Which tool is used to move to a specific location quickly in a document such as a section

Clipboard a place to store the items for you to paste in another location of the document or Office file
Open Read-Only Opens the documet as a read-only file - no changes can be made to the document
Open as Copy Opens a copy of the document
Open in Browser Opens the document that was saved as a web page in a web browser
Open with transform Opens documents that were saved with an XML file type
Open in Protected View Opens a document in protected view - to edit you have to click Enable editing
Open and repair Opens and repairs corruption to the document
Read mode Changes the layout of the document with a larger font for easier reading
Print Layout Is the default view. It displays the document as it will look when printed (allows you to use the Ribbon to create and edit your document
Web layout Hows how the document will look as a web page
Outline Displays the document as an outline and offers an Outlining Tab with commands for creating and editing outlines
Draft Is strictly for editing text. Advanced elements such as charts, graphs, pictures, and other objects are hidden in this view
Rulers Measuring tools to align text, graphics and other elements within a document
Gridlines Provides a grid of vertical and horizontal lines that help you align graphics and other objects in your document
Navigation Page Appears in the left side of the window when you select its check box in the show group
thumbnails tiny images of your document pages
object zoom is in the read mode and allows you to zoom in on objects such as tables, charts, or images while in read mode
New window a command that opens a new window displayign the current document. This window shows the document name in the title bar followed by the number 2. It will alllow you to wokr in different places in your document.
Arrange All displays two or more windows on the screen at the same time. This is useful when comparing documents or when using information from multiple documents
Split command that divides one document window into two windows that scroll independently. This enables you to view tow parts of a single document at the same time
view side by side allows you to view two documents next to each other
Synchronous Scrolling You can link the scrolling of the two documents you are viewing through side by side view
Reset Window Position a button that is used with the view side by side button, when viewing two documents side by side , this button positions both documents equally on the screen
Switch Windows the button you use to select which document will be active
Scroll Bars Allows the user to move up and down or side to side within a document
scroll buttons the button used to move up or down one line at a time. you can also click and hold it to scroll more quickly
Scroll box can be used to move through a document even faster
wildcard characters used to help find words or phrases that contain specific letters or combinations of letters
find and replace command used to find specific words or numbers and replace them with something specific
go to the command that provides a wa to navigate documents quickly
multi-selection feature of word that enables you to select multiple text items that are nor continuous
cut removing text from its original location and puts it on the clipboard
Copy makes a duplicate of the text you choose and places it on the clipboard
Paste puts text that is either copied or cut into the document
Document properties identifies the creator of the document, when it was created, subject, category, and keywords that can be used to search for the document
25 You are looking for a document you created earlier in the week and cannot remember the name. Recent Documents displays how many of the last documents you viewed?
Read Mode, Print Layout, Web Layout, Outline, & Draft Which of the following are valid Document View options within Word?
Draft You are in the middle of editing a large document and only wish to edit text. Which view hides charts, graphics, pictures, and other objects so you can focus on the text?
Print Layout What is the default view in Word?
Read Mode Which view displays the text with a larger font and minimizes many tools in the Word window?
status bar Outside of the View tab, where else do you have access to Document View commands?
Rulers, Navigation Pane, & Gridlines Which of the following are valid options in the Show command group on the View tab?
Print Layout You are in the middle of creating a company newsletter and need to turn on Gridlines to align graphics. In order to see the Gridlines, you must be in what View?
right indent, first line indent, hanging indent, left indent Rulers are measuring tools used to align text, graphics, and other elements within your document. In order to perform this task, which of the following markers can you use?
Results In order to search and locate instances of a misspelled client’s name, which tab in the Navigation Pane would you use?
Headings In order to quickly navigate sections in a document, which tab in the Navigation Pane would you use?
Pages Which tab in the Navigation Pane gives you a thumbnail graphical view of each page within the document?
status bar, view tab, & Backstage Print Command Which of the following locations provide access to Zoom options within Word
Read mode In which View Mode can you use Object Zoom to zoom in on objects such as tables, charts, or images?
New Window In order to open a duplicate copy of an active document on the screen, which option in the Window command group will you use?
Arrange All In order to evenly distribute open Word documents visually, which option in the Window command group do you use?
Split In order to divide one document into two so you can view two parts of a single document at one time, which option in the Window command group would you use?
view side by side In order to view two documents next to each other using synchronistic scrolling to compare documents, which option in the Window command group would you use?
Reset Window Position Which option is used with the view Side by Side to arrange both documents equally on the screen?
