. loyalty


Managers may enhance their referent power by
a. choosing subordinates who have backgrounds similar to their own.
b. defending subordinates' interests.
c. engaging in role modeling.
d. treating subordinates fairly.
e. All of these.


In general, how do leaders exercise legitimate power?
a. issuing formal requests
b. maintaining credibility
c. making requests in a demanding tone
d. keeping aware of information that is relevant and that may be needed by the organization
e. keeping aware of subordinates' actions


____ power is the least desirable form of power to exercise.
a. Referent
b. Expert
c. Coercive
d. Legitimate
e. Reward


Offering incentives that are desirable to workers is an example of how to effectively use ____ power.
a. referent
b. legitimate
c. reward
d. expert
e. coercive


Each of the following reduces political behavior EXCEPT
a. formal rules and procedures.
b. open communication.
c. acting as a good role model.
d. confronting employees who act inefficiently, unethically, or irresponsibly.
e. All of these can reduce political behavior.


____ power involves the use of pleasurable consequences to influence and motivate followers.
a. Legitimate
b. Reward
c. Coercive
d. Expert
e. Referent


____ power is derived from control over access to valuable data.
a. Expert
b. Reward
c. Persuasive
d. Informational
e. Referent


____ power is derived from one's ability to convince others of something.
a. Expert
b. Reward
c. Persuasive
d. Informational
e. Referent


Which of the following is NOT a type of personal power?
a. reward
b. persuasive
c. informational
d. expert
e. referent


Which of the following terms refers to a person or group's potential to influence another person or group to do something that would otherwise not have been done?
a. strength
b. politics
c. charisma
d. coercion
e. power


Which of the following does NOT contribute to the leadership motive pattern?
a. high need for achievement
b. high need for power
c. high impulse control
d. low need for affiliation
e. all of these contribute to the leadership motive pattern


David McClelland found that the primary driver of a leader's performance was the leader's
a. lack of impulse control.
b. need for approval.
c. need for affiliation.
d. need for achievement.
e. need for power.


The desire to control, influence, or be responsible for others is called a need for
a. domination.
b. approval.
c. power.
d. achievement.
e. affiliation.


Which response to influence entails going along with what the influencer wants without becoming personally invested?
a. passive resistance
b. commitment.
c. compliance.
d. active resistance.
e. loyalty.


Which response to influence entails rejecting the influence attempt but not getting in the way of what the influencer is trying to do?
a. passive resistance
b. commitment.
c. compliance.
d. active resistance.
e. loyalty.


Which response to influence entails rejecting the influence attempt and actively trying to stop the influencer from doing what she is trying to do?
a. passive resistance
b. commitment.
c. compliance.
d. active resistance.
e. loyalty.


Which two types of power are always appropriate, but not always effective?
a. reward and coercive
b. coercive and referent
c. referent and expert
d. expert and legitimate
e. legitimate and persuasive


Which term refers to using any type of power to demean, exploit, or take advantage of someone, or influencing someone to do something they later regret?
a. abuse of power
b. coercion
c. empowerment
d. power
e. leadership


Which term refers to sharing power with employees and giving them the authority to make and implement at least some decisions?
a. abuse of power
b. coercion
c. empowerment
d. power
e. leadership


Being a(n) ________ leader is a source of power because it eliminates hidden agendas and builds trust.
a. ethical
b. virtual
c. coercive
d. strategic
e. legitimate


Making resources more scarce causes power differences across subunits to become
a. irrelevant.
b. reduced.
c. magnified.
d. efficient.
e. inefficient.


A subunit's _________ is the extent to which it influences the work of other subunits and has a critical impact on the firm's key product or service.
a. referent power
b. uncertainty
c. resource scarcity
d. centrality
e. substitutability


A subunit's power is reduced to the extent that others inside or outside of the organization can also perform its responsibilities. This reflects the subunit's
a. referent power.
b. uncertainty.
c. resource scarcity.
d. centrality.
e. substitutability.


If a subunit's work can be outsourced, that unit's power
a. decreases.
b. increases.
c. fluctuates.
d. doesn't change.
e. decreases at first, then increases over time.


