Which term would the nurse use to describe the first fetal movements that a pregnant client feels 1 lightening 2 quickening 3 engagement 4 Ballottement?

Presumptive, probable, positive pregnancy signs quiz for maternity nursing students!

There are three different categories of pregnancy signs you need to know for exams. These categories include presumptive, probable, and positive pregnancy signs. For maternity exams, be sure you can differentiate the signs that go in each category.

In addition, this quiz will test you on the classic signs and terms of pregnancy, such as Hegar’s Sign, Chadwick’s Sign, Goodell’s Sign, ballottement, and quickening.

Don’t forget to watch the lecture on signs of pregnancy before taking the quiz.

Which term would the nurse use to describe the first fetal movements that a pregnant client feels 1 lightening 2 quickening 3 engagement 4 Ballottement?

Presumptive, Probable, Positive Pregnancy Signs Quiz

This maternity nursing quiz will test your knowledge on presumptive, probable, and positive signs of pregnancy.

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1. Which category of pregnancy signs are subjective and can only be reported by the patient?

A. Positive Signs

B. Probable Signs

C. Presumptive Signs

D. Proven Signs

The answer is C. Presumptive signs are subjective and are only reported by the patient.

2. Which of the following are NOT considered presumptive signs of pregnancy? Select all that apply:

A. Positive pregnancy test

B. Amenorrhea

C. Fatigue

D. Ballottement

E. Increased urination

F. Quickening

The answers are A and D. Positive pregnancy test and ballottement are probable signs of pregnancy.

3. A 35-year-old female suspects she may be pregnant. The physician notes in chart that the lower uterine segment is soft. As the nurse you know this is known as:

A. Ballottement

B. Hegar’s Sign

C. Goodell’s Sign

D. Chadwick’s Sign

The answer is B: Hegar’s Sign. This is the softening of the lower uterine segment (LUS).

4. Which statement below correctly describes Chadwick’s Sign?

A. “This sign is present when there is softening of the cervix.”

B. “Chadwick’s Sign is the rebounding of the fetus against the examiner fingers when the uterus is pushed during palpation.”

C. “This can be noted when the lower segment of the uterus softens.”

D. “Chadwick’s Sign occurs when there is a bluish color to the vulva, cervix and vagina.”

The answer is D: Chadwick’s Sign occurs when there is a bluish color to the vulva, cervix and vagina.

5. Select all the probable signs of pregnancy:

A. Enlarged uterus

B. Ultrasound detecting fetus

C. Goodell’s Sign

D. Braxton Hick’s contractions

E. Fetal movement felt by the examiner

The answers are A, C, and D. Option B and E are positive signs of pregnancy.

6. The examiner notes there is softening of the cervix. This is known as?

A. Goodell’s Sign

B. Hegar’s Sign

C. Chadwick’s Sign

D. Palmer’s Sign

The answer is A: Goodell’s Sign

7. During physical assessment of a pregnant female, it is noted that there is movement and recoil of the fetus against the examiner’s fingers when the uterus is palpated. This is termed as?

A. Palmer’s Sign

B. Ballottement

C. Hegar’s Sign

D. Chadwick’s Sign

The answer is B: Ballottement

8. Select below the positive signs of pregnancy:

A. Ultrasound detecting fetus

B. Visible movement of baby seen by the examiner

C. The delivery of the baby

D. Doppler detects fetal heart tones

E. Fetal movement felt by examiner

F. Braxton Hicks Contractions

The answers are A, B, C, D, and E. Option F is a probable sign of pregnancy.

9. A 25-year-old female, who is 18 weeks pregnant, reports feeling fluttering in her lower abdomen. She states it feels like the baby is moving. This is known as:

A. Ballottement

B. Quickening

C. Hegar’s Sign

D. Goodell’s Sign

The answer is B. This is known as quickening.

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What is the name given to the first Foetal movement?

You should feel your baby's first movements, called "quickening," between weeks 16 and 25 of your pregnancy. If this is your first pregnancy, you may not feel your baby move until closer to 25 weeks.

What is the term for fetal movement?

Function. The first fetal movements which are felt by the mother are called quickening. One function of these movements is to alert the pregnant woman that she has a fetus growing in her uterus. Quickening often occurs between the 16th to the 22nd week of pregnancy.

What is the term used to describe the first fetal movement perceived by the mother?

Quickening is when you feel your baby's first movements during pregnancy. It may feel strange to feel your baby move in your uterus (womb) at first. You may not know if it's your baby moving, gas or something else.

What is quickening quizlet?

Quickening or feeling the baby move inside the body is a dramatic event and causes the pregnant woman's feelings about the pregnancy to change. Quickening occurs during the second trimester of the pregnancy, which is after the third but before the seventh month.