Wholly owned extensions of the producer that perform wholesaling activities are known as ______.

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Chapter 15 Managing Marketing Channels and Wholesaling Multiple Choice 1. Vinamilk is the leading manufacturer of milk and dairy products in ______. Among its products are fresh milk, yoghurt, ice cream, cheese, soy bean milk, fruit juice, instant coffee, roasted and ground coffee, and condensed milk. a) China b) Vietnam c) India d) USA e) Cambodia Ans: b Feedback: Vinamilk is the leading manufacturer of milk and dairy products in Vietnam. Among its products are fresh milk, yoghurt, ice cream, cheese, soy bean milk, fruit juice, instant coffee, roasted and ground coffee, and condensed milk. Page: 411 Learning Objective: 2 2. Vinamilk holds a 37 percent share of the Vietnamese market and has 220 _____ and 1.25 million ______ throughout the country. a) outlets; distributors b) manufacturers; outlets c) distributors; outlets d) manufacturers; distributors e) distributors; manufacturers Ans: c Feedback: Vinamilk holds a 37 percent share of the Vietnamese market and has 220 distributors and 1.25million outlets throughout the country. Page: 411 Learning Objective: 1 3. Which of the following is true of Vinamilk? a) Vinamilk is the leading manufacturer of milk and dairy products in Vietnam. b) Among its products are soy bean milk, fruit juice, instant coffee, roasted and ground coffee, and condensed milk c) The company holds a 37 percent share of the Vietnamese market and has 220 distributors and 1.25 million outlets throughout the country. d) Its sales in 2007 were 6,675,031 million Vietnamese dong or around US$403 million. e) All of the above are true Ans: e Feedback: Vinamilk is the leading manufacturer of milk and dairy products in Vietnam. Among its products are fresh milk, yoghurt, ice cream, cheese, soy bean milk, fruit juice, instant coffee, roasted and ground coffee, and condensed milk. The company holds a 37 percent share of the Vietnamese market and has 220 distributors and 1.25 million outlets throughout the country. Its sales in 2007 were 6,675,031 million Vietnamese dong or around US$403 million. Page: 411 Learning Objective: 1

4. Vinamilk is an example of a(n) __________. a) agent b) broker c) wholesaler d) manufacturer e) retailer Ans: d Feedback: Vinamilk is the leading manufacturer of milk and dairy products in Vietnam and has 220 distributors and 1.25 million outlets throughout the country Page: 389 Learning Objective: 1 5. Vinamilk has an experienced team of 1,787 salespeople who visit the ________ and support them in the areas of supply and merchandising, training, marketing, and selling to the ________. a) manufacturers; distributors b) distributors; manufacturers c) distributors; retailers d) retailers; distributors e) retailers; manufacturers Ans: c Feedback: Vinamilk has an experienced team of 1,787 salespeople who visit the distributors and support them in the areas of supply and merchandising, training, marketing, and selling to the retailers. Page: 411 Learning Objective: 2 6. Individuals and firms involved in the process of making a good or service available for use or consumption by consumers or industrial users are considered members of a __________. a) distribution line b) marketing channel c) consortium d) cartel e) distribution mix Ans: b Page: 412 Learning Objective: 1 7. A __________ consists of individuals and firms involved in the process of making a good or service available for use or consumption by consumers or industrial users. a) distribution line b) marketing channel c) consortium d) cartel e) distribution mix Ans: b Page: 412 Learning Objective: 1

8. Jay stops at the shopping mall to purchase a new pair of jeans from the Levi’s store. He is the ultimate consumer in a pipeline from the producer through intermediaries including the clothing store. This pipeline is actually a __________. a) consumer market b) marketing intermediary c) marketing channel d) transactional function e) logistical function Ans: c Feedback: Marketing channels can be compared with a pipeline through which water flows from a source to terminus. Marketing channels make possible the flow of goods from a producer, through intermediaries, to a buyer. Page: 412 Learning Objective: 1 9. You probably own several pairs of shoes. Further, it is highly likely you purchased those shoes at retail stores located in a shopping mall. It is quite unlikely you bought the shoes directly from the manufacturer. In fact, most goods are brought to you via a(n) __________, which consists of several organizations involved in the process of marketing products or services and making them available for our use as consumers. a) organizational chain of command b) organizational hierarchy c) marketing channel d) marketing hierarchy e) marketing chain of command Ans: c Feedback: From automobiles to shoes, most of the products we purchase are made available to us by a marketing channel. A marketing channel is a series of individuals or organizations that work together to bring products from the manufacturer to the ultimate consumer. Page: 412 Learning Objective: 1 10. A(n) _____ is any intermediary with legal authority to act on behalf of the manufacturer. a) dealer b) agent or broker c) retailer d) wholesaler e) disintermediary Ans: b Feedback: Figure 15-1 states that an agent or broker is any intermediary with legal authority to act on behalf of the manufacturer. Page: 412, figure 15-1 Learning Objective: 1 11. Which type of an intermediary is a dealer? a) A middleman b) A wholesaler c) A retailer d) A distributor e) Any of the above

Ans: e Feedback: Figure 15-1 states that a dealer is a more imprecise term than distributor that can mean the same as distributor, retailer, wholesaler and so forth. Page: 412, figure 15-1 Learning Objective: 1 12. A(n) __________ is any intermediary between manufacturer and end-user markets. a) middleman b) wholesaler c) retailer d) agent e) any of the above Ans: a Feedback: Figure 15-1 states that a middleman is any intermediary between the manufacturer and end-user markets. Page: 412, figure 15-1 Learning Objective: 1 13. A(n) __________ is an intermediary who sells to other intermediaries. a) agent b) wholesaler c) retailer d) distributor e) any of the above Ans: b Feedback: Figure 15-1 states that a wholesaler is an intermediary who sells to other intermediaries, usually to retailers; the term usually applies to consumer markets. Page: 412, figure 15-1 Learning Objective: 1 14. A(n) __________ is an intermediary who sells to consumers. a) agent b) a wholesaler c) a retailer d) a distributor e) any of the above Ans: c Feedback: Figure 15-1 states that a retailer is an intermediary who sells to consumers. Page: 412, figure 15-1 Learning Objective: 1 15. Several artists in Charleston, South Carolina, have created an arrangement to sell their paintings. They have set up an art gallery in downtown Charleston so tourists and art lovers can look at their paintings and buy the ones they like. Each artist takes a turn acting as the sales clerk at the gallery. In terms of the marketing channel, the artist who is on duty in the gallery is acting as a(n) __________. a) ultimate consumer b) retailer c) wholesaler d) brokerage firm

e) end user Ans: b Feedback: Figure 15-1 states that a retailer is any intermediary who sells to consumers. Page: 412, figure 15-1 Learning Objective: 1 16. Which of the following statements about the terms used for marketing intermediaries is true? a) The most precise terms used to describe marketing intermediaries are dealer and distributor b) A retailer sells to business markets c) An agent has no legal authority to act on behalf of a manufacturer d) A wholesaler is an intermediary who sells to other intermediaries e) A broker is a synonym for a dealer Ans: d Feedback: Dealer and distributor are described as the two least precise terms. A retailer sells to ultimate consumers. An agent has legal authority to act on behalf of a manufacturer. A broker is any intermediary similar to an agent. A wholesaler is an intermediary who sells to other intermediaries. Page: 412 Learning Objective: 1 17. Which of the following statements about the terms used for marketing intermediaries is true? a) The less precise terms used to describe marketing intermediaries are dealer and distributor b) A retailer sells to business markets c) An agent has no legal authority to act on behalf of a manufacturer d) A wholesaler is an intermediary who sells to consumers e) A broker is a synonym for a dealer Ans: a Feedback: Dealer and distributor are described as the two least precise terms. A retailer sells to ultimate consumers. An agent has legal authority to act on behalf of a manufacturer. A broker is any intermediary with authority to act on behalf of the manufacturer. A wholesaler is an intermediary who sells to other intermediaries. Page: 412 Learning Objective: 1 18. Which of the following statements about the terms used for marketing intermediaries is true? a) The most precise terms used to describe marketing intermediaries are dealer and distributor b) A retailer sells to consumers c) An agent has no legal authority to act on behalf of a manufacturer d) A wholesaler is an intermediary who sells to consumers e) A broker is a synonym for a dealer Ans: b Feedback: Dealer and distributor are described as the two least precise terms. A retailer sells to ultimate consumers. An agent has legal authority to act on behalf of a manufacturer. A broker is any intermediary with legal authority to act on behalf of the manufacturer. A wholesaler is an intermediary who sells to other intermediaries. Page: 412 Learning Objective: 1

19. Which of the following statements about the terms used for marketing intermediaries is true? a) The most precise terms used to describe marketing intermediaries are dealer and distributor b) A retailer sells to business markets c) An agent has legal authority to act on behalf of a manufacturer d) A wholesaler is an intermediary who sells to consumers e) A broker is a synonym for a dealer Ans: c Feedback: Dealer and distributor are described as the two least precise terms. A retailer sells to ultimate consumers. An agent has legal authority to act on behalf of a manufacturer. A broker is any intermediary similar to an agent. A wholesaler is an intermediary who sells to other intermediaries. Page: 412 Learning Objective: 1 20. Which of the following statements about the terms used for marketing intermediaries is true? a) The most precise terms used to describe marketing intermediaries are dealer and distributor b) A retailer sells to business markets c) An agent has no legal authority to act on behalf of a manufacturer d) A wholesaler is an intermediary who sells to consumers e) A broker is a synonym for an agent Ans: e Feedback: Dealer and distributor are described as the two least precise terms. A retailer sells to ultimate consumers. An agent has legal authority to act on behalf of a manufacturer. A broker is any intermediary with legal authority to act on behalf of the manufacturer. A wholesaler is an intermediary who sells to other intermediaries. Page: 412 Learning Objective: 1 21. Intermediaries make the selling of goods more efficient by __________. a) maximizing the number of contacts necessary between producer and consumer b) identifying target markets c) reducing manufacturing costs d) minimizing the number of sales contacts between producer and consumer e) eliminating inventory costs Ans: d Feedback: Producers recognize that intermediaries make selling goods and services more efficient because they minimize the number of sales contacts necessary to reach a target market. Page: 413 Learning Objective: 1 22. Two students, Nick and Lee, were studying for an upcoming exam in their introduction to marketing course. While studying the chapter on marketing channels and wholesalers, Nick made the following statement: "If it weren't for wholesalers and other intermediaries in the channel of distribution, the products we buy would cost a lot less!" After contemplating Nick's statement, Lee said, "Wait a minute. We learned in class that channel intermediaries

actually make marketing more efficient by minimizing the number of transactions necessary to sell products". Lee's statement refers to __________. a) value created by channel intermediaries b) channel intermediary development c) price inflation by channel intermediaries d) channel intermediary promotional efforts e) an inaccurate statement by Lee; Nick was correct Ans: a Feedback: Marketers are aware that channel intermediaries create value for the consumer and the marketer by making the selling of goods and services more efficient. Page: 413 Learning Objective: 1 23. The three basic functions performed by intermediaries are __________. a) accommodating functions, logistical functions and transactional functions b) implementation functions, accommodating functions and contractual functions c) contractual functions, facilitating functions and logistical functions d) facilitating functions, accommodating functions and implementation functions e) transactional functions, logistical functions and facilitating functions Ans: e Feedback: Intermediaries make possible the flow of products from producers to buyers by performing three basic functions. They are (1) transactional-buying, selling and risk taking, (2) logistical-assorting, storing, sorting, transporting and (3) facilitating-making goods and services more attractive to buyers through financing, grading and marketing information and research. Page: 414 Learning Objective: 1 24. Intermediaries performing a transactional function in distribution are engaged in buying, selling and __________. a) channeling b) strategizing c) liaisoning d) risk taking e) merchandising Ans: d Page: 414, figure 15-3 Learning Objective: 1 25. Transactional function activities involve __________. a) buying, selling and risk taking b) assorting, sorting and storing c) financing and grading d) transportation e) marketing information and research Ans: a Page: 414, figure 15-3 Learning Objective: 1

