Which type of evidence is any physical object that you can touch or otherwise directly observe such as a hard drive?

  • School University of the Cumberlands
  • Course Title MSDF 530
  • Pages 3
  • Ratings 100% (19) 19 out of 19 people found this document helpful

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Question 11 out of 1 pointsThe least important principle in any forensic effort, digital or nondigital, is chain ofcustody.Answers:SelectedAnswer:FalseTrueFalse

Question 21 out of 1 pointsAs a general rule, it is okay to have at least ONE reference for every conclusion in yourexpert report.Answers:

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Question 31 out of 1 pointsThis describes a physical object that someone can touch, hold, or directly observe.

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Question 41 out of 1 pointsOne very important principle is to touch the sytem as little as possible.

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Question 51 out of 1 pointsObscured information may be scrambled by encryption, hidden using steanographicsoftware, or compressed.Answers:SelectedAnswer:TrueTrueFalse

Question 61 out of 1 pointsComputer forensics does not apply to all domains of a typical IT infrastructure.Answers:

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Forensic Science, Computer Forensics, Evidence law, least important principle

What are the types of digital evidence?

Digital evidence types This includes email, text messages, instant messages, files and documents extracted from hard drives, electronic financial transactions, audio files, and video files.

Is the use of science and technology to investigate and establish facts in criminal or civil courts of law?

Before you can answer the question, “What is computer forensics?” you should address the question, “What is forensics?” The American Heritage Dictionary defines forensics as “the use of science and technology to investigate and establish facts in criminal or civil courts of law.”

What term describes information that forensic specialists use to support or interpret real or documentary evidence?

The term internet forensics refers to information that forensic specialists use to support or interpret real or documentary evidence; for example, to demonstrate that the fingerprints found on a keyboard are those of a specific individual. Malware forensics is also known as internet forensics.

What are the 7 types of evidence?

Terms in this set (7).
Personal Experience. To use an event that happened in your life to explain or support a claim..
Statistics/Research/Known Facts. To use accurate data to support your claim..
Allusions. ... .
Examples. ... .
Authority. ... .
Analogy. ... .
Hypothetical Situations..