Why is it necessary for the auditor to review the clients instructions in the physical counting?

by | Apr 6, 2022 | Uncategorized |

(Objective 21-5) Assuming that the auditor properly documents receiving report numbers as a part of the physical inventory observation procedures, explain how the proper cutoff of purchases, including tests for the possibility of raw materials in transit, should be verified later in the audit. (Objective 21-5) PHYSICAL OBSERVATION OF INVENTORY Because inventory varies significantly for different companies, obtaining an under – standing of the client’s industry and business is more important for both physical inventory observation and inventory pricing and compilation than for most audit areas. Examples of key considerations that auditors should consider include the inventory valuation method selected by management, the potential for inventory obsolescence, and the risk that consignment inventory might be intermingled with owned inventory. Auditors often first familiarize themselves with the client’s inventory by conduc – ting a tour of the client’s inventory facilities, including receiving, storage, production, plan ning, and record-keeping areas. The tour should be led by a supervisor who can answer questions about production, especially about any changes in internal controls and other processes since last year. While gaining an understanding of the effect of the client’s business and industry on inventory, auditors assess client business risk to determine if those risks increase the likelihood of material misstatements in inventory. Examples of common sources of business risk for inventory include short product cycles, potential obsolescence, use of just-in-time inventory, reliance on a few key suppliers, and use of sophisticated inven – tory management technology. After assessing client business risk, the auditor decides tolerable misstatement and assesses inherent risk for inventory, which is typically highly material for manufac turing, wholesale, and retail companies. Auditors often assess a high inherent risk for companies with significant inventory, depending on the circumstances. Auditors often have a greater concern for misstatements when inventory is stored in multiple locations, the costing method is complex, and the potential for inventory obsolescence is great. When assessing control risk, the auditor is primarily concerned with internal controls over perpetual records, physical controls, inventory counts, and inventory compilation and pricing. The nature and extent of these controls varies widely from company to company. Auditors have been required to perform physical observation tests of inventory since a major fraud involving the recording of nonexisting inventory was uncovered in 1938 at the McKesson & Robbins Company. The fraud was not discovered because the auditors did not physically observe the inventory, which at the time was not required. Auditing standards require auditors to satisfy themselves about the effectiveness of the client’s methods of counting inventory and the reliance they can place on the client’s representations about the quantities and physical condition of the inventories. To meet the requirement, auditors must: • Be present at the time the client counts their inventory for determining year-end balances • Observe the client’s counting procedures • Make inquiries of client personnel about their counting procedures • Make their own independent tests of the physical count An essential point in the auditing standards is the distinction between who observes the physical inventory count and who is responsible for taking the count. The client is responsible for setting up the procedures for taking an accurate physical inventory and actually making and recording the counts. The auditor is responsible for evaluating and observing the client’s procedures, including doing test counts of the inventory and drawing conclusions about the adequacy of the physical inventory. An auditor’s physical examination of inventory is not required if inventory is housed in a public warehouse or overseen by outside custodians. In those situations, auditors verify inventory by confirmation with the custodian. However, if inventory stored with outside custodians represents a significant portion of current assets or total assets, the auditor should apply additional procedures, such as investigating the custodian’s inventory procedures, obtaining an independent accountant’s report on the custodian’s control procedures over the custody of goods, or observing the physical count of the goods held by the custodian, if practical. Regardless of the inventory record-keeping method, the client must make a periodic physical count of inventory, but not necessarily every year. The physical count may be performed at or near the balance sheet date, at an interim date, or on a cycle basis throughout the year. The latter two approaches are appropriate only if there are adequate controls over the of the perpetual inventory master files. Adequate controls over the client’s physical count of inventory include proper client instructions for the physical count, supervision by responsible company personnel, independent internal verification of the counts by other client personnel, indepen dent reconciliations of the physical counts with perpetual inventory master files, and adequate client control over count sheets or tags used to record inventory counts. Auditors need to understand the client’s physical inventory count controls before the count of inventory begins. While this understanding is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the client’s procedures, it also enables the auditor to make constructive suggestions beforehand. Obviously, if the client’s physical inventory count controls are inadequate, the auditor must spend more time making sure that the physical count is accurate. The auditor’s decisions in the physical observation of inventory are similar to those made for other audit areas. They include selecting audit procedures, deciding the timing of the procedures, determining sample size, and selecting items for testing. The last three decisions are discussed next, followed by a discussion of the appropriate audit procedures. Timing The auditor decides whether the physical count can be taken before year-end