26. In terms of distribution, when marketing channel members are engaged in buying, selling and risk taking, they are performing __________ functions. a) logistical b) transformational c) facilitating d) implementation e) transactional Ans: e Page: 414, figure 15-3 Learning Objective: 1 27. Logistical function activities include __________. a) buying and selling b) gathering, storing and dispersing products c) financing and grading d) risk taking e) marketing information and research Ans: b Page: 414, figure 15-3 Learning Objective: 1 28. When marketing channel members are engaged in assorting, storing, sorting and transporting they are performing __________ functions. a) logistical b) transformational c) facilitating d) implementing e) transactional Ans: a Page: 414, figure 15-3 Learning Objective: 1 29. A consumer buys berries at Remlinger Farms, flour and sugar at a bulk food store and milk and butter at a supermarket, then returns home to bake two dozen strawberry pies for a family reunion. Which logistical function activity did the consumer engage in that is ordinarily performed by a retailer? a) Assorting b) Storing c) Sorting d) Transporting e) Risk taking Ans: a Feedback: Assorting is creating product assortments from several sources to serve customers. In this case the customer created her own assortment of products needed to bake pies. Page: 414, figure 15-3 Learning Objective: 1 30. When Henry went to the hardware store looking for gloves to wear while refinishing a table, he bought one pair because that was all he needed, but when the hardware store

purchased the gloves, it purchased a case containing 100 pairs of identical gloves. Which logistical function did the hardware store perform for Henry and other consumers? a) Marketing b) Buying c) Sorting d) Assorting e) Risk taking Ans: c Feedback: Sorting is purchasing in large quantities and breaking into smaller amounts desired by customers. Page: 414, figure 15-3 Learning Objective: 1 31. Facilitating function activities include __________. a) buying and selling b) assorting, sorting and storing c) financing, grading and marketing information and research d) risk taking e) transportation Ans: c Page: 414, figure 15-3 Learning Objective: 1 32. In terms of distribution, when marketing channel members are engaged in financing, grading, marketing information and research, they are performing the __________ function. a) logistical b) transformational c) facilitating d) implementing e) transactional Ans: c Page: 414, figure 15-3 Learning Objective: 1 33. Intermediaries perform facilitating function activities, which assist producers in making goods and services more attractive to buyers. These activities include __________. a) producing, assembling and distributing b) transportation and distribution c) buying, selling and risk taking d) assorting, sorting and storing e) financing, grading and marketing information and research Ans: e Page: 414, figure 15-3 Learning Objective: 1 34. Before consumers see a movie, it is assigned a rating such as G or PG based on its language and content. This rating system is most closely related to which facilitating function activity performed by marketing intermediaries? a) Grading b) Sorting

c) Risk taking d) Marketing e) Assorting Ans: a Feedback: Grading is the inspecting, testing or judging of products and assigning them quality grades. The grade of the movie is similar to a quality grade. Page: 414, figure 15-3 Learning Objective: 1 35. Marketing channels create customer value from all of the following utilities EXCEPT __________. a) possession b) form c) quality d) place e) time Ans: c Feedback: Marketing channels help create value for consumers through the four utilities: time, place, form and possession. Quality is not a utility although it does have an effect on customer value. Page: 414-415 Learning Objective: 1 36. Marketing channels help create value for consumers through four utilities. The utilities are __________. a) product, price, promotion and place b) intangibility, heterogeneity, perishability and consistency c) time, place, form and possession d) the four environmental dichotomies e) transactional, logistical, facilitating and marketing Ans: c Feedback: Marketing channels help create value for consumers by providing goods and services they want, when they want them, where they want them and in the form they want them using time, place, form and possession utility. Page: 414-415 Learning Objective: 1 37. A snack vending machine located in a university building that you use between classes when you are hungry creates __________ utility. a) time and place b) place and form c) form and creation d) possession and form e) application and place Ans: a Feedback: The vending machine (a marketing channel) made the snack ready at the time and place it was needed. Page: 414-415 Learning Objective: 1

38. A textile artist can buy fabric, thread and batting, create an heirloom quilt and sell the finished work to customers. By designing the piece with aesthetic value, the middleman artist creates __________ utility. a) form b) application c) possession d) time e) place Ans: a Feedback: Form utility involves enhancing a product or service to make it more appealing to buyers. Page: 414-415 Learning Objective: 1 39. A small electronics company manufactures a line of low to moderate quality stereo components that are distributed through wholesalers to mass-market retailers such as WalMart. The electronics company has begun production of a small line of high quality, professional studio-model components. How should the small electronics company best distribute its new products? a) Use its established channel b) Distribute directly to mass market retailers c) Distribute through agents who sell to specialty electronics stores who will feature the new line d) Sell directly to specialty electronics stores who will feature the new line e) Cannot be determined from the information given Ans: c Feedback: The most indirect channel shown in Figure 15-4 is employed when there are many small manufacturers and many small retailers. An agent is used to help coordinate a large supply of the product. The new products need an up-scale outlet, but the electronics company does not have the sales force to call on thousands of specialty stores and there is no indication that the new products warrant creating one. Page: 415 Learning Objective: 2 40. A(n) __________ exists when producers and ultimate consumers deal directly with each other. a) strategic channel alliance b) direct channel c) marketing channel d) indirect channel e) dual distribution channel Ans: b Page: 416 Learning Objective: 2 41. In a direct channel, all channel functions are performed by __________. a) retailers b) wholesalers c) producers d) brokers and agents

e) middlemen Ans: c Feedback: In a direct channel the producer and ultimate consumer deal directly with each other. Because there are no intermediaries in a direct channel, the producer must perform all channel functions. Page: 416 Learning Objective: 2 42. When the Avon representative sells cosmetics door-to-door, it is an example of which type of marketing channel? a) Direct channel b) Indirect channel c) Strategic channel alliances d) Marketing channel e) Dual distributive channel Ans: a Feedback: A direct channel is where the producer and ultimate consumers deal directly with each other. Page: 416 Learning Objective: 2 43. Schwan's Sales Enterprises of Marshall, Minnesota, markets a full line of frozen foods in 49 states and parts of Canada using door-to-door salespeople who sell from refrigerated trucks. This particular method of distribution is called a __________. a) direct channel b) indirect channel c) facilitated channel d) customer-service channel e) truck-jobber channel Ans: a Feedback: In a direct channel, a producer and ultimate consumers deal directly with each other. Page: 416 Learning Objective: 2 44. In an episode of the Andy Griffith television series, two local farmers were selling the produce they grew on their farms from the back of their pickup trucks to local people that drove by on the road. The farmers selling their products without wholesalers or retailers were an example of a __________. a) roadside channel of distribution b) traveling channel of distribution c) intermediate channel of distribution d) informal channel of distribution e) direct channel of distribution Ans: e Feedback: Such distribution channels are called direct channels of distribution because the consumer and producer deal directly with one another. Page: 416 Learning Objective: 2

45. Longaberger baskets are sold at parties. A hostess invites friends and neighbors to admire the baskets the company has sent to display and takes orders. In return, the hostess is able to purchase the baskets at a discount. Longaberger uses which type of marketing channel? a) Clustering b) Indirect channel c) Direct channel d) Marketing channel e) Strategic channel alliances Ans: b Feedback: In indirect channels, intermediaries are inserted between the producer and consumers and perform numerous channel functions. The hostess is inserted between the company and the ultimate consumers. Page: 416 Learning Objective: 2 46. Indirect channels for consumer goods __________. a) occur when one firm's marketing channels are used to sell another firm's products b) include producers and end-users dealing directly with each other c) include intermediaries that are between the producer and consumer and perform numerous channel functions d) are arrangements whereby a firm reaches different buyers by employing two or more different types of channels for the same basic product e) are accurately described by none of the above Ans: c Page: 416 Learning Objective: 2 47. The most common indirect channel moves product from producer to retailer to consumer. This type of channel is most likely to exist when __________. a) the retailer is large and can buy in large quantities b) the cost of inventory makes it too expensive to use a wholesaler c) there are so many product variations that a wholesaler could not carry them all in sufficient quantity d) the cost of maintaining inventory is high e) all of the above conditions exist Ans: e Feedback: A retailer is most commonly added when the retailer is large and can buy in large quantities from a producer or when the cost of inventory makes it too expensive to use a wholesaler. Page: 416 Learning Objective: 2 48. Adding a wholesaler to the marketing channel for consumer goods is most common for __________. a) low-cost, low unit value items b) low-cost, high unit value items c) high-cost, low unit value items d) high-cost, high unit value items e) any item regardless of cost as long as there is sufficient product variety Ans: a

Feedback: Adding a wholesaler is most common for low-cost, low-unit value items that are frequently purchased by consumers such as candy, confectionery items and magazines. Page: 416 Learning Objective: 2 49. The most indirect channel for consumer goods incorporates agents, wholesalers and retailers and is most commonly used when __________. a) there are only a few large manufacturers but many small retailers b) there are low-cost, low unit volume goods c) there are many small manufacturers and many small retailers d) there is too large an inventory to be carried by wholesalers e) there are many manufacturers with a limited inventory competing for a small group of retailers Ans: c Feedback: The most indirect channel is used when there are many small manufacturers and many small retailers and an agent is used to help coordinate supply of the product. Page: 416 Learning Objective: 2 50. A(n) __________ is an intermediary that performs a variety of marketing channel functions involving selling, stocking and delivering a full product assortment as well as providing financing for industrial goods and services. a) agent b) wholesaler c) disintermediary d) channel captain e) industrial distributor Ans: e Page: 416-417 Learning Objective: 2 51. International Products, a Burlington, New Jersey, firm that sells industrial cleansers and lubricants wanted to sell its product to factories, hospitals and labs in China, but it did not have the necessary expertise. As a result, International Products hired Asia Marketing & Management to sell, stock and deliver a full assortment of products to the Chinese market. Asia Marketing & Management is an example of a(n) __________. a) agent b) wholesaler c) disintermediary d) retailer e) industrial distributor Ans: e Feedback: An industrial distributor is an intermediary that performs a variety of marketing channel functions involving selling, stocking and delivering a full product assortment as well as providing financing for industrial goods and services. Page: 416-417 Learning Objective: 2 52. Industrial distributors perform functions that are most like which intermediary in the consumer goods marketing channel?

a) Manufacturers b) Retailers c) Agents d) Wholesalers e) Brokers Ans: d Feedback: An industrial distributor performs a variety of marketing channel functions, including selling, stocking and delivering a full product assortment and financing similar to wholesalers in consumer channels. Page: 417 Learning Objective: 2 53. MachineTools.com sells grinders, boring mills and engine lathes. The website has listed goods from over 700 machinery manufacturers, 2,500 distributors of new equipment and 650 dealers of used inventory for sale at the website. MachineTools.com relies on a wellestablished channel of manufacturers, distributors and machinery dealers to provide the merchandise that is sold through this __________. a) internet distribution channel b) electronic marketing channel c) virtual marketing channel d) consumer-responsive channel e) product-driven channel Ans: b Feedback: Electronic marketing channels employ the Internet to make goods and services available for consumption or use by consumers or industrial buyers. Page: 417 Learning Objective: 2 54. __________ employ the Internet to make goods and services available for consumption or use by consumers or industrial buyers. a) Internet distribution channels b) Electronic marketing channels c) Virtual marketing channels d) Consumer-responsive channels e) Product-driven marketing channels Ans: b Page: 417 Learning Objective: 2 55. Which of the following statements about electronic marketing channels is true? a) Electronic marketing channels combine electronic and traditional intermediaries to create utility for buyers b) Electronic marketing channels look a lot like common marketing channels c) Electronic intermediaries can perform transactional functions effectively d) Electronic intermediaries perform facilitating functions at a relatively lower cost than traditional marketing channels e) All of the above statements are true Ans: e Feedback: A unique feature of electronic marketing channels is that they combine electronic and traditional intermediaries to create time, place, form and possession utility for buyers.

