Within the context of the selection process, the logic of prediction means that

External Selection I

Preliminary Issues

True / False Questions

  1. External selection refers to the assessment and evaluation of external job applicants. True False

  2. Cost should not be used to guide the choice of initial assessment methods. True False

  3. Job analysis sometimes finds that seemingly unrelated jobs may have more in common than would be expected by relying just on job titles. True False

  4. The logic of prediction indicates that a point-to-point comparison needs to be made between requirements of the job to be filled and the qualifications of the job applicants. True False

  5. A power test is used when the speed of work is an important part of the job. True False

  6. The first step in developing a selection plan is to list relevant KSAOs associated with a job. True False

  7. The process of translating the results of a job analysis into actual predictors to be used for selection is known as a discriminant validity study. True False

  8. Organizations are increasingly finding that the costs of developing a selection plan outweigh the benefits. True False

  9. A finalist is someone who has not yet received an offer, but who possesses the minimum qualifications to be considered for further assessment. True False

  10. Contingent methods mean that the job offer is subject to certain qualifications, such as the offer receiver passing a medical exam or a drug test. True False

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Within the context of the selection process, the "logic of prediction" means that: A. indicators of an applicant's future performance are predictive of likely job performance B. indicators of a person's degree of success in past situations should be predictive of future job success C. predictors of job performance are correlated with KSAOs D. indicators of job outcomes can be used to predict job performance

  2. Which of the following is necessary for the logic of prediction to work in practice for selecting employees? A. the organization has adopted a thorough competency modeling approach B. qualifications carry over from one job to another C. that each candidate is assessed based on his or her unique experiences D. anonymous periodic reviews of applicant files to ensure accuracy

  3. Which of the following statements regarding the development of a selection plan is false? A. The list of KSAOs used in the selection plan are derived from the job requirements matrix B. The process of developing a selection plan is usually straightforward and can be done quickly C. One reason KSAOs may be deemed unimportant for selection is because they will be learned on the job D. Possible methods for assessing every identified job-relevant KSAO need to be developed

Initial Assessment Methods

True / False Questions

  1. A major problem with resumes and cover letters is lying. True False

  2. Although employers can outsource résumé collection to résumé-tracking services, in practice this type of outsourcing is too inefficient to be worth the cost. True False

  3. Résumé scanning software tends to look for nouns more than action verbs. True False

  4. Video résumés have become a major component of selection in most large organizations. True False

  5. To protect an employer from charges of unfair discrimination, it is best to only include information related to KSAOs demonstrated as important to the job on an application blank. True False

  6. Research has found that level of education is moderately related to job performance. True False

  7. College grades are more valid predictors of job performance than high school grades. True False

  8. Research suggests that the quality of the school a person graduates from makes a difference in the labor market. True False

  9. Occupational certifications are nearly all regulated by the Department of Labor to ensure that they accurately reflect job knowledge. True False

  10. Occupational certification helps guard against the misuse of job titles in human resource selection. True False

  11. Scored evaluations of unweighted application blanks are good predictors of job performance. True False

  12. The validity evidence for weighted application blanks is better than that for unweighted application blanks. True False

  13. Most organizations use only weighted application blanks for initial screening decisions. True False

  14. Letters of recommendation are an excellent way to help organizations separate highly qualified from moderately qualified applicants. True False

  15. One study that showed there was a stronger correlation between two letters written by one person for two different applicants than between two different people writing letters for the same person. True False

  16. The most common person to be contacted in a reference check is the applicant's former colleagues who worked in the same position. True False

  17. Many organizations are reluctant to give out detailed reference information regarding their former employees because they are afraid of being sued. True False

  18. Surveys suggest that only 3 out of 10 organizations conduct reference checks. True False

  19. The proportion of organizations that conduct pre-hire background checks to determine if employees have criminal records or inaccurate reporting on résumés, has risen dramatically in recent years. True False