primarily on the basis of the accuracy of the perpetual inventory master files. When a client does an interim physical count, which the auditor will agree to only when internal controls are effective, the auditor observes the inventory count at that time, and also tests transactions recorded in the perpetual inventory records from the date of the count to year-end. When the perpetual records are accurate and related controls operate effectively, it may be unnecessary for the client to count all the inventory at year-end. Instead, the auditor can compare the perpetuals with the actual inventory on a sample basis at convenient times throughout the year, as long as controls over additions and reductions to the perpetual records are tested and found to operate effectively. When there are no perpetuals and the inventory is material, the client must take a complete physical inventory near the end of the accounting period. Sample Size The number of inventory items auditors should count is difficult to specify because auditors concentrate on observing the client’s procedures rather than on selecting items for testing. For convenience, sample size in physical observation may be considered in terms of the total number of hours spent rather than the number of inventory items counted. The key determinants of the amount of time needed to test inventory are the adequacy of internal controls over the physical counts, accuracy of the perpetual inventory master files, total dollar amount and type of inventory, number of different significant inventory locations, nature and extent of misstate ments dis – covered in previous years, and other inherent risks. In some situations, inventory is so material that it requires dozens of auditors to observe the physical count. In other situations, one auditor can complete the observation in a short time. Audit planning for inventory count testing and coordination with client personnel is critical. Poor planning may lead to audit difficulties. For example, it is impossible to observe client personnel counting inventory after they have completed their counts and it is difficult to expand sample sizes or reperform tests after the physical inventory has been taken. Selection of Items When auditors observe the client counting inventory, they should be careful to: • Observe the counting of the most significant items and a representative sample of typical inventory items • Inquire about items that are likely to be obsolete or damaged • Discuss with management the reasons for excluding any material items The same balance-related audit objectives discussed in previous sections for tests of details of balances provide a frame of reference for discussing the physical observation tests. However, before discussing those objectives, some overall comments about the client’s inventory process are important to consider. The most important part of the observation of inventory is determining whether the physical count is being taken in accordance with the client’s instructions. To do this effectively, it is essential that the auditor be present while the physical count is taking place. When the client’s employees are not following the inventory instructions, the auditor must either contact the supervisor to correct the problem or modify the physical observation procedures. For example, if the procedures require one team to count the inventory and a second team to recount it as a test of accuracy, the auditor should inform management if both teams are observed counting together. Table 21-2 (p. 694) lists common tests of details of balances audit procedures for physical inventory observation. Detail tie-in is the only balance-related audit objectives not included. That balance-related objective is discussed under compilation of inventory. In the discussion that follows, we assume that the client counts inventory on the balance sheet date and records the inventory counts on prenumbered tags. When they record inventory counts in a different way, audit procedures will vary. In addition to the detailed procedures in Table 21-2, the auditor should also inspect all physical areas where inventory is warehoused to make sure that all inventory has been counted and properly tagged. Boxes or other containers holding inventory should also be opened during test counts to be certain inventory is physically present. As part of their analytical procedures performed after the client has completed the inventory counts, the auditor may compare high-dollar-value inventory to counts in the previous year and inventory master files as a test of reasonableness.

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Why is it necessary for the auditor to review the clients instructions in the physical counting?
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  • Why is it necessary for the auditor to review the clients instructions in the physical counting?

Why it is necessary for the auditor to review the client's instructions in the physical counting of its inventories?

The auditor must review management's instructions for the physical count to determine if the physical counting is well planned and addresses all the items relevant to the company's inventory.

What is the important of attendance of the auditors during the physical inventory count?

The primary objective of an auditor's attendance at the inventory count of a limited liability company is to obtain sufficient appropriate evidence regarding the existence and condition of inventory. Auditors should not play any active part in the count as to do so would represent a self-review threat to the audit.

What are the purposes of the auditors observation of the taking of the physical inventory?

What are the purposes of the auditors observation of the taking of the physical inventory? Observing physical inventory is a key step in meeting the required standard of field work. It also gives information and proof that it was done correctly and numbers are accurate.

Why should an auditor understand a client's inventory count controls?

Auditors need to understand the client's physical inventory count controls before the count of the inventory begins so that: A) the auditors can accurately count and tag the inventory for the client. B) the auditors can make constructive suggestions as to the adequacy of the procedures.