Electronic marketing channels look a lot like common marketing channels. Electronic intermediaries can and do perform transactional and facilitating functions effectively and at a relatively lower cost than traditional marketing channels. Page: 417 Learning Objective: 2 56. Which of the following services or products must be provided by traditional marketing channels? a) Car rental reservations b) Software c) Health care d) Music e) All of the above Ans: c Feedback: Health care is a service that still requires a trip to the doctor (a traditional channel) for treatment. The other types of services or products are effectively provided via the Internet. Page: 418 Learning Objective: 2 57. __________ is(are) a method of marketing which allows consumers to buy products by interacting with various advertising media without a face-to-face meeting with a salesperson. a) Indirect marketing channels b) Direct marketing channels c) Impersonal marketing channels d) Channel bypass marketing e) Personal selling Ans: b Page: 418 Learning Objective: 2 58. Mail order selling, catalog sales and telemarketing, are all examples of __________. a) indirect channels b) direct marketing channels c) impersonal marketing channels d) channel bypass marketing e) direct channels Ans: b Feedback: Direct marketing channels allow consumers to buy products by interacting with various advertising media without a face-to-face meeting with a salesperson. Direct marketing channels include mail order selling, direct-mail sales, catalog sales, telemarketing, interactive media and televised home shopping. Page: 418 Learning Objective: 2 59. When you order a sweater from an L.L. Bean mail-order catalog, what type of marketing channel are you and the company using? a) Cash and carry marketing channel b) Intensive distribution channel c) Selective distribution channel d) Indirect marketing channel

e) Direct marketing channel Ans: e Feedback: Some firms, such as L.L. Bean, sell products almost entirely through direct marketing channels. Page: 418 Learning Objective: 2 60. __________ is the blending of different communication and delivery channels that are mutually reinforcing in attracting, retaining and building relationships with consumers who shop and buy in traditional intermediaries and online. a) Direct marketing b) Indirect marketing c) Intensive marketing d) Multichannel marketing e) Electronic marketing Ans: d Page: 418 Learning Objective: 2 61. Multichannel marketing is the blending of different __________ that are __________ in attracting, retaining and building relationships with consumers who shop and buy in traditional intermediaries and online. a) pricing channels; mutually exclusive b) distribution channels; mutually exclusive c) communication and delivery channels; mutually reinforcing d) communication and delivery channels; mutually exclusive e) communication channels; mutually exclusive Ans: c Page: 418 Learning Objective: 2 62. Which of the following statements about multichannel marketing is true? a) Multichannel marketing seeks to integrate a firm's electronic and delivery channels b) Multichannel marketing can leverage the value-adding capabilities of different channels c) Catalogs can serve as shopping tools for online purchasing d) Websites can help consumers do their homework before visiting a store e) All of the above statements about multichannel marketing are true Ans: e Feedback: Multichannel marketing seeks to integrate a firm's electronic and delivery channels. It can also leverage the value-adding capabilities of different channels. For example, retail stores can leverage their physical presence by allowing customers to pick up their online orders at a nearby store or return or exchange non-store purchases if they wish. Catalogs can serve as shopping tools for online purchasing. Websites can help consumers do their homework before visiting a store. Page: 418-419 Learning Objective: 2 63. __________ is an arrangement whereby a firm reaches different buyers by employing two or more different types of channels for the same basic product. a) A strategic channel alliance

b) Multiple level selling c) Parallel distribution d) Dual distribution e) Multi-layered distribution Ans: d Page: 419 Learning Objective: 2 64. Pharmaceutical companies sell to hospitals and clinics directly. They market their products to large retail chains that distribute the medicines to their stores across the nation. They also sell to drug wholesalers that sell to the remaining independent drugstores in the U.S. What method of distribution best describes that used by pharmaceutical companies in this example? a) Dual distribution b) Vertical distribution c) Horizontal distribution d) Direct distribution e) Exclusive distribution Ans: a Feedback: Dual distribution is an arrangement whereby a firm reaches different buyers by employing two or more different types of channels for the same product. In this case, pharmaceutical companies sell using direct channels to hospitals and clinics and indirect channels to the other intermediaries. Page: 419 Learning Objective: 2 65. The channel strategy demonstrated when Hallmark sells its Hallmark brand greeting cards through Hallmark stores and select department stores and its Ambassador brand of cards through discount and drugstore chains is called __________. a) a strategic channel alliance b) multichannel distribution c) parallel distribution d) dual distribution e) multi-product distribution Ans: d Feedback: Dual distribution is an arrangement whereby a firm reaches different buyers by employing two or more different types of channels for the same basic product. Page: 419 Learning Objective: 2 66. A recent innovation in marketing channels whereby one firm's marketing channel is used to sell another firm's products is called __________. a) dual distribution b) a strategic channel alliance c) cooperative distribution d) an integrated channel alliance e) a multi-channel venture Ans: b Page: 419 Learning Objective: 2

67. Which type of marketing channel arrangement is good for a firm to use in global marketing where the creation of marketing channel relationships is expensive and time consuming? a) Dual distribution b) Strategic channel alliance c) Cooperative distribution d) Integrated global channel alliance e) Multi-channel distribution Ans: b Feedback: Strategic channel alliances use one firm's marketing channel to sell another firm's products. Strategic alliances are popular in global marketing, where the creation of marketing channel relationships is expensive and time consuming. Page: 419 Learning Objective: 2 68. Kraft Foods distributes Starbucks coffee in U.S. supermarkets and internationally using a __________. a) multi-channel distribution b) a direct marketing channel c) a cooperative distribution channel d) a strategic channel alliance e) a dual distribution agreement Ans: d Feedback: A strategic channel alliance occurs when one firm's marketing channel is used to sell another firm's products. An alliance between Kraft Foods and Starbucks is a case in point. Page: 419 Learning Objective: 2 69. Meyers, Inc. is an American company that manufactures and distributes coffee products in the U.S. Because of the wide popularity of its products in the U.S., Meyers wants to initiate distribution internationally as soon as possible. The most efficient distribution arrangement in terms of cost and time for Meyers Inc. to use would be __________. a) multi-channel distribution b) direct marketing c) cooperative distribution d) a strategic channel alliance e) a dual distribution agreement Ans: d Feedback: Strategic channel alliances are popular in international marketing because developing marketing channel relationships are expensive and time consuming. Page: 419 Learning Objective: 2 70. An example of a(n) __________ occurs when Kraft Foods uses the distribution system of Ajinomoto, a major Japanese food company, to market its Maxwell House coffee in Japan. a) direct marketing channel b) industrial distributor c) dual distribution system

d) strategic channel alliance e) franchising operation Ans: d Feedback: Strategic channel alliances are popular in international marketing because developing marketing channel relationships are expensive and time consuming. Page: 419 Learning Objective: 2 71. Business Objects, a leading French enterprise software company, and IBM have expanded their ___________ to co-develop, sell, and implement information-on-demand solutions to customers in the Asia Pacific. a) dual distribution partnership b) multi-channel distribution c) cooperative distribution channel d) strategic channel alliance e) bilateral trade agreement Ans: d Feedback: Strategic channel alliances are popular in global marketing, where the creation of marketing channel relationships is expensive and time consuming. Page: 420 Learning Objective: 2 72. The Business Objects and IBM strategic channel alliance __________. a) provides localized support for new and existing mid-market and enterprise customers. b) provides more computers for consumers c) had no effect on the worldwide market share of these companies d) increased the competitor's worldwide market share e) caused problems for both companies Ans: a Feedback: Business Objects uses IBM hardware and software for projects in these markets and the two companies provide localized support for new and existing mid-market and enterprise customers. Page: 420 Learning Objective: 2 73. Merchant wholesalers are independently owned firms that __________ the merchandise they handle. a) take title to b) broker c) act as agents for d) determine intensity strategy for e) do not deliver Ans: a Page: 420 Learning Objective: 2 74. __________ are independently owned firms that take title to the merchandise they handle. a) Merchant retailers b) Merchant manufacturers c) Merchant wholesalers

d) Agencies e) Brokers Ans: c Page: 420 Learning Objective: 2 75. All of the following are types of merchant wholesalers EXCEPT __________. a) manufacturer's agents b) rack jobbers c) drop shippers d) full-line wholesalers e) specialty merchandise wholesalers Ans: a Feedback: Merchant wholesalers are independently owned firms that take title to the merchandise they handle. They go by various names including rack jobbers, drop shippers, full-line wholesalers and specialty merchandise wholesalers. Page: 420 Learning Objective: 2 76. Which type of wholesaler carries a broad assortment of merchandise and performs all channel functions? a) General merchandise wholesaler b) Limited-line wholesaler c) Specialty merchandise wholesaler d) Rack jobber e) Drop shipper Ans: a Page: 420 Learning Objective: 2 77. Which type of wholesaler carries a narrow range of products and performs all channel functions? a) General merchandise wholesaler b) Limited-line wholesaler c) Specialty merchandise wholesaler d) Rack jobber e) Drop shipper Ans: c Page: 420 Learning Objective: 2 78. Which type of wholesaler offers a relatively narrow range of products but has an extensive assortment within the product lines carried? a) General merchandise wholesaler b) Limited-service wholesaler c) Specialty merchandise wholesaler d) Cash and carry wholesaler e) Drop shipper Ans: c Page: 420

