Why might a soda company lower their prices when production costs fall Choose all that apply quizlet?





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Terms in this set (71)

5.5.T - Lesson: Price Ceilings and Price Floors & More on Price Fixing Review


According to Economics in One Lesson, what will happen if the government sets a minimum price for a product but doesn't restrict its output?

Unsold surpluses of the product will pile up until the market collapses.

A government policy that sets the highest price that can be charged for a good or service is a __________.

price ceiling

Which of the following are possible effects of restricting the output of a particular good or service? (choose all that apply)

Consumers are able to enjoy less of that product.

Consumers have less to spend on other products.

In a competitive market economy, who is driven out of business by a fall in price?

inefficient producers

According to Economics in One Lesson, who mostly bore the risks of fluctuating farm prices at that time?


According to Economics in One Lesson, minimum wage laws are a(n) ________ weapon for combating low wages.


Henry Hazlitt argues that in situations where workers are being paid below their market worth, the situation should be remedied not by a minimum wage, but instead by __________.


According to Economics in One Lesson, what is the consequence of limiting the profits of those who make essential commodities, but not limiting the profits of those who make luxuries or semi-luxuries?

The production of the price-controlled essential commodities is discouraged.

Hazlitt argues that the best way to raise wages is to raise labor productivity. Which of the following are methods for accomplishing this? (choose all that apply)

better education and training

new inventions and improvements

more efficient management on the part of employers

The real cause of rising prices is a scarcity of goods or a surplus of money.



A government policy that sets the lowest price at which one can buy a good or service is called a _________.

price floor

According to Economics in One Lesson, one method the government used to raise crop prices was to give "_____________ to farmers to enable them to hold their crops off the market."

government loans

Rent control is an example of a price __________.


In Economics in One Lesson, Hazlitt argues, "There is no escape from the conclusion that the minimum wage will increase ___________."


In order to offset the decreased profit caused by fixing a maximum price, governments sometimes pay subsidies to producers. What situation does this create?

People in their role of taxpayers end up subsidizing themselves in their role of consumers.

5.5.F - Lesson: Economic Incentives & Consumer Choice and Utility & Profit Review


What is a dividend?

a distribution of profits to investors

Two benefits usually given to full-time employees are health insurance and ___________.

retirement plans

Rewards like wealth, fame, or praise are examples of _________ incentives.


Which of the following might be incentives for savers to put their money in a savings account? (choose all that apply)

They feel their money is safer in the bank.

Having their money in a separate account lessens their desire to spend the money.

What is an incentive for savers that banks have some control over?

high interest rate

A reward or other enticement that encourages a behavior is a(n) _______ incentive.


Personal satisfaction is a(n) __________ incentive.


According to the lesson on consumer choice, the goal of all consumers is to maximize _________.


Which of the following is an example of a product that stopped being used due to health concerns?


Utility is the __________ consumers get from goods and services.


In a market economy, who is primarily responsible for deciding what goods and services will be produced?


A restriction on total spending is called a _________ constraint.


Utility is _____________.

inherently unmeasurable

If there is no profit in making a product, it's a sign of what?

The labor and capital devoted to its production are misdirected.

If a video game generates $10,000 in profit on total revenue of $30,000, what was the game's total cost?


Why might a soda company lower their prices when production costs fall? (choose all that apply)

The company hopes more consumers will buy their product at the lower price.

Because production costs are lower, the company can earn the same profit per unit even if they sell their products for less.

Other soda companies have lowered their prices and are stealing away customers.

If a lemonade stand generates $100 in total revenue with $50 in total cost, what is its profit?


According to Hazlitt, which of the following are functions of profit? (choose all that apply)

to put constant pressure on businesses to become more efficient

to guide and channel the factors of production

The amount of money remaining when all costs are subtracted from revenues is called _______.


How much of the total national income of the United States is made up of corporate profits?


A penalty that discourages a behavior is a(n) ________ incentive.


An activist who attempts to persuade politicians to vote for legislation that benefits their group is a _________.


One of the biggest incentives for consumers is a low ______.


Which of the following are true about utility? (choose all that apply)

In economics, we assume that consumers act as if they can measure utility.

Each individual gets a different amount of utility from the same product.

Consumer preferences are commonly impacted by new technology, as well as by health and __________ concerns.


According to the lesson about profit, why is raspberry soda much harder to find than cherry soda?

As a whole, consumers are more likely to buy cherry soda than raspberry soda.

The income generated by the sale of goods and services is called ________.


What two choices does a company have when production costs rise? (choose all that apply)

The company can accept lower profits.

The company can increase their prices.

5.6.M - Quiz 4: Price Fixing and Incentives


Which of the following are possible effects of restricting the output of a particular good or service? (choose all that apply)

Consumers have less to spend on other products.

Consumers are able to enjoy less of that product.

In a competitive market economy, who is driven out of business by a fall in price?

inefficient producers

According to Economics in One Lesson, what will happen if the government sets a minimum price for a product but doesn't restrict its output?

Unsold surpluses of the product will pile up until the market collapses.

According to Economics in One Lesson, people who advocate establishing a price floor argue that they're not trying to boost the price but are only trying to _________ it.


A government policy that sets the highest price that can be charged for a good or service is a __________.

price ceiling

The real cause of rising prices is a _______ of goods or a __________ of money.



In order to offset the decreased profit caused by fixing a maximum price, governments sometimes pay subsidies to producers. What situation does this create?

People in their role of taxpayers end up subsidizing themselves in their role of consumers.

During World War II, the American government established a rationing system to counteract the shortages caused by fixing maximum prices. Why is rationing only partly effective in counteracting these shortages?

It only limits the demand without also stimulating the supply.

In Economics in One Lesson, Hazlitt argues, "There is no escape from the conclusion that the minimum wage will increase ___________."


Which of the following are consequences of holding the price of a product below its market level? (choose all that apply)

Marginal producers will be driven out of business.

The demand for that commodity will increase.

The supply of that commodity will be reduced.

An activist who attempts to persuade politicians to vote for legislation that benefits their group is a _________.


A penalty that discourages a behavior is a(n) ________ incentive.


Which of the following might be incentives for savers to put their money in a savings account? (choose all that apply)

They feel their money is safer in the bank.

Having their money in a separate account lessens their desire to spend the money.

A reward or other enticement that encourages a behavior is a(n) _______ incentive.


What is a capital gain?

profit made from the sale of an investment such as stock or real estate

Which of the following is an example of a product that stopped being used due to health concerns?


A restriction on total spending is called a _________ constraint.


In a market economy, who is primarily responsible for deciding what goods and services will be produced?


Utility is the __________ consumers get from goods and services.


Consumer preferences are commonly impacted by new technology, as well as by health and __________ concerns.


If there is no profit in making a product, it's a sign of what?

The labor and capital devoted to its production are misdirected.

If a video game generates $10,000 in profit on total revenue of $30,000, what was the game's total cost?


If a lemonade stand generates $100 in total revenue with $50 in total cost, what is its profit?


How much of the total national income of the United States is made up of corporate profits?


The income generated by the sale of goods and services is called ________.


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