Which two statements summarize the controversy regarding what experts argue should be the correct definition of brain death quizlet?

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Terms in this set (81)

______ death is said to occur when all electrical activity in the brain has ceased for a specified period of time.


Some experts believe that death should be declared once ______ (higher/lower) portions of the brain have ceased to function even though breathing and heart rate may continue.


Which of the following statements is correct regarding the development of a living will?

A living will must be drawn up by patients when they can think clearly.

Which of the following statements is consistent with all forms of euthanasia?

The patient is diagnosed with an incurable disease or severe disability.

Thomas is an 88-year-old man with incurable cancer. He has been given approximately one month to live. He is suffering with intense pain and has asked that he be aided in taking a lethal dose of a medication to end his life. Thomas is asking for

active euthanasia

Which of the following statements are true regarding the definition of brain death?

A person can still have a heartbeat after the higher portions of the brain have died.
A flat EEG recording for a specified period of time is one criterion of brain death.

Which two statements summarize the controversy regarding what experts argue should be the correct definition of brain death?

Death of higher cortical functioning should be sufficient for a brain death finding because those functions equal the "human being."

Death of both the higher and lower portions of the brain should be necessary for a brain death determination.

Lucille signed a living will when she was 65 years old and in good health. It stated that she wanted no extraordinary medical procedures to be used if doctors determined she would not recover. She was conscious of the ramifications of her decision. At the age of 85 she had a stroke in her brain stem and could no longer breathe for herself or take in food. Doctors determined that she would not recover respiration or digestion. Which of the following would be true in Lucille's case?

Lucille could be given sedatives and pain medications but should not be put on a ventilator or given a feeding tube.

The act of painlessly ending the lives of individuals who are suffering from an incurable disease or severe disability is called mercy killing, or


Abigail has incurable lung cancer. Her lungs no longer have the capacity to function without the aid of a respirator. She wants to be sedated and to have her respirator turned off. What has Abigail requested?

passive euthanasia

What is active euthanasia in which a physician gives the patient an intentional overdose of sedatives or painkillers also known as?

Assisted suicide

Which statement is true when evaluating the experiences that dying individuals face?

Scientific advances have made dying prolonged and complicated.

Which of the following is not identified as a component of a "good death"?

a hospital setting

Which of the following is not consistent with the goals of a hospice program?

Prolonging life as long as possible

Whereas a hospital's goals are to cure illness and prolong life, hospice care emphasizes _____ care, which involves reducing pain and suffering and helping individuals die with dignity.


The definition of brain death that is currently followed by most physicians is based on the cessation of

higher and lower brain functioning

Supporters of the cortical-death policy argue that

a person should not be considered dead until the heartbeat stops

The higher portions of the brain often die sooner than the lower portions. The lower portions of the brain

monitor heartbeat and respiration

A(n) ________ is a document signed by a person that gives directions regarding that person's care should he or she become unable to make decisions regarding treatment

advance directive

Dr. Jack Kevorkian's activities were associated with

active euthanasia

While ________ has the goal of making the end of life free from pain, anxiety, and depression, ________ has the goal of curing illness and prolonging life.

hospice; a hospital

What is the typical sequence of emotions in Kübler-Ross' stages of dying?

denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance

During which of Kübler-Ross' five stages of dying is it suggested that the person might become silent, refuse visitors, and spend a great deal of time crying and grieving?


During which of Kübler-Ross' five stages of dying is it suggested that the person develops the hope that death can somehow be postponed or delayed?


________ refers to an adaptive strategy in which individuals believe they can influence and control events.

Perceived control

Individuals who are dying may use adaptive denial in order to

insulate themselves from feelings of anger and hurt

Most societies throughout history have had ________ about death.

religious and philosophical beliefs

According to Robert Kastenbaum, all of the following are components of the death system, EXCEPT

afterlife destinations

The skull and crossbones, grim reaper, and angels are examples of which death system component?


More than ________ percent of Americans die in hospitals.


One consequence of our mobile society and its aging population is

more adults dying apart from their families

Two hundred years ago, one parent died before children grew up, and almost ________ percent of children died before the age of 10.


In this clip, 72-year-old Drasko is discussing retirement and aging. In terms of aging, he strongly minds

excessive medical intervention

Which of the following strategies are recommended for communicating with a dying person?

Express your regard and love for the dying person

Psychologists recommend that dying individuals know they are dying

so they can make arrangements for survivors

Conversations with a dying individual should focus on

the strengths of the individual and preparation for the remainder of life

After a loved one dies, it is common for the grieving person to focus on places and things associated with the loved one. Which dimension of grief does this behavior describe?

separation anxiety

Eva misses her deceased ex-husband, Pete, terribly; however, she feels that she cannot grieve openly because Pete was remarried to someone else. What type of grief is this?


A recent study showed that most negative feelings associated with the death of a loved one diminish by ________ months after the death.


In which of the following cultures are the deceased forgotten as quickly as possible and life carried on as usual?

Hopi in Arizona

Regarding widowhood, which of the following statements is true?

Becoming widowed has been associated with almost 50 percent increase in earlier death.

Which of the following is the Jewish practice of a 30-day mourning period following the burial of the deceased?


Understanding of the certainty of death appears in which stage of Kübler-Ross' five stages of dying?