Learning Objective: 2 79. All of the following are types of limited service merchant wholesalers EXCEPT __________. a) manufacturer's agents b) rack jobbers c) drop shippers d) truck jobbers e) cash and carry wholesalers Ans: a Feedback: Merchant wholesalers are independently owned firms that take title to the merchandise they handle. There are four major types of limited-service wholesalers: rack jobbers, cash and carry wholesalers, drop shippers and truck jobbers. Page: 420 Learning Objective: 2 80. Which limited-service wholesalers perform no facilitating functions? a) Selling agents and drop shippers b) Manufacturers' agents and selling agents c) Specialty merchandise wholesalers and rack jobbers d) Brokers and general merchandise wholesalers e) Cash and carry wholesalers and truck jobbers Ans: e Feedback: Figure 15-7 shows that cash and carry wholesalers and truck jobbers are the only limited-service wholesalers that perform no facilitating functions. Page: 421, figure 15-7 Learning Objective: 2 81. A regional bakery makes organic breads and muffins. The choice of distribution channel is critical to the product's success, especially since the bakery wants to have the product distributed nationally. However, it will take some time before sales take off and it wants to make sure the marketing program is consistent everywhere. It should use __________. a) its own sales force to sell directly to retailers b) the services of a selling agent to sell to general merchandise wholesalers who will sell to retailers c) a dual distribution system composed of both direct and indirect wholesalers d) a rack jobber who will sell to a merchant wholesaler and who will in turn sell to retailers e) manufacturers' agents to sell to truck jobbers who in turn will deal with retailers Ans: e Feedback: Manufacturers' agents work for several producers buying and selling complementary products and act as a selling arm of the producer. Truck jobbers specialize in dealing with perishable items. Page: 420-421 Learning Objective: 2 82. Which of the following is a type of full service merchant wholesaler? a) Cash and carry wholesaler b) Rack jobbers c) Truck jobbers d) Specialty merchandise wholesaler

e) Drop shippers Ans: d Feedback: Specialty merchandise wholesalers offer a relatively narrow range of products but have an extensive assortment within the product lines carried. They perform all channel functions and are found in the health foods, automotive parts and seafood industries. Page: 420 Learning Objective: 2 83. Which of the following is NOT a type of limited-service wholesaler? a) Cash and carry wholesaler b) Rack jobber c) Truck jobber d) Drop shipper e) General merchandise wholesaler Ans: e Feedback: Two major types of full-service wholesalers exist: general merchandise and specialty merchandise wholesalers. General merchandise wholesalers are full-line wholesalers. Page: 420 Learning Objective: 2 84. Which of the following is NOT a type of limited-service wholesaler? a) Cash and carry wholesaler b) Rack jobber c) Truck jobber d) Specialty merchandise wholesaler e) Drop shipper Ans: d Feedback: Two major types of full-service wholesalers exist: general merchandise and specialty merchandise wholesalers. Specialty merchandise wholesalers are full-service wholesalers. Page: 420 Learning Objective: 2 85. What type of limited-service wholesaler furnishes shelves that display merchandise in stores, performs all channel functions and sells on consignment to retailers? a) Stack loader b) Desk jobbers c) Drop shipper d) Rack jobber e) Truck jobber Ans: d Page: 420 Learning Objective: 2 86. Rack jobbers are wholesalers who __________. a) furnish the shelves that display merchandise in retail stores, perform all channel functions and sell on consignment to retailers b) own the merchandise they sell and use warehouse racks to store it c) own the merchandise they sell but do not physically handle, stock or deliver it

d) have a small warehouse from which they stock their trucks for distribution to retailers e) work for several producers and carry noncompetitive, complementary merchandise in an exclusive territory Ans: a Page: 420 Learning Objective: 2 87. Hosiery, toys and health and beauty items are sold by __________. a) cash and carry wholesalers b) rack jobbers c) truck jobbers d) general merchandise wholesalers e) drop shippers Ans: b Feedback: Rack jobbers are wholesalers who furnish the racks or shelves that display merchandise in retail stores, perform all channel functions and sell on consignment to retailers. Familiar products such as hosiery, toys, housewares and health and beauty items are sold by rack jobbers. Page: 420 Learning Objective: 2 88. Cash and carry wholesalers are wholesalers who __________. a) furnish the racks or shelves that display merchandise in retail stores, perform all channel functions and sell on consignment to retailers b) take title to merchandise but sell only to buyers who call on them, pay cash for merchandise and furnish their own transportation for merchandise c) own the merchandise they sell but do not physically handle, stock or deliver it d) have a small warehouse from which they stock their trucks for distribution to retailers e) work for several producers and carry noncompetitive, complementary merchandise in an exclusive territory Ans: b Page: 420 Learning Objective: 2 89. Cash and carry wholesalers __________. a) handle bulky items like lumber, bricks and telephone poles b) typically handle office supplies, electrical supplies, hardware products and groceries c) handle perishable items like flowers, baked goods and deli meats d) are a kind of full-service wholesaler e) are accurately described by none of the above Ans: b Feedback: Cash and carry wholesalers are common in electric supplies, office supplies, hardware products and groceries. Page: 420 Learning Objective: 2 90. Drop shippers are wholesalers who __________. a) furnish the racks or shelves that display merchandise in retail stores, perform all channel functions and sell on consignment to retailers

b) take title to merchandise but sell only to buyers who call on them, pay cash for merchandise and furnish their own transportation for merchandise c) own the merchandise they sell but do not physically handle, stock or deliver it d) have a small warehouse from which they stock their trucks for distribution to retailers e) work for several producers and carry noncompetitive, complementary merchandise in an exclusive territory Ans: c Page: 420 Learning Objective: 2 91. Wholesalers who own the merchandise they sell but do not physically handle, stock or deliver it are called __________. a) cash and carry wholesalers b) rack jobbers c) drop shippers d) truck jobbers e) manufacturer's reps Ans: c Page: 420 Learning Objective: 2 92. A __________ would be most likely to use drop shippers to distribute its products. a) canning plant b) baby furniture manufacturer c) publishing company d) coal mine e) bakery Ans: d Feedback: Drop shippers are wholesalers who own the merchandise they sell but do not physically handle, stock or deliver it. They are used for bulky products such as coal, lumber and chemicals, which are sold in extremely large quantities. Page: 420 Learning Objective: 2 93. Truck jobbers are small wholesalers who __________. a) furnish the racks or shelves that display merchandise in retail stores, perform all channel functions and sell on consignment to retailers b) store all the merchandise they sell in their trucks c) own the merchandise they sell but do not physically handle, stock or deliver it d) have a small warehouse from which they stock their trucks for distribution to retailers e) work for several producers and carry noncompetitive, complementary merchandise in an exclusive territory Ans: d Page: 421 Learning Objective: 2 94. A __________ would be most likely to use truck jobbers to distribute its products. a) clothing manufacturer b) manufacturer of electric generators c) leather goods importer

d) pharmaceutical company e) meat processing plant Ans: e Feedback: Truck jobbers are wholesalers who have a small warehouse from which they stock their trucks for distribution to retailers. They usually handle limited assortments of fastmoving or perishable items that are sold for cash directly from trucks in their original packages. Truck jobbers handle products such as bakery items, dairy products and meat. Page: 421 Learning Objective: 2 95. Which of the following statements describes the key difference between merchant wholesalers and agents and brokers? a) Merchant wholesalers don't perform all channel functions and agents and brokers do b) Agents and brokers only deal with consumer channels c) Agents and brokers make their profits based on the sales of merchandise they own, while merchant wholesalers make profits based on fees paid for their services d) Merchant wholesalers take title to merchandise and agents and brokers do not e) Agents and brokers take title to merchandise and merchant wholesalers do not Ans: d Feedback: Unlike merchant wholesalers, agents and brokers do not take title to merchandise and typically provide fewer channel functions. Page: 421 Learning Objective: 2 96. Manufacturer's agents __________. a) furnish the racks or shelves that display merchandise in retail stores, perform all channel functions and sell on consignment to retailers b) take title to merchandise but sell only to buyers who call on them, pay cash for merchandise and furnish their own transportation for merchandise c) own the merchandise they sell but do not physically handle, stock or deliver it d) have a small warehouse from which they stock their trucks for distribution to retailers e) work for several producers and carry noncompetitive, complementary merchandise in an exclusive territory Ans: e Page: 421 Learning Objective: 2 97. Culver Glassware is a manufacturer of sets of drinking glasses and ice buckets that sells to many retailers. It does not have its own sales force, choosing instead to use a __________ to be principally responsible for the transactional channel functions. a) rack jobber b) drop shipper c) truck jobber d) manufacturer's agent e) broker Ans: d Feedback: Manufacturer's agents work for several producers and carry noncompetitive, complementary merchandise in an exclusive territory. Page: 421 Learning Objective: 2

98. Selling agents are agents who __________. a) furnish the racks or shelves that display merchandise in retail stores, perform all channel functions and sell on consignment to retailers b) work for several producers and carry noncompetitive, complementary merchandise in an exclusive territory c) take title to merchandise but sell only to buyers who call on them, pay cash for merchandise and furnish their own transportation for the merchandise d) sell primarily large bulky products e) represent a single producer and are responsible for the entire marketing function of that producer Ans: e Page: 422 Learning Objective: 2 99. Carla's Cards uses __________ to sell and market the entire line of greeting cards. The latter designs promotional plans, set prices, determine distribution policies and make recommendations to Carla on product strategy. a) manufacturer's agents b) brokers c) selling agents d) manufacturer's branches e) manufacturer's sales offices Ans: c Feedback: Selling agents represent a single producer and are responsible for the entire marketing function of that producer. Page: 422 Learning Objective: 2 100. Brokers are independent firms or individuals whose principal function is to __________. a) represent a single producer and are responsible for the entire marketing function of that producer b) work for several producers and carry noncompetitive, complementary merchandise in an exclusive territory c) take title to merchandise but sell only to buyers who call on them, pay cash for merchandise and furnish their own transportation for the merchandise d) own the merchandise they sell but not physically handle, stock or deliver it e) bring buyers and sellers together to make sales Ans: e Page: 422 Learning Objective: 2 101. Freightfinder.com and loads.truck.net are both Internet companies that are called "gobetweens". If a trucker needs to find a load for a particular trade lane, he or she can visit one of these sites, list their price and available truck space and find a company that needs a shipment moved. Since the purpose of these websites it to put buyer and sellers together so that a sale can be made, these two websites can be categorized as __________. a) brokers b) selling agents c) manufacturer's representatives

d) manufacturers' agents e) administrators Ans: a Feedback: Brokers are independent firms or individuals whose principal function is to bring buyers and sellers together to make sales. Page: 422 Learning Objective: 2 102. Recently, office vacancy rates from Kansas City to San Jose hovered at or near a 10-year low. Like skilled labor at the time, choice office space was a scarce commodity. A business in Kansas City, Missouri, looking to rent office space should use a __________ to help it locate the most suitable space at the best possible rate. a) broker b) selling agent c) manufacturer's representative d) manufacturers' agent e) administrator Ans: a Feedback: Brokers are independent firms or individuals whose principal function is to bring buyers and sellers together to make sales-in this case to create a lease arrangement. Page: 422 Learning Objective: 2 103. Originally, filters for Mr. Coffee electric-drip coffee makers were sold through appliance and mass merchandise stores. If the company decided to sell the filters in grocery stores where customers purchased their coffee, what type of intermediaries would the company most likely have hired? a) Rack jobbers b) Drop shippers c) Truck jobbers d) Manufacturer's reps e) Food brokers Ans: e Feedback: Food brokers act on behalf of producers on a permanent basis and receive a commission for their services. Page: 422 Learning Objective: 2 104. __________ are wholly owned extensions of the producer that perform wholesaling activities. a) General merchandise wholesalers b) Cash and carry wholesalers c) Agents and brokers d) Manufacturer's branches and sales offices e) Merchant wholesalers Ans: d Feedback: Unlike merchant wholesalers, agents and brokers, manufacturers' branches and sales offices are wholly owned extensions of the producer that perform wholesaling activities. Page: 422 Learning Objective: 2