Which term reflects how people translate their power to affect the behavior of others?
a. influence tactics
b. power tactics
c. need for power
d. need for control
e. image management


Of the various influence tactics, which one has been found to be the least effective?
a. exchange
b. pressure
c. coalition tactics
d. ingratiation
e. legitimating tactics


Which influence tactic entails engaging the help of others to persuade someone to do something?
a. exchange
b. pressure
c. coalition tactics
d. ingratiation
e. legitimating tactics


Which influence tactic entails offering to provide something of value now or in the future for someone's cooperation?
a. exchange
b. pressure
c. coalition tactics
d. ingratiation
e. legitimating tactics


Which influence tactic entails flattering or praising someone to put them in a good mood or to make them more likely to want to help?
a. exchange
b. pressure
c. coalition tactics
d. ingratiation
e. legitimating tactics


Which influence tactic entails enhancing one's formal authority to make a certain request by referring to rules, precedents, or official documents?
a. exchange
b. pressure
c. coalition tactics
d. ingratiation
e. legitimating tactics


Which influence tactic entails using coercion or persistent follow-up or reminders to gain influence?
a. exchange
b. pressure
c. coalition tactics
d. ingratiation
e. legitimating tactics


Which influence tactic entails enhancing one's formal authority to make a certain request by referring to rules, precedents, or official documents?
a. exchange
b. pressure
c. coalition tactics
d. ingratiation
e. legitimating tactics


Which influence tactic risks undesirable side effects such as resentment?
a. exchange
b. pressure
c. coalition tactics
d. ingratiation
e. legitimating tactics


Which influence tactic is seen as more credible when used early rather than after other influence attempts have failed?
a. exchange
b. pressure
c. coalition tactics
d. ingratiation
e. legitimating tactics


Because of its higher cost, which influence tactic do leaders typically only use after other tactics have failed?
a. exchange
b. pressure
c. coalition tactics
d. ingratiation
e. legitimating tactics


The use of humor may contribute to which influence tactic?
a. exchange
b. pressure
c. coalition tactics
d. ingratiation
e. legitimating tactics


Which influence tactic entails appealing to someone's aspirations, values, and ideals to gain her commitment, or increasing people's confidence that they can do something in order to increase motivation?
a. rational persuasion
b. consultation
c. personal appeals
d. empowerment
e. inspirational appeals


Which influence tactic entails asking someone to do something "because we're friends" or asking for a personal favor?
a. rational persuasion
b. consultation
c. personal appeals
d. empowerment
e. inspirational appeals


Which influence tactic entails using logic and facts to persuade someone?
a. rational persuasion
b. consultation
c. personal appeals
d. empowerment
e. inspirational appeals


Which influence tactic entails requesting someone's advice to solve a problem or mutually setting goals to increase a follower's commitment to the leader's decision?
a. rational persuasion
b. consultation
c. personal appeals
d. empowerment
e. inspirational appeals


Which influence tactic should be used early if you expect doubts about the validity of your request?
a. exchange
b. pressure
c. coalition tactics
d. ingratiation
e. legitimating tactics


Which of the following influence tactics is generally the most effective?
a. coalition tactics
b. consultation
c. personal appeals
d. legitimating tactics
e. ingratiation


Which term refers to the process of portraying a desired image or attitude to control the impression others form of us?
a. influence
b. politics
c. empowerment
d. impression management
e. leadership


Which term refers to having a high concern with others' perceptions and adjusting one's behavior to fit the situation?
a. political skill
b. manipulation
c. Machiavellianism
d. self-monitoring
e. vanity


Which of the following is NOT a "tell" that someone is using impression management?
a. allowing greater periods of silence during the conversation
b. looking away rather than at the person being spoken to
c. leg fidgeting
d. more frequent blinking
e. more hand gesturing


Which of the following increases the incidence of political behaviors?
a. complexity
b. ambiguous roles and goals
c. centralization
d. scarce resources
e. all of these


What term refers to making informal or formal appeals to organizational superiors for intervention?
a. downward appeal
b. upward appeal
c. inspirational appeal
d. managerial appeal
e. coalition formation


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