Fourth stage: depression

Which of the following reactions have been found to follow after the death of a loved one?

Separation anxiety

Diana is a health-care professional who takes pride in the fact that she works to make her terminally ill patients as comfortable as possible, to involve their families in the process, and to help patients and loved ones cope with death. Diana is most likely someone who works in a(n)

hospice program

What type of emotional reactions can be expected after the sudden accidental death of a child?

Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms
Sleep disturbances, nightmares, and other symptoms of trauma
Grief that is more intense and prolonged than a death that is not unexpected

Which cultural group typically tries to avoid and/or deny death?


True or false: A common occurrence is for family members to go over again and again all of the events that led up to the death as a part of the grieving process.


Which of the following is a common response from a person in Kübler-Ross' second stage of dying?

Asking the question "Why me?"
Feeling resentful towards healthy family members

Which of the following are arguments that critics present against the funeral industry?

Embalming is a grotesque practice.
Funeral directors are focused more on making money than on providing closure.

Robert is an 80-year-old man who has been given three months to live. He has requested to be left alone. When asked, he says that he is not feeling much physical pain and seems devoid of feeling. He realizes he is going to die and feels a sense of peace. Which of Kübler-Ross' five stages of dying is he in?


What has been found to help dying individuals become more alert and cheerful?

Perceived control

True or false: Kübler-Ross would recommend that loved ones try to cheer up the dying person in the fourth stage of dying, also known as the depression stage.


Which of the following is not an advantage of discussing death openly with a dying individual?

The dying person can avoid feeling depressed about impending death.

What is the most beneficial type of communication one can have with a dying person?

Discussions regarding the strengths of the individual and preparation for the remainder of life

What percentage of survivors experience normal grief reactions?

80 to 90 percent

When a person reports financial loss, loneliness, increased physical illness, and a psychological disorder such as depression after a loss, one could assume that the person who died was the person's


Those who provide care are increasingly interested in helping people experience

a "good death"

Whereas a hospital's goals are to cure illness and prolong life, hospice care emphasizes ____, which involves reducing pain and suffering and helping individuals die with dignity.


Why does the inclusion of the dying patient's family in hospice care benefit the family members?

It can diminish their guilt after the loved one's death

Reducing pain and helping individuals die with dignity is the goal of

palliative care

The average life expectancy in the United States for a person born in 1900 was 47 years, whereas today it is


Which of the following statements is not consistent with deaths in the United States today?

Most people die at home

True or false: People seem most aware of mortality during times when death is common, like during a war or during an epidemic of a deadly disease.


List Elisabeth Kübler-Ross' five stages of dying in order from beginning to end, with the first stage at the top.

denial and isolation

Which of the following statements reflects what a person would say in the first stage of Kübler-Ross' five stages of dying?

"The doctor is wrong. I need to get a second opinion. The doctor must have mixed my file up with someone else's."

Rachel has been diagnosed with terminal cancer. She has been spending a lot of time at her church and praying to God. Specifically she has said to God that if she lives, she will donate half of her money to the church and volunteer at her local food pantry. Which of Kübler-Ross' stages of dying does this reflect?


Roger's wife just passed away. He has responded to the loss by repeatedly saying, "I can't believe it," and exhibiting deep despair by crying and sighing. Roger is experiencing ______.


When an individual's grief over a deceased person is a socially ambiguous loss that cannot be openly mourned it is called

disenfranchised grief

The ____ culture calmly accepts death, takes care of virtually all aspects of the funeral, and provides fellowship and work projects to the bereaved family.


Assisted suicide requires the patient to self-administer the lethal medication, whereas active euthanasia involves ______ administering the lethal medication.

a physician or a third party

Which of the following statements best reflects the role of denial in the lives of individuals approaching death?

Denial is an adaptive strategy because it allows a person to delay dealing with impending death, which can help avoid shock.

Travis is experiencing the loss of his brother who died from cancer. He feels numb and as if the future does not hold anything for him without his brother. He cannot move on from the loss. What is Travis experiencing?

Prolonged grief

Which of the following is an argument that supporters present for holding funerals and other community events to remember the deceased?

They provide a form of closure for family members of the deceased.

Which of the following statements is consistent with the experiences that many dying individuals face near the time of death?

Many health care professionals have not been trained to provide adequate end-of-life care.

Which of the following examples is not consistent with how the American culture denies death?

Disbelief in the afterlife

Enduring despair that remains unresolved over an extended period of time is called ______.

prolonged grief

Which of the following are characteristic of a person in Kübler-Ross' fifth stage of dying?

A sense of peace
An acceptance of one's fate
A desire to be left alone

Communication with someone who is dying should be directed toward

internal growth

Which of the following statements is consistent with deaths that occurred in 1900?

People were cared for at home by their families at the time of death.

What are the TWO primary goals of hospice care?

Helping dying patients face death in a psychologically healthy way
Bringing pain under control

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Which of the following is a part of the definition of brain death quizlet?

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Which of the following statements best reflects the role of denial in the lives of individuals approaching death? Denial is an adaptive strategy because it allows a person to delay dealing with impending death, which can help avoid shock.

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Express your regard and love for the dying person. Allow the dying person to express guilt or anger. Make small talk to keep their mind off their situation. Encourage the dying person to reminisce.

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