105. A manufacturer's branch office __________. a) performs a sales function as an option to agents and brokers b) works for several producers and carries noncompetitive, complementary merchandise in an exclusive territory c) takes title to merchandise but sells only to buyers who call on them, pays cash for merchandise and furnishes their own transportation for the merchandise d) carries a producer's inventory, performs the functions of a full-service wholesaler e) brings buyers and sellers together to make sales Ans: d Page: 422 Learning Objective: 2 106. A manufacturer's sales office __________. a) does not carry inventory, typically performs a sales function and is an alternative to agents and brokers b) works for several producers and carries noncompetitive, complementary merchandise in an exclusive territory c) takes title to merchandise but sells only to buyers who call on them, pays cash for merchandise and furnishes their own transportation for the merchandise d) carries a producer's inventory, performs the functions of a full-service wholesaler and is an alternative to a merchant wholesaler e) brings buyers and sellers together to make sales Ans: a Page: 422 Learning Objective: 2 107. __________ marketing systems are professionally managed and centrally coordinated marketing channels designed to achieve channel economies and maximum marketing impact. a) Integrated b) Horizontal c) Vertical d) Functional e) Cooperative Ans: c Page: 422 Learning Objective: 2 108. The purpose of a vertical marketing system is to __________. a) dissuade retailers from dealing with other manufacturers or wholesalers b) limit the number of retail outlets served or maintain a limited service region c) achieve channel economies and maximum marketing impact d) eliminate competition by narrowing the channel from supplier to consumer e) maximize the number of wholesalers through which a supplier can deal Ans: c Feedback: Vertical marketing systems are professionally managed and centrally coordinated marketing channels designed to achieve channel economies and maximum marketing impact. Page: 422 Learning Objective: 2

109. Cessna is considered the volume leader for the executive-jet market. It has been described as "almost totally vertically integrated". This quote means that Cessna __________. a) does not fall under the jurisdiction of any federal regulatory agency b) has eliminated economies of scale c) has achieved a high level of social responsibility d) achieves almost complete coordination of production and distribution through ownership, which results in more control e) uses outsourcing for all component parts and materials Ans: d Feedback: A corporate vertical marketing system achieves coordination of production and distribution through ownership. Page: 422 Learning Objective: 2 110. A new company produces paint and other home decorating products. Its goal is to choose the best marketing channel arrangement that would give it the most control and the least amount of conflict. Which marketing channel arrangement should this company choose? a) A corporate vertical marketing system b) A contractual vertical marketing system c) An administered vertical marketing system d) An integrated marketing system e) A corporate horizontal marketing system Ans: a Feedback: A corporate vertical marketing system achieves coordination of production and distribution through ownership, which results in more control. Ties among the intermediaries are the strongest when they are all under the same ownership. Page: 422 Learning Objective: 2 111. The combination of successive stages of production and distribution under a single ownership is called a(n) __________. a) corporate vertical marketing system b) integrated marketing system c) contractual vertical marketing system d) corporate horizontal marketing system e) contractual horizontal marketing system Ans: a Page: 422 Learning Objective: 2 112. The Fox Entertainment Group counts among its assets a thriving TV production unit, a Hollywood movie studio, 33 TV stations, a half-dozen national cable networks and 21 regional sports networks. Since most of the shows produced at its TV production unit and many of the movies made at its studio are made just for televising on its cable networks, Fox Entertainment Group is an example of a(n) __________. a) corporate vertical marketing system b) integrated marketing system c) contractual vertical marketing system d) corporate horizontal marketing system

e) contractual horizontal marketing system Ans: a Feedback: A corporate vertical marketing system combines successive stages of production and distribution under a single ownership. Page: 422 Learning Objective: 2 113. When a producer owns an intermediary at the next level down in the marketing channel, it is called __________. a) forward integration b) backward integration c) vertical channel connection d) horizontal channel connection e) horizontal integration Ans: a Page: 422 Learning Objective: 2 114. Hart Schaffner & Marx is a producer of men's suits and sports coats that also operates 100 menswear stores. Hart Schaffner & Marx uses __________. a) dual distribution b) forward integration c) backward integration d) horizontal integration e) strategic alliances Ans: b Feedback: Forward integration occurs when a producer owns an intermediary at the next level down in the marketing channel. Page: 422 Learning Objective: 2 115. Watsons, a Hong Kong-based retail personal store, manufactures its own products, which are sold together with other brands of the same type of products manufactured by other companies. This example shows that Watsons uses __________. a) dual distribution b) forward integration c) backward integration d) horizontal integration e) strategic alliances Ans: c Feedback: Backward integration is the practice of retailers owning a manufacturing operation. Page: 400 Learning Objective: 2 116. When a retailer owns a manufacturing operation, it is called __________. a) forward integration b) backward integration c) vertical integration d) a joint venture

e) horizontal integration Ans: b Page: 422 Learning Objective: 2 117. Which of the following is true of a corporate vertical marketing system? a) Successive stages of production and distribution are under a single ownership b) Backward and/or forward integration occur in corporate vertical marketing systems c) Corporate vertical marketing systems reduce distribution costs and increase control d) Capital investment and fixed costs increase with corporate vertical marketing systems e) All of the above are true of corporate vertical marketing systems Ans: e Feedback: The combination of successive stages of production and distribution under a single ownership is a corporate vertical marketing system. Forward and/or backward integration occur in corporate vertical marketing systems. Companies seeking to reduce distribution costs and gain greater control over supply sources or resale of their products pursue forward and backward integration. Both types of integration increase a company's capital investment and fixed costs. Page: 422-423 Learning Objective: 2 118. Which of the following is the most popular type of vertical marketing system? a) Corporate vertical marketing systems b) Horizontal marketing systems c) Contractual vertical marketing systems d) Administered vertical marketing systems e) Wholesaler-sponsored voluntary systems Ans: c Feedback: Contractual systems (including franchises) are the most popular among the three types of vertical marketing systems. Page: 423 Learning Objective: 2 119. Which type of contractual vertical marketing system involves a contractual relationship between a wholesaler and small independent retailers to standardize and coordinate buying practices, merchandising programs and inventory management efforts? a) Service-sponsored retail franchise system b) Retailer-sponsored cooperative c) Administered vertical marketing system d) Manufacturer-sponsored retail franchise system e) Wholesaler-sponsored voluntary chain Ans: e Page: 423 Learning Objective: 2 120. Ace Hardware is a national ___________ that allows its members, independent retailers of paint and hardware products, to concentrate their buying power through wholesalers and more importantly plan collaborative promotional and pricing activities. a) service-sponsored retail system b) retailer-sponsored cooperative

c) administered cooperative system d) manufacturer-sponsored cooperative e) wholesaler-sponsored voluntary chain Ans: b Feedback: Retailer-sponsored cooperatives exist when small, independent retailers form an organization that operates a wholesale facility cooperatively. Page: 423 Learning Objective: 2 121. Which type of contractual vertical marketing system involves small independent retailers forming an organization that operates a wholesale facility cooperatively? a) Service-sponsored retail system b) Retailer-sponsored cooperative c) Administered cooperative system d) Manufacturer-sponsored cooperative e) Wholesaler-sponsored voluntary chain Ans: b Page: 423 Learning Objective: 2 122. Franchising is a form of __________. a) corporate vertical marketing systems b) horizontal marketing systems c) contractual vertical marketing systems d) administered vertical marketing systems e) wholesaler-sponsored voluntary systems Ans: c Feedback: Franchising is a contractual arrangement between a parent company and an individual or firm. It is the most visible variation of contractual systems. Page: 423 Learning Objective: 2 123. A contractual arrangement between a parent company and an individual or firm that allows the individual or firm to operate a certain type of business under an established name and according to specific rules is called __________. a) a corporate vertical marketing system b) a wholesaler sponsored voluntary chain c) a retailer sponsored cooperative d) franchising e) an administered vertical marketing system Ans: d Page: 423 Learning Objective: 2 124. Jacob has developed a lawn care service that will revolutionize the lawn care industry. Jacob, however, has limited operating capital and yet, still wants a wide distribution of his new product. Which of the following options would be the best choice for Jacob? a) He should develop an administered vertical marketing system in order to achieve distribution

b) He should establish a corporate vertical marketing system to control the distribution system that will be established c) He should open up branch offices around the country to provide the exposure he needs d) He should establish a wholesaler-sponsored vertical marketing system to obtain greater economies of scale e) He should establish a contractual vertical marketing system (franchise) Ans: e Feedback: In a franchised vertical marketing system, Jacob can establish a contract that allows the franchisee to use the product and the name, but provide the operating capital to run independent businesses. Jacob would get a profit or sales royalty to gain income. Page: 423 Learning Objective: 2 125. __________ are commonly used in the automobile industry. With this system, a manufacturer licenses dealers to sell its cars subject to various sales and service conditions. a) Service-sponsored producer franchise systems b) Service-sponsored retail franchise systems c) Manufacturer-sponsored wholesale systems d) Manufacturer-sponsored retail franchise systems e) Administered vertical marketing systems Ans: d Feedback: Manufacturer-sponsored retail franchise systems are prominent in the automobile industry, where a manufacturer such as Ford licenses dealers to sell its cars subject to various sales and service conditions. Page: 423 Learning Objective: 2 126. The __________ system is common in the soft drink industry where the manufacturer sells its concentrate to wholesalers, who carbonate it and market the finished product to retailers. a) service-sponsored franchise b) service-sponsored retail franchise c) manufacturer-sponsored wholesale d) manufacturer-sponsored retail franchise e) administered vertical marketing Ans: c Feedback: Manufacturer-sponsored wholesale systems are evident in the soft drink industry where Pepsi-Cola licenses wholesalers (bottlers) who purchase concentrate from Pepsi-Cola and then carbonate, bottle, promote and distribute its products to supermarkets and restaurants. Page: 423 Learning Objective: 2 127. The four types of franchise arrangements that are most popular are __________. a) service-sponsored franchise systems, service-sponsored retail franchise systems, manufacturer-sponsored wholesale systems and manufacturer-sponsored retail franchise systems b) service-sponsored retail franchise, corporate vertical marketing system, wholesalersponsored voluntary chains, service-sponsored franchise