  20. Genetic screening is becoming a valuable component of many organizations' selection systems. True False

  21. The purpose of the initial interview is to screen out the most obvious cases of person/job mismatches. True False

  22. The initial interview is the least expensive method of initial assessment. True False

  23. Initial interviews can be made more useful by asking the same questions of all job applicants. True False

  24. Most initial assessment methods have moderate to low validity. True False

  25. The most frequently used methods of initial assessment are education level, training and experience, reference checks, and initial interview. True False

  26. Level of education requirements have little adverse impact against minority applicants. True False

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Which of the following is(are) initial assessment methods? A. Résumés and cover letters B. Application blanks C. Biographical information D. All of the above

  2. When considering the use of extracurricular activities as a job performance predictor, one should _________. A. use extracurricular activities whenever possible B. de-emphasize the use of extracurricular activities C. use extracurricular activities mainly for selection of managerial personnel D. use extracurricular activities when they correlate with KSAOs required by the job

  3. Asking applicants to complete a supplemental application in which they describe their most significant accomplishments relative to a list of job behaviors is known as the _______. A. behavioral consistency method B. experiential summary method C. biodata approach D. none of the above

  4. The highest estimate of validity coefficients of unweighted applicant banks as predictors of job performance are _________. A. 1. B.. C.. D.. E..

  5. Research on application blanks has suggested that the most common questions that are misinterpreted include _________. A. previous employers B. reasons for leaving previous jobs C. previous positions held D. all of the above are true

  6. The principal assumption behind the use of biodata is the axiom, ________. A. The best predictor of future behavior is motivation level B. The best predictor of future behavior is KSAOs C. The best predictor of future behavior is education level D. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior

  7. Which of the following is true regarding biodata and background tests? A. Background information is obtained through interviews and conversations with references. B. They are two different names for the same thing. C. Only background tests look into an applicant's past. D. Biodata is used primarily when screening applicants for positions in which integrity and emotional adjustment are necessary.

  8. Biographical information is like application blanks, except _______. A. biographical information is based on history, but application blanks are based on current events B. application blanks are more likely to be used for substantive selection decisions C. biographical data is more likely to be accepted by applicants D. biographical data can be more fruitfully used for substantive selection decisions

  9. Which of the following is a criterion on which biodata items can be classified? A. historical vs. nonverifiable B. invasive vs. firsthand C. objective vs. subjective D. equal access vs. easy access

  10. The problem with using _____ for hiring purposes is that only very poor applicants cannot obtain these, and the format is unstandardized. A. certifications B. biodata forms C. letters of recommendation D. MBAs

  11. The information collected for an accomplishments record includes ______. A. a written statement of the accomplishment B. when the accomplishment took place C. any recognition for the accomplishment D. all of the above

  12. One of the major disadvantages of using handwriting analysis as an assessment method is that it is ______. A. expensive B. not related to job performance C. easy to fake D. inefficient

  13. Which of the following is true regarding genetic screening? A. It helps to screen out people who will perform poorly on the job. B. It is used widely by companies in the U. C. It helps to screen out people who are susceptible to certain diseases. D. A recent court decision has ruled that it is allowable under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

  14. One guideline for improving the effectiveness of initial interviews is to ____. A. ask questions which assess the most basic KSAOs B. make them long and rigorous C. ask each applicant different questions D. A and B are correct

  15. The issue of consistency of measurement with assessment methods is called ______. A. validity B. reliability C. variability D. central tendency

  16. An example of an assessment method which has relatively low reliability is ________. A. biographical information B. initial interviews C. application blanks D. resumes

  17. _________ refers to the possibility that a disproportionate number of protected-class members may be rejected using this predictor. A. Low reliability B. Adverse impact C. Utility D. Habeas corpus

Legal Issues

True / False Questions

  1. Disclaimers are used as a means of protecting employer rights. True False

  2. Employers are advised to let applicants know in advance that they reserve the right to not hire, terminate, or discipline prospective employee for providing false information during the selection process. True False

  3. Failure to conduct a reference check opens an organization to the possibility of a negligent hiring suit. True False

  4. The laws in most states provide employers with little protection if they provide any information in a reference check that might damage an applicant's chances of getting a job. True False