Switch Windows Which option allows you to determine which document will be the active document and displays the document name on the title bar?
Scroll ___ bars allow a user to move up and down or from side to side within a document
Scroll Use the ___ box to move quickly through a document using click and drag.
Scroll Use the ___ buttons to move up or down one line at a time, or click and hold the button to move quickly through a document.
equations, text, graphics, & options Which of the following items will the Find command locate in the Results tab on the Navigation Pane?
Advanced Find You must use the ___ command to highlight every occurrence of a specific word or phrase in your document.
Ctrl+F Which keyboard shortcut is used to open the Navigation Pane?
t*m You want to use Find and Replace to locate all words beginning with T and ending with M. Which of the following wildcard search criteria would you use?
Ctrl+H In order to open Find and Replace, which keyboard shortcut do you use?
? In order to search for a single character, which wildcard would you use?
Find and Replace Use the ___ dialog box to replace text with formatted text.
Go To Use the ___ command as a way to navigate through longer documents quickly.
Ctrl + G; F5 Which keyboard shortcuts open the Go To tab in the Find and Replace dialog box?
Ctrl You want to apply formatting to non-continuous lines of text throughout a document. In order to select text spread throughout a document, which key do you use?
Triple-click in the left margin. In order to quickly select the entire document with your mouse, which of the following options can you use?
Clipboard The __________ stores items you copy or cut until they are pasted.
cut When you ___ text, Word removes it from the original location.
copy When you ___ text, Word places a duplicate copy in memory.
Paste The ___ command takes text from the Clipboard and places it in the designated location.
keeping source formatting In order to keep original format and hyperlinks, which paste option would you choose?
24 How many items can the clipboard hold at any given time?
Ctrl + X In order to cut an item and place it on the Clipboard, which keyboard shortcut do you use?
Ctrl+C In order to copy an item and place it on the Clipboard, which keyboard shortcut do you use?
Ctrl+V In order to paste an item from the Clipboard at the insertion point, which keyboard shortcut do you use?
a) Show Office Clipboard Automatically, Show Office Clipboard When Ctrl + C Pressed Twice, Collect Without Showing Office Clipboard, Show Office Clipboard on Taskbar, & Show Office Near Taskbar When Copied Which of the following are valid options for displaying the Clipboard?
Ctrl Use the ___ key while you drag to copy text.
Show/Hide In order to remove extra blank lines between paragraphs, it is important to display hidden characters using the ___ command on the Home tab.
date the document was created, subject, category, key words Use Document Properties to include important information which can be used later to perform searches. Which of the following types of information can you track in the Document Properties panel?
Summary Use the ___ tab in the Properties dialog box to customize document tracking information.
Multi-selection feature Which Word feature enables you to select multiple pieces of text that are not next to each other?
Thumbnails ____________ are reduced-size versions of images
keywords, category, & Author's name The Advanced Properties allows you to add
View Side by Side In what view is Synchronous Scrolling active?
Headings When Heading Styles have been applied to a document, the user has the option to navigate through the document using which tab on the Navigation Pane?
Dialog box that opens when you press Ctrl+H, Advanced find in the navigation pane, & Find and replace dialog box Commands for replacing text with formatted text are located in the
Ctrl+F The keyboard shortcut for finding text is:
the Find and Replace dialog box, Ctrl+H, & Advanced Find in the Navigation Pane The Replace command can be opened using
? Which wildcard would you use to find a single character?
F5, Find and replace dialog box, & Ctrl+G The Go To command allows you to navigate by page, text, graphics, equations, or tables by doing which of the following:
True The New Window command launches a new window that contains the current document.
True By selecting text, the user has the ability to change the font or font size, bold, and delete text
False Read Mode view displays the document as it will look when printed
False The Zoom slider is located in the View tab.
True The Synchronous Scrolling button is used when viewing documents side by side
False The Switch Windows command allows you to toggle between documents
True Double-clicking a word in a document selects the word.
False When you type text in the search box while in the Navigation Pane, Word identifies this text by bolding the results in the document.
True The Arrange All command places all open documents in a separate window on the screen.
True You can use the Navigation Pane to search for words or phrases in a document

Which tool is used to move to a specific location quickly in a document?

Pressing Home moves the insertion point to the beginning of the current line. Pressing Ctrl+Home moves it to the beginning of the document. ... Table A..

How do I move an object to a specific location in a document?

Position the mouse over the selection, and then click and hold down the left mouse button on it. Still holding down the left mouse button, drag the selection to a new location.

Which key can you use to move a text from its location to specified location?

Moving Text.
Cut using Ctrl+X, move your cursor to the new location of text, then paste to the new location with Ctrl+V..
Copy using Ctrl+C, move your cursor to the new location of text, then paste to the new location with Ctrl+V..

What command can you use to quickly move the insertion point to a specific location?

You can also use the arrow keys on your keyboard to move the insertion point. The left and right arrow keys will move between adjacent characters on the same line, while the up and down arrows will move between paragraph lines. You can also press Ctrl+Left or Ctrl+Right to quickly move between entire words. text.