c) manufacturer-sponsored wholesale system, service-sponsored retail franchise, corporate vertical marketing system, wholesaler-sponsored voluntary chains d) manufacturer-sponsored retail franchise, service-sponsored retail franchise, corporate vertical marketing system, wholesaler-sponsored voluntary chains e) administered vertical marketing, service-sponsored retail franchise, corporate vertical marketing system, wholesaler-sponsored voluntary chains Ans: a Feedback: The four types of franchise programs are manufacturer-sponsored retail franchise system, manufacturer-sponsored wholesale franchise system, service-sponsored retail franchise system and service-sponsored franchise system. Page: 423-424 Learning Objective: 2 128. Which type of vertical marketing system achieves coordination at successive stages of production and distribution by the size and influence of one channel member rather than through ownership? a) Corporate vertical marketing system b) Integrated vertical marketing system c) Contractual vertical marketing system d) Administered vertical marketing system e) Interactive vertical marketing system Ans: d Page: 424 Learning Objective: 2 129. Which of the following statements describes the most significant distinction between a corporate vertical marketing system and an administered vertical marketing system? a) Administered vertical marketing systems gain power through ownership while vertical marketing systems gain power through corporate agreement b) Administered vertical marketing systems gain power through size and influence of one channel member and through ownership c) Administered vertical marketing systems achieve coordination at successive stages of production and distribution by the size and influence of one channel member rather than through ownership d) Administered vertical marketing systems gain power through contractual agreement and ownership e) Administered vertical marketing systems are usually larger and more profitable than corporate vertical marketing systems Ans: c Feedback: Size and influence of a single channel member is the key distinction between corporate and administered vertical marketing systems. Page: 424 Learning Objective: 2 130. Wal-Mart can obtain cooperation from manufacturers in terms of product specifications, price levels and promotional support, given its position as the world's largest retailer. Which type of vertical marketing system does Wal-Mart represent? a) Corporate vertical marketing system b) Integrated vertical marketing system c) Contractual vertical marketing system

d) Administered vertical marketing system e) Interactive vertical marketing system Ans: d Feedback: Wal-Mart can achieve coordination of production and distribution because of its size and influence rather than through ownership. Page: 424 Learning Objective: 2 131. Proctor & Gamble can obtain cooperation from supermarkets in terms of displaying, promoting and pricing its products, given its broad assortment of brand-name products. Which type of vertical marketing system does Proctor & Gamble represent? a) Corporate vertical marketing system b) Integrated vertical marketing system c) Contractual vertical marketing system d) Administered vertical marketing system e) Interactive vertical marketing system Ans: d Feedback: Proctor & Gamble can obtain supermarket cooperation because of its size and influence rather than through ownership. Page: 424 Learning Objective: 2 132. What sort of distribution system consists of agreements and procedures among channel members for ordering and physically distributing a producer's products through the channel to the ultimate consumer? a) Franchise b) Channel partnership c) Selling agency d) Brokerage firm e) Drop shipping Ans: b Page: 424 Learning Objective: 2 133. Levi Strauss has a __________ with Modell's Sporting Goods in New York that uses point-of-sale scanning equipment and direct electronic linkage between the two firms. Modell's can instantaneously inform Levi Strauss what styles and sizes of jeans are needed, thus assuring that the correct selection of Levi jeans are in stock. a) franchise b) channel partnership c) selling agency d) limited-service marketing system e) corporate vertical marketing system Ans: b Feedback: A channel partnership consists of agreements and procedures among channel members for ordering and distributing a producer's products through the channel to the ultimate consumer. A central feature of channel partnerships is the collaborative use of information and communication technology to better serve customers and reduce the time and cost of performing channel functions. Page: 424

Learning Objective: 2 134. All of the following factors may affect the final choice of a marketing channel by a producer EXCEPT __________. a) changes in consumer purchasing behavior b) the stage in the product life cycle c) corporate tax legislation d) environmental factors e) the firm's financial, human and technical capabilities Ans: c Feedback: The final choice of a marketing channel by a producer depends on environmental, consumer, product and company factors. Page: 425-426 Learning Objective: 3 135. Which of the following is an example of an environmental factor that affects channel choice? a) Changing family lifestyles b) Advances in technology c) Increasing use of the Internet d) Regulatory factors e) All of the above are environmental factors that affect channel choice Ans: e Feedback: Environmental factors have an important effect on the choice and management of a marketing channel. Changing family lifestyles prompted Tupperware Corporation to begin selling its products in malls; advances in the technology of growing and transporting flowers has enabled Kroger to eliminate flower wholesalers; the Internet has created new channel opportunities; and regulatory factors influence channel choice, especially in global markets. Page: 425 Learning Objective: 3 136. Which of the following environmental factors affected Avon's choice of channel in China? a) Legal/regulatory b) Social trends c) Economic d) Competitive e) Technological Ans: a Feedback: Avon's direct marketing channel was banned by the government in China in 1998 so it then began selling through retail department stores. Eventually the ban was lifted and Avon again added the direct selling channel to its China distribution strategy. Page: 437 Learning Objective: 3 137. The three degrees of distribution density are __________. a) intensive, extensive and selective b) extensive, concentrated and selective c) intensive, exclusive and selective d) extensive, pervasive and concentrated

e) concentrated, exclusive and intensive Ans: c Feedback: Achieving the best coverage of the target market requires attention to the density and type of intermediaries to be used at the retail level of distribution. Three degrees of distribution density exist: intensive; exclusive; and selective. Page: 427 Learning Objective: 3 138. Candy bars are best sold using which type of target market coverage? a) Exclusive distribution b) Direct distribution c) Intensive distribution d) Dual distribution e) Selective distribution Ans: c Feedback: Intensive distribution means that a firm tries to place its products and services in as many outlets as possible. Since this is a product that customers are not likely to spend much time searching for, convenience becomes the key attribute of distribution. Thus, intensive distribution is the answer. Page: 427 Learning Objective: 3 139. The density of distribution whereby a firm tries to place its products or services in as many outlets as possible is called __________ distribution. a) intensive b) extensive c) selective d) exclusive e) concentrated Ans: a Page: 427 Learning Objective: 3 140. Breath mints, bottled water and nail clippers would most likely use which type of distribution density? a) Intensive distribution b) Extensive distribution c) Selective distribution d) Exclusive distribution e) Concentrated distribution Ans: a Feedback: Intensive distribution means that a firm tries to place its products and services in as many outlets as possible. Intensive distribution is usually chosen for convenience products or services; for example, chewing gum, automatic teller machines and cigarettes. Page: 427 Learning Objective: 3 141. The density of distribution whereby a firm tries to place its products or services with only one retail outlet in a specified geographical area is called __________ distribution. a) intensive

b) extensive c) selective d) exclusive e) concentrated Ans: d Page: 427 Learning Objective: 3 142. Gucci manufactures and distributes luxury goods. This types of goods are considered to be specialty products. Which type of market coverage is Gucci likely to use? a) Intensive distribution b) Extensive distribution c) Selective distribution d) Exclusive distribution e) Concentrated distribution Ans: d Feedback: Exclusive distribution is where only one retail outlet in a specified geographical area carries the firm's products. Exclusive distribution is typically chosen for specialty products or services. Page: 427 Learning Objective: 3 143. Which type of distribution density is used by Rolls Royce when the car manufacturer maintains only one dealership in any large metropolitan area? a) Intensive distribution b) Extensive distribution c) Selective distribution d) Exclusive distribution e) Private label distribution Ans: d Feedback: Exclusive distribution is where only one retail outlet in a specified geographical area carries the firm's products. Exclusive distribution is typically chosen for specialty products or services-for example, automobiles, some women's fragrances, men's suits and yachts. Page: 427 Learning Objective: 3 144. For which of the following products would the manufacturer be most likely to use exclusive distribution? a) Timex watches, Hanes underwear and Nike shoes b) Chanel perfume, Steinway pianos and Baccarat crystal c) Oreos, Teddy Grahams and vanilla wafers d) Paper clips, light bulbs and file folders e) Lean Cuisine meals, Breyer's ice cream and Coca-Cola Ans: b Feedback: Exclusive distribution is where only one retail outlet in a specified geographical area carries the firm's products. Exclusive distribution is typically chosen for specialty products or services; for example, automobiles, some women's fragrances, men's suits and yachts. Page: 427

Learning Objective: 3 145. The density of distribution whereby a firm tries to place its products in a few retail outlets in a specific area is called __________ distribution. a) intensive b) extensive c) selective d) exclusive e) concentrated Ans: c Page: 427 Learning Objective: 3 146. The target market coverage and distribution intensity associated with shopping goods such as electronics, clothing and costume jewelry is called __________. a) intensive distribution b) exclusive distribution c) selective distribution d) extensive distribution e) concentrated distribution Ans: c Feedback: Selective distribution is the most common form of distribution intensity and is usually associated with shopping goods or services. Page: 427 Learning Objective: 3 147. Which type of market coverage is usually associated with shopping goods? a) Intensive distribution b) Extensive distribution c) Selective distribution d) Exclusive distribution e) Concentrated distribution Ans: c Feedback: Selective distribution is the most common form of distribution intensity and is usually associated with shopping goods or services. Page: 427 Learning Objective: 3 148. __________ distribution lies between the two distribution extremes and means that a firm selects a few retail outlets in a specific geographical area to carry its products. a) Intensive b) Extensive c) Selective d) Exclusive e) Concentrated Ans: c Page: 427 Learning Objective: 3

149. Which of the following is a major consideration for satisfying buyer requirements when designing distribution channels? a) Information b) Convenience c) Variety d) Attendant services e) All of the above Ans: e Feedback: A second consideration in channel choice is gaining access to channels and intermediaries that satisfy at least some of the interests buyers might want fulfilled when they purchase a firm's products or services. These interests fall into four broad categories: (1) information, (2) convenience, (3) variety and (4) attendant services. Page: 427-428 Learning Objective: 3 150. Channels are typically designed to satisfy one or more of four consumer interests. 7Eleven stores, with more than 30,000 outlets worldwide, many of which are open 24 hours a day, satisfy this interest for buyers, and candy and snack food firms benefit by gaining display space in these stores. Which buyer requirement is 7-Eleven appealing to? a) Information b) Convenience c) Variety d) Attendant services e) All of the above Ans: b Feedback: Convenience has multiple meanings for buyers, such as ease of use. In this case, being able to purchase. Page: 427 Learning Objective: 3 151. Which buyer requirement would be most important in choosing a channel design for a financial service for a consumer who is interested in setting up a retirement account? a) Information b) Context c) Variety d) Attendant services e) All of the above are equally important Ans: a Feedback: Information is an important requirement when buyers have limited knowledge or desire specific data about a product or service. In this case, setting up a retirement account requires information. Page: 427 Learning Objective: 3 152. Apple's web site offers customers __________. a) a tutorial on using computers b) suggestions on how to pick a password you will remember c) a way to order Apple merchandise d) a way to find the nearest Apple store e) information on Olympic athletes Apple supports

Ans: d Feedback: Apple's website offers consumers a way to find the nearest Apple store. Page: 428 Learning Objective: 3

153. Which of the channels shown for a particular furniture manufacturer in the marketing dashboard above represent the most sales? a) Furniture store chains b) Independent furniture stores c) Department store chains d) Mass merchandisers e) None of the above Ans: a Feedback: Furniture store chains are shown as representing the most sales at 62.5%. Page: 429 Learning Objective: 3

154. Which of the channels shown for a particular furniture manufacturer in the marketing dashboard above represent the least profit to the manufacturer? a) Furniture store chains b) Independent furniture stores c) Department store chains d) Mass merchandisers e) None of the above Ans: c Feedback: Department store chains represent the least profit at 7%. Page: 429 Learning Objective: 3

