Why are stories legends and myths considered powerful ways to communicate desired values and behaviors in an organization quizlet?

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  • What are considered one of the strongest ways to embed organizational culture because they are meaningful and visible quizlet?
  • Why is it important to understand that some cultures reflect opposing core values?
  • Which mechanism for culture change most closely corresponds with Experian's emphasis on building culture organically through the use of informal networks quizlet?
  • What values represent the explicitly stated values and norms that are preferred by an organization?

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Terms in this set (49)

What is culture and why is it helpful to understand its layers and functions?


How are different types of organizational culture related to outcomes?


What mechanisms or levers can I use to implement culture change?


How can I integrate the findings of socialization research with the three phases of socialization?


How can I use mentoring to foster personal and professional success?


Organizational Culture

The set of shared, taken-for-granted, implicit assumptions that a group holds and that determines how it perceives, thinks about, and reacts to its various environments

4 Characteristics of Organizational Culture:

Shared Concept, Learned over time, Influences our behavior at work, Impacts outcomes at multiple levels

Drivers of Organizational Culture

The founder's values, the industry and business environment, the national culture, the organization's vision and strategies, the behavior or leaders

Flow of Organizational Culture

Drivers of Culture --> Organizational Culture --> Organizational Structure and Internal Processes --> Group and Social Processes --> Work Attitudes and Behaviors --> Outcomes

Three Levels of Organizational Culture

Observable artifacts, Espoused versus enacted values, Basic underlying assumptions

Observable Artifacts

The physical manifestation of an organization's culture

Espoused Versus Enacted Values

Espoused values: explicitly stated values and norms that are preferred by an organization
Enacted values: values and norms that are actually exhibited or converted into employee behavior

Basic Underlying Assumptions

Organizational values that have become taken for granted

Four Functions of Organizational Culture

Act as a sense-making device, Establish organizational identity, Encourage collective commitment, Ensure social system stability

Which level of organizational culture is the hardest to change?

enacted values
espoused values
basic underlying assumptions

Basic underlying assumptions

Types of Organizational Culture

Clan (Collaborate), Adhocracy (Create), Hierarchy (Control), Market (Compete)

Clan (Collaborate)

Internal focus, flexibility valued rather than stability and control
Achieving effectiveness by encouraging collaboration, trust, and support

Adhocracy (Create)

External focus and flexibility valued
Creation of new products and services
Culture adaptable, creative, and fast to respond to the marketplace

Hierarchy (Control)

Internal focus, formalized and structured work environment
Stability and control valued over flexibility
Efficiency, timeliness, and reliability

Market (Compete)

Strong external focus and stability and control valued
Strong desire to deliver results and accomplish goals

Outcomes Associated with Organizational Culture

Organizational culture is related to measures of organizational effectiveness.
Employees are more satisfied and committed to organizations with clan cultures.
Innovation and quality can be increased by building characteristics associated with clan, adhocracy, and market cultures.
Financial performance is not strongly related to organizational culture.
Market cultures tend to have more positive organizational outcomes

Subcultures often form around:

Functional or occupational groups or work roles
Divisions or departments
Geographical areas
Products, markets, technology
Levels of management

Jane works in an organization where quality and efficiency are highly valued. This organization's culture is likely



The Process of Culture Change

Leaders are the architects and developers of organizational change.
Changing culture starts with one of the three levels of organizational culture: artifacts, espoused values, basic underlying assumptions.
Consider how closely the current change aligns with the organization's vision and strategic plan.
Use a structured approach when implementing culture change.

Formal Statements (Mechanisms for Creating Culture Change)

Using formal statements of:
Organizational philosophy
Materials used for recruiting
Represent visible artifacts

Design of Physical Change (Mechanisms for Creating Culture Change0

Physical spacing among people and buildings
Location of office furniture
E.g., open office or flexspace

Slogans, Language, Acronyms and sayings (Mechanisms for Creating Culture Change)

Often powerful forces for cultural change
Easy to remember

Role Modeling, Training, Coaching (Mechanisms for Creating Culture Change)

Structure training to provide an in-depth introduction about organizational values and basic underlying assumptions

Explicit Rewards, Status Symbols (Mechanisms for Creating Culture Change)

Strong impact on employees due to highly visible and meaningful nature
Strongest way to embed culture

Stories, Legends or Myths (Mechanisms for Creating Culture Change)

Powerful way to send messages about values and behaviors that are desired

Organizational Activities and Processes (Mechanisms for Creating Culture Change)

Leaders pay attention to those activities they can measure and control
These can send messages to employees about acceptable norms

Leader Reactions to Critical Incidents (Mechanisms for Creating Culture Change)

People learn and pay attention to emotions exhibited by leaders.
Positive emotions spread.
Negative emotions travel faster and further.