  5. Although arrest information may be gathered in the process of doing a background check, it cannot be used in staffing decisions. True False

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. A statement that identifies the rights than an employer wishes to maintain for itself that often accompanies initial employment assessments is called a ____. A. providential statement B. disclaimer C. waiver D. requisition

  2. Examples of initial assessment methods that have moderate degrees of adverse impact against women and/or minorities include ______. A. education level B. quality of school C. training and experience D. all of the above are correct

  3. Employers protect themselves in the initial stages of contact with job applicants through the use of _______. A. labor contracts B. employment clauses C. disclaimers D. discharge policies

  4. Which of the following is true regarding pre-employment inquiries (PI)? A. They have little potential for being used for discriminatory purposes in the assessment process. B. Organizations rarely make inappropriate and illegal PIs. C. It is critical for employers to understand the laws and regulations regarding PIs. D. The emphasis in PIs is on the illegal collection of information.

  5. Which of the following is the law that governs the collection of background check information for employment purposes? A. Americans with Disadvantaged Access Act B. Fair Credit Reporting Act C. Personnel Reporting Statue of 1977 D. National Labor Rights Act

  6. According to ADA, it is not permissible for employers to do which of the following at the pre-offer stage of assessment process? A. Ask if the applicant has any disabilities. B. Ask the applicant if he/she can perform the job, with or without reasonable accommodation. C. Ask the applicant to demonstrate how they could perform the job. D. None of the above are permissible.

  7. Which of the following is a typical justification of a BFOQ involving sex that employers use? A. One sex has an inability to perform the work. B. Personal contact with others requires same sex. C. Customers have a preference for dealing with one sex. D. All of the above are potential justifications.

  8. The process of translating the results of a job analysis into actual predictors to be used for selection is known as a discriminant validity study. FALSE

  9. Organizations are increasingly finding that the costs of developing a selection plan outweigh the benefits. FALSE

  10. A finalist is someone who has not yet received an offer, but who possesses the minimum qualifications to be considered for further assessment. FALSE

  11. Contingent methods mean that the job offer is subject to certain qualifications, such as the offer receiver passing a medical exam or a drug test. TRUE

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Within the context of the selection process, the "logic of prediction" means that: A. indicators of an applicant's future performance are predictive of likely job performance B. indicators of a person's degree of success in past situations should be predictive of future job success C. predictors of job performance are correlated with KSAOs D. indicators of job outcomes can be used to predict job performance

  2. Which of the following is necessary for the logic of prediction to work in practice for selecting employees? A. the organization has adopted a thorough competency modeling approach B. qualifications carry over from one job to another C. that each candidate is assessed based on his or her unique experiences D. anonymous periodic reviews of applicant files to ensure accuracy

  3. If the correctness of a response is essential for a job, then a(n) ________ test should be used. A. essay B. speed C. power D. objective

  4. Essay tests are best used to assess ___________ skills. A. oral communication B. written communication C. interpersonal D. none of the above

  5. The most accurate description of the basic purpose of a selection plan is ______________. A. a selection plan determines the means for attracting qualified job applicants B. a selection plan matches applicants to outcome criteria C. a selection plan describes predictors to be used to assess KSAOs required to perform the job D. a selection plan consists of interview rating criteria

  6. The strength of the relationship between a predictor and performance is called ________. A. reliability B. validity C. utility D. instrumentality

  7. Most initial assessment methods have _________ validity. A. moderate to low B. high to very high C. moderately high to high D. moderate

What is the logic of prediction?

The logic of prediction indicates that a point-to-point comparison needs to be made between requirements of the job to be filled and the qualifications of the job applicants.

Which of the following axioms is the principal assumption behind the use of biodata?

The principal assumption behind the use of biodata in selection processes is the axiom, "the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior." Biodata refers to medical or physiological tests of applicants prior to hiring.

Which of the following is the most difficult to estimate in the economic gain formula?

The most difficult factor in the economic gain formula to estimate is "cost per applicant".


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