155. Based on the information presented in the marketing dashboard, which channel of distribution would the furniture manufacturer most likely consider dropping? a) Furniture store chains b) Independent furniture stores c) Department store chains d) None of the above e) Not enough information is given in the dashboard to make this determination Ans: c Feedback: Department store chains annual percentage sales growth has declined and recorded negative growth in 2007. This would most likely be the channel that the furniture manufacturer would consider dropping because of this. Page: 429 Learning Objective: 3 156. Keiretsu is the term for __________. a) a full-line wholesaler in Korea b) a producer-customer direct channel in Japan c) selling agents and brokers in Japan d) a vertical integration of as well as a social and economic bond between producers and intermediaries in Japan e) vertical integration and a social and economic bond between producers and intermediaries in Hong Kong Ans: d Page: 430 Learning Objective: 3 157. The dominant member of a keiretsu is the __________. a) customer b) retailer c) local wholesaler d) full-line wholesaler e) producer Ans: e Feedback: The producer exerts control over intermediaries of the keiretsu by deciding which competing products are sold by the other channel members. Page: 430 Learning Objective: 3 158. ___________ arises when one channel member believes another channel member is engaged in behavior that prevents it from achieving its goals. a) Channel conflict

b) Disintermediation c) Cross-docking d) Partnership inconsistency e) Relationship variance Ans: a Page: 430 Learning Objective: 4 159. The two types of channel conflict are __________. a) divisional and organizational b) horizontal and vertical c) transactional and transformational d) external and internal e) supervisor-subordinate and subordinate-subordinate Ans: b Feedback: Channel conflict arises when on e channel member believes another channel member is engaged in behavior that prevents it from achieving its goals. Two types of conflict occur in marketing channels: vertical conflict and horizontal conflict. Page: 430 Learning Objective: 4 160. __________ conflict occurs between two different levels in a marketing channel. a) Corporate b) Horizontal c) Vertical d) Administered e) Contractual Ans: c Page: 430 Learning Objective: 4 161. Which of the following is NOT a source of vertical conflict? a) When Foot Locker decided to give more shelf space to lower priced shoes b) When channel members disagree on how profit margins are distributed among channel members c) When a manufacturer increases its distribution coverage in a geographic area d) When a manufacturer believes a wholesaler or retailer is not devoting sufficient attention to its products e) When a channel member bypasses another member and sells or buys a product direct Ans: c Feedback: Vertical conflict arises when a channel member bypasses another member and sells or buys products direct; when disagreements over how profit margins are distributed among channel members; and when manufacturers believe wholesalers or retailers are not giving their products adequate attention. Horizontal conflict arises when a manufacturer increases its distribution coverage in a geographical area. Page: 430 Learning Objective: 4 162. When a channel member bypasses another member and sells or buys product direct, this practice is best termed __________.

a) disintermediation b) unethical c) vertical conflict d) horizontal conflict e) resale restrictions Ans: a Page: 430 Learning Objective: 4 163. While Maytag appliances have the leading brand name, its sales are third in the industry. One of the things the company has done to spur sales is to create a website where potential customers can find the answers to the questions most asked during the appliance purchase process. While Maytag considered using __________ (allowing customers to purchase at the site), it decided against it and simply provides the name and address of the nearest Maytag dealers. a) a transactional function b) horizontal integration c) horizontal innovation d) cross-docking e) disintermediation Ans: e Feedback: Disintermediation occurs when a channel member bypasses another member and sells or buys product directly. Page: 430 Learning Objective: 4 164. Which of the following types of vertical marketing systems is likely to experience the least channel conflict? a) Corporate vertical marketing system b) Wholesaler-sponsored voluntary chain c) Retailer-sponsored cooperative d) Franchise system e) Administered vertical marketing system Ans: a Feedback: Ties among elements are strongest when all intermediaries are owned by a single organization; aspects of both horizontal and vertical competition are thus stronger in other systems. Page: 422 Learning Objective: 4 165. Conflict occurring between intermediaries at the same level in a marketing channel, such as between two or more retailers is called __________ conflict. a) corporate b) horizontal c) vertical d) administered e) contractual Ans: b Page: 430 Learning Objective: 4

166. A channel member who coordinates, directs and supports other channel members is called a __________. a) product champion b) product captain c) channel captain d) director of distribution e) channel coordinator Ans: c Page: 431 Learning Objective: 4 167. Bombardier makes corporate jets. Its brand name is well known and respected in the corporate jet market. The aircraft company relies on outside suppliers for design support and to share development costs and market risks but Bombardier is considered the leader in determining design and marketing of its planes. For its newest plane, the Continental, Bombardier has about 30 prime suppliers—about ten of those have been involved since the initial design phase. Furthermore, as the owner of the defunct Lear Jet Corporation, Bombardier is the leading marketer of corporate jets. Bombardier is an example of a __________. a) product champion b) product captain c) channel captain d) director of distribution e) channel coordinator Ans: c Feedback: A channel captain is a channel member who coordinates, directs and supports other channel members. Because of its brand recognition, Bombardier can be considered a channel captain. Page: 431 Learning Objective: 4 168. Which of the following is the source of influence determining which channel member will be the channel captain? a) Economic influence b) Expertise c) Identification with a particular channel member d) Legitimate rights through contracts e) Any of the above Ans: e Feedback: A firm can become a channel captain because it is typically the channel member with the ability to influence the behavior of other members. Influence can take four forms: economic; expertise; identification with a channel member; and contractual rights. Page: 431 Learning Objective: 4 169. Sports Port, a motorcycle and fishing boat retailer located in a small northern Minnesota town, was the world's largest dealer for Crestliner fishing boats. In order to meet the demand of his many customers, the owner of Sports Port worked with a wide variety of channel members, ranging from the manufacturer of the boats to trucking firms, other retailers and

even detailers. Such a diverse channel of distribution often resulted in channel conflict. However, due to his strong consumer following, the owner of Sports Port had the power to resolve disputes between channel members. The owner of Sports Port served as the __________ in the channel of distribution. a) wholesaler b) producer c) channel captain d) channel spokesperson e) sole channel intermediary Ans: c Feedback: A channel captain is the member of a channel of distribution with the ability to influence the actions of other channel members. A channel captain may be a producer, a wholesaler or a retailer. The channel captain has the power to resolve channel conflict. Page: 430 Learning Objective: 4 170. Wal-Mart is a channel captain because of their strong image, number of outlets and purchasing volume. The source of Wal-Mart's power is __________. a) its economic influence b) its expertise c) its identification with a particular channel member d) its legitimate rights through contracts e) all of the above Ans: a Feedback: Economic power arises from the ability of the firm to reward or influence other members in the channel given its strong financial position or customer franchise. Page: 430 Learning Objective: 4 171. Allied Hospital Supply International helps its customers (hospitals) manage inventory and streamline order processing for hundreds of medical supplies. The source of Allied Hospital Supply International’s power is __________. a) its economic influence b) its expertise c) its identification with a particular channel member d) its legitimate rights through contracts e) all of the above Ans: b Feedback: Expertise is a source of influence as the channel captain has certain knowledge about hospital inventory management and order processing. Page: 430 Learning Objective: 4 172. Neiman-Marcus is a retailer that many small manufacturers would like to be associated with. A product placement in Neiman-Marcus will increase the prestige of a smaller brand. The source of Neiman-Marcus' power is __________. a) its economic influence b) its expertise c) its sought-after identification for a particular channel member d) its legitimate rights through contracts

e) all of the above Ans: c Feedback: Identification with a particular channel member (Neiman-Marcus) may also create influence for that channel member. Page: 430 Learning Objective: 4 173. The payments supermarkets receive in the form of money or free goods in exchange for shelf space to display and stock products of producers are called __________. a) bribes b) exclusive dealing fees c) tying arrangements d) slotting allowances e) extortion Ans: d Feedback: Some large supermarket chains demand slotting allowances from food manufacturers, paid in the form of money or free goods to stock and display products. Page: 431 Learning Objective: 4 174. When developing distribution strategy, marketers should avoid __________ if they want to avoid the possibility of violating the legal restrictions affecting channel strategies and practices. a) resale restrictions b) refusal to deal c) tying arrangements d) exclusive dealing e) all of the above Ans: e Feedback: Figure 15-9 illustrates channel strategies and practices affected by legal restrictions, including vertical integration, tying arrangements, exclusive dealing, refusal to deal, dual distribution and resale restrictions. Page: 432, figure 15-9 Learning Objective: 4 175. In general, suppliers can select whomever they want as channel intermediaries and may refuse to deal with whomever they choose. However, authorities in many Asian countries monitor channel practices that ____________, create monopolies, or otherwise represent unfair methods of competition under their anticompetitive laws. a) are deemed to have unfair advertising b) suggest patent infringement c) restrain competition d) connect channel members e) do all of the above Ans: c Feedback: In general, suppliers can select whomever they want as channel intermediaries and may refuse to deal with whomever they choose. However, authorities in many Asian countries monitor channel practices that restrain competition, create monopolies, or otherwise represent unfair methods of competition under their anticompetitive laws. Page: 432

Learning Objective: 4 176. Producers can find it difficult to use dual distribution because __________. a) it is the most expensive marketing channel b) it provides limited market coverage c) it has the potential to lessen competition or foster monopoly d) the channels are usually corporate owned e) tying arrangements are illegal Ans: c Feedback: Dual distribution can cause conflict in a marketing channel and may raise legal questions, especially if the producer's behavior is viewed as an attempt to lessen competition by eliminating wholesalers or retailers. Page: 432 Learning Objective: 4 177. Dual distribution is considered illegal if __________. a) both channels are corporate owned b) one channel is a direct channel and the other is not c) there is an attempt to lessen competition by eliminating wholesalers or retailers d) channels are operated from two different states e) the prices charged consumers differ as a result of the channel in which they were making their purchases Ans: c Feedback: If the manufacturer's behavior is viewed as an attempt to lessen competition by eliminating wholesalers or retailers, then the action would violate both the Sherman and Clayton Acts. Page: 432 Learning Objective: 4 178. Dual distribution can violate legal restrictions affecting channel strategies and practices if the __________. a) price charged for items sold through one channel is different from the price charged for the same item in another channel b) manufacturer has a corporate marketing system with one channel and an administered system with the other c) manufacturer's behavior is viewed as lessening competition by eliminating wholesalers or retailers d) manufacturer uses both a direct and indirect marketing channel e) product is not available through more than one marketing channel Ans: c Feedback: Dual distribution, although not illegal can be viewed as anti-competitive in some situations especially if the manufacturer's behavior is viewed as an attempt to lessen competition by eliminating wholesalers or retailers. Such action would violate legal restrictions affecting channel strategies and practices. Page: 432 Learning Objective: 4 179. Vertical integration can lead to legal prosecution if __________. a) mergers create too much competition b) a corporate system attempts to become a contractual system

c) an administered system attempts to become a corporate system d) there is potential to lessen competition or create a monopoly e) one member of the channel attempts to take the position of channel captain away from another Ans: d Feedback: Although not illegal, this practice is sometimes subject to legal action under the Clayton Act if it has the potential to lessen competition or foster a monopoly. Page: 432 Learning Objective: 4 180. Questions of legality regarding tying arrangements and exclusive dealing would most likely occur in __________. a) corporate systems b) administered systems c) franchises d) manufacturing e) retail-sponsored cooperatives Ans: c Feedback: Tying arrangements and exclusive dealing often arise in franchising. They are illegal if the tied products could be purchased at fair market value from other suppliers at desired quality standards of the franchiser. Page: 432 Learning Objective: 4 181. Even though a supplier has a legal right to choose intermediaries to carry and represent its products, a __________ with existing channel members may be illegal. a) refusal to cooperate b) refusal to deal c) sharing proprietary information d) horizontal integration e) disintermediation Ans: b Feedback: Even though a supplier has a legal right to choose intermediaries to carry and represent its products, a refusal to deal with existing channel members may be illegal. Page: 432 Learning Objective: 4 182. Some manufacturers have tried to use the brand loyalty of their consumers to force retailers to carry the manufacturers' products and none of their competitors. These manufacturers were trying to force retailers to participate in __________. a) resale restriction b) vertical integration c) exclusive dealing d) refusal to deal e) tying arrangements Ans: c Feedback: Exclusive dealing exists when a supplier requires a channel member to sell only its products. Page: 432 Learning Objective: 4