Rites and Rituals (Mechanisms for Creating Culture Change)

Planned and unplanned activities and ceremonies
Used to celebrate important events or achievements

Workflow and Organizational Structure (Mechanisms for Creating Culture Change)

Hierarchical structure versus flatter organizations
Reducing organizational layers
Empower employees and increase employee involvement

Organizational systems and procedures and organizational goals are Reflected in how an organization manages:
(Mechanisms for Creating Culture Change)

Development Promotion

Jackson Electronics would like to change their organizational culture to emphasize clan culture. Jackson should use all of the following methods EXCEPT

Develop training programs to teach the underlying assumption of clan culture.

Have leaders keep information about negative events from employees.

Change the office structure to allow space for employees to collaborate and communicate.

Develop group and team reward systems.

Celebrate employee accomplishments and life events

Have leaders keep info about negative events from employees

What is Organizational Socialization?

Process by which a person learns the values, norms, and required behaviors which permit them to participate as a member of an organization

The three-phase model of organizational socialization

Anticipatory socialization, encounter, change and acquisition

Phase 1: Anticipatory Socialization (The Organizational Socialization Process)

Occurs before an individual actually joins an organization
Information learned about careers and organizations. Learned from current employees, social media and internet.

Phase 2: Encounter (The Organizational Socialization Process)

Employees come to learn what the organization is really like.
Organizations use on-boarding programs

Phase 3: Change and Acquisition (The Organizational Socialization Process)

Employees master important tasks and roles and adjust to their group's values and norms

What research about Organizational Socialization Process tells us

Effective onboarding programs result in increased retention, productivity, and rates of task completion for new hires.
Many organizations use socialization tactics to reinforce a culture that promotes ethical behavior.
Managers need to help new hires integrate with the culture to overcome stress associated with a new environment.
Support for the stage model is mixed, different techniques are appropriate for different people at different times.
Managers should pay attention to the socialization of diverse employees

Mentoring is:

Process of forming and maintaining intensive and lasting developmental relationships between a variety of developers and a junior person

Mentoring occurs over four phases:


Career Related (General Functions of the Mentoring Process)

Exposure and visibility
Challenging assignments

Psycho-social Related (General Functions of the Mentoring Process)

Role modeling
Acceptance and confirmation

Developing a mentoring plan

Make it goal driven.
Seek out those experienced in the areas in which you want to improve.
What value will you bring to the relationship?
Know when to move on

Consistency and congruence between personal career goals and your developmental network boosts:

Job and career satisfaction

All of the following are benefits of the RJP (realistic job preview) process EXCEPT

Leads to higher job performance.

Leads to lower turnover.
provides a clearer picture of actual job expectations.

Employees may not accept a position after learning about the negative aspects of the job.

All these are benefits of RJP.

Employees may not accept a position after learning about the negative aspects of the job.

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What are considered one of the strongest ways to embed organizational culture because they are meaningful and visible quizlet?

Because they are meaningful and visible, reward systems have a strong impact on employees and are one of the strongest ways to embed organizational culture.

Why is it important to understand that some cultures reflect opposing core values?

Why is it important to understand that some cultures reflect opposing core values? The competing values inherent in different culture types can impact a company's success.

Which mechanism for culture change most closely corresponds with Experian's emphasis on building culture organically through the use of informal networks quizlet?

Which mechanism for culture change most closely corresponds with Experian's emphasis on building culture organically through the use of informal networks? Systems and procedures, work flow and organizational structure, rites and rituals, and organizational goals.

What values represent the explicitly stated values and norms that are preferred by an organization?

Espoused values represent the explicitly stated values and norms that are preferred by an organization.

What are considered one of the strongest ways to embed organizational culture because they are meaningful and visible quizlet?

Because they are meaningful and visible, reward systems have a strong impact on employees and are one of the strongest ways to embed organizational culture.

Why is it important to understand that some cultures reflect opposing core values?

Why is it important to understand that some cultures reflect opposing core values? The competing values inherent in different culture types can impact a company's success.

How do espoused values relate to the concept of organizational culture quizlet?

Espoused values represent the explicitly stated values and norms that are preferred by an organization. Basic underlying assumptions are unobservable and represent the core of organizational culture.

Which mechanism for culture change most closely corresponds with Experian's emphasis on building culture organically through the use of informal networks quizlet?

Which mechanism for culture change most closely corresponds with Experian's emphasis on building culture organically through the use of informal networks? Systems and procedures, work flow and organizational structure, rites and rituals, and organizational goals.


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