183. A fast-food franchisee is required by its franchisor to buy unmarked plastic eating utensils from the franchisor if the franchisee wants to use the cups, napkins and other paper products with the franchise logo. The franchisee can buy the identical utensils from a local supplier for half the price. This requirement would be an example of __________. a) a dual distribution network b) a refusal to deal c) disintermediation d) a tying arrangement e) a resale restriction Ans: d Feedback: A tying arrangement occurs when a supplier requires the franchisee purchasing some products to buy others from the supplier. This is illegal if the tied products could be purchased at fair market values from other suppliers at desired quality standards of the franchiser. Page: 432 Learning Objective: 4 184. A(n) __________ is a supplier's attempt to stipulate to whom distributors may resell the supplier's products and in what specific geographical areas or territories they may sell. a) resale restriction b) oligopolistic practice c) monopolistic practice d) refusal to deal e) tying arrangement Ans: a Page: 432 Learning Objective: 4 185. Samsung sells its television sets directly to hotel and service apartment owners and operators but uses retail stores such as Courts and Best Denki to sell to consumers. Samsung uses __________ to get their products to consumers. a) corporate vertical marketing systems b) franchising c) exclusive distribution d) dual distribution e) transporting, storing and financing Ans: d Feedback: Samsung sells its television sets directly to hotel and service apartment owners and operators but uses retail stores such as Courts and Best Denki to sell to consumers. Dual distribution is an arrangement whereby a firm reaches different buyers by employing two or more different types of channels for the same basic product. Page: 419 Learning Objective: 2 186. For most consumers popcorn is considered a convenience product. Therefore, Golden Valley Microwave Foods should use __________ distribution for its ACT II popcorn. a) intensive b) extensive c) selective

d) exclusive e) concentrated Ans: a Feedback: Intensive distribution means that a firm tries to place its products and services in as many outlets as possible. Convenience goods are typically sold using intensive distribution. Page: 427 Learning Objective: 3 187. A broker working with Golden Valley Microwave Foods would NOT __________. a) train distributors' sales forces b) provide marketing information to distributors c) assist in making sales calls to retailers d) create product assortments for distributors e) take title to the popcorn Ans: e Feedback: Brokers do not take title to the merchandise they sell. Page: 421 Learning Objective: 2 Short Answer 188. What is a marketing channel? Define each of the four basic types. Ans: a marketing channel consists of individuals and firms involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by consumers or industrial users. The four basic types of marketing channels include: direct channel: the producer and ultimate consumers deal directly with each other. indirect channel: intermediaries are inserted between the producer and consumers and perform numerous channel functions. electronic marketing channel: employs the Internet to make goods and services available for consumption or use by consumers or business buyers. direct marketing channels: allow consumers to buy products by interacting with various advertising media without a face-to-face meeting with a salesperson. PPage: 412-418 Learning Objective: 1 Learning Objective: 2 189. What are the functions performed by intermediaries? Ans: Intermediaries perform three basic functions. They are: a transactional function (involving buying, selling and risk taking because they stock merchandise in anticipation of sales) a logistical function (involving the assorting, storing, sorting and transporting of products) and a facilitating function (involving financing, grading and marketing information and research). Page: 414 Learning Objective: 1 190. What are the utilities created by marketing intermediaries? How do intermediaries create these utilities?

Ans: Marketing intermediaries help create four utilities: time (having a product or service when consumers want it), place (having a product available where consumers want it), form (enhancing a product to make it more appealing to buyers) and possession entails efforts by intermediaries to help buyers take possession of a product or service. Page: 414-415 Learning Objective: 1 191. Distinguish between a direct and an indirect channel. Ans: a direct channel occurs when a producer and ultimate consumers deal directly with each other. Because there are no intermediaries, the producer must perform all channel functions. Indirect channels occur when intermediaries are inserted between the producer and consumers and perform numerous channel functions. Page: 416 Learning Objective: 2 192. Define and describe a similarity and difference between dual distribution and a strategic channel alliance. Ans: dual distribution occurs when a firm employs two or more different types of channels for the same product (e.g. GE sells its large appliances directly to home and apartment builders but uses retailers to sell them to consumers). Dual distribution is used for a multibrand strategy. Strategic channel alliance is when one firm's marketing channel is used to sell another firm's products (e.g. Lipton iced tea distributed by Pepsi bottlers). A similarity between the two terms is that both are used by firms to reach different market segments in a more cost-effective manner. A difference between the two terms is that for dual distribution, a single producer selects the intermediaries to reach its target market segments whereas in a strategic channel alliance, one producer uses the marketing channel developed by another firm (sometimes a competitor in a product class) to reach its target market segments. Page: 419 Learning Objective: 2 193. Explain the difference between full-service and limited-service merchant wholesalers. List and describe the types of wholesalers that belong in each category. Ans: Merchant wholesalers are classified either as full-service or limited-service wholesalers depending on the number of functions performed. There are two types of full-service wholesalers: General merchandise (or full-line) wholesalers carry a broad assortment of merchandise and perform all channel functions. This type of wholesaler is most prevalent in the hardware, drug and clothing industries. Specialty merchandise (or limited-line) wholesalers offer a relatively narrow range of products but have an extensive assortment within the product lines carried. They perform all channel functions and are found in the health foods, automotive parts and seafood industries. There are four types of limited-service wholesalers. Rack jobbers furnish the racks or shelves that display merchandise in retail stores, perform all channel functions and sell on consignment to retailers. Hosiery, toys, housewares and health and beauty aids are sold by rack jobbers. Cash and carry wholesalers take title to merchandise but sell only to buyers who call on them, pay cash for merchandise and furnish their own transportation for merchandise. This type of wholesaler is common in electric supplies, office supplies and hardware products. Drop shippers or desk jobbers are wholesalers who own the merchandise they sell but do not physically handle, stock or deliver it. Drop shippers are used for bulky products such as coal, lumber and chemicals. Truck jobbers are small wholesalers who have a small

warehouse from which they stock their trucks for distribution to retailers. Truck jobbers handle products like bakery items, dairy products, meat and tobacco. Page: 419-421 Learning Objective: 2 194. Identify and describe the functions of agents and brokers. Ans: agents and brokers do not take title to merchandise, typically provide fewer channel functions (assorting, financing, etc.) and receive commissions or fees for their services. They consist of the following intermediaries: Manufacturers' agents, also known as manufacturer's representatives, work for several producers and carry noncompetitive merchandise in an exclusive territory. Thus, they act as the producer's sales force. Selling agents represent a single producer and are responsible for the entire marketing function, including the development of the marketing program. Brokers are individuals or firms whose function is to bring buyers and sellers together to make sales, after which the relationship dissolves. Page: 421-422 Learning Objective: 2 195. List and define the three major types of vertical marketing systems. Ans: There are three major types of vertical marketing systems-corporate, contractual and administered. Corporate vertical marketing systems combine successive stages of production and distribution under a single ownership. Contractual systems consist of independent production and distribution firms signing written agreements and integrating their efforts to obtain greater functional economies and marketing impact than they could achieve alone. Administered systems achieve coordination at successive stages of production and distribution by the size and influence of one channel member rather than through ownership. Page: 422-424 Learning Objective: 2 196. Why are marketing channels important in a marketing strategy? What factors affect channel choice and management? Ans: a marketing channel not only links a producer to its buyers, but also provides the means through which a firm implements various elements of its marketing strategy. The final choice of a marketing channel by a producer depends on a number of factors that often interact with each other. These factors include: environmental factors such as changes in the economy or technology. consumer factors such as level of sophistication and use of channel alternatives. product factors such as value and stage in product life cycle. company factors such as human, technological and financial resources. Page: 425-426 Learning Objective: 3 197. What are the three questions marketing executives consider when choosing a marketing channel and intermediaries? Ans: Marketing executives typically consider three questions when choosing a market channel and intermediaries: Which channel and intermediaries will provide the best coverage of the target market? Which channel and intermediaries will best satisfy the buying requirements of the target market?

Which channel and intermediaries will be the most profitable? Page: 426 Learning Objective: 3 198. List the four interests that buyers might want fulfilled by a marketing channel. Why are they important? Ans: a consideration in channel design is gaining access to channels and intermediaries that satisfy at least some of the interests buyers might want fulfilled when they purchase a firm's goods or services. These interests fall into four categories: information, convenience, variety and attendant services. Information is important when buyers have limited knowledge or desire specific data. Convenience can have multiple meanings such as proximity or driving time to a retail outlet. Variety reflects buyers' interests in having many items from which to choose. Attendant services such as delivery, installation and credit can also be very important. Page: 427-428 Learning Objective: 3 199. What is a channel captain? What is its function when there is channel conflict? Ans: conflict can have destructive effects on the workings of a marketing channel, so it is necessary to secure cooperation among channel members. One means is through a channel captain, a channel member who coordinates, directs and supports other channel members. Channel captains can be producers, wholesalers or retailers. Page: 431 Learning Objective: 4 200. Some supermarket chains demand slotting allowances from manufacturers, paid in the form of money or free goods, to stock and display products. Is the practice of charging slotting allowances ethical behavior? Ans: This can be argued from the retailer's point of view: Insofar as there are expenses connected with carrying merchandise and there are far more products requesting shelf space than there is space available slotting allowances are ethical. However, from the manufacturer's point of view, the fees seem to be a form of extortion, taking advantage of the manufacturer's need for retail outlets and shutting smaller marketers out of the big chain stores because they cannot afford the slotting allowances demanded. From the latter perspective, slotting allowances can be judged to be unethical. Page: 431 Learning Objective: 4

Which two are wholly owned extensions of the producer that perform wholesaling activities?

Brokers: independent firms or individuals whose main function is to bring buyers and sellers together to make sales. Manufacturer's Branches and Offices: wholly owned extensions of the producer that perform wholesaling activities.

What are the three general types of retail ownership?

There are three main types of retail ownership: sole proprietorship, partnership, and corporation. Each type of ownership affects the management and operation of a retail business in different ways. Sole proprietorships are the most common type of retail business.

In which type of retail ownership Do you have the advantage of being your own boss?

Sole Proprietorship and its Advantages In a sole proprietorship, as the owner, you have complete control over your business. You make all important decisions and are generally responsible for all day-to-day activities.

Which of the following is a reason that a producer would use a manufacturers branch to perform wholesaling activities?

Which of the following is a reason that a producer would use a manufacturer's branch to perform wholesaling activities? There are no intermediaries to perform these activities.


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