Galileo thema u. a.: tiny-house-helden vom ahrtal

dein Architekt

There are at least three bands, who share the name.

1) A French duo consisting of OLIVIER from CHEVEU and ARMELLIE from THE DREAMS. Their debut album contains ten tracks of Afro-beat rhythms, cinematic soundscapes and post-punk aggression, almost sounding as if John Carpenter, RZA and The Slits made a record together. Sort of.

2) A Flemish Pagan Black Metal band.

HEIMAT was founded in 1999 by Strop and Twissak. The band has his heathen themes rooted in the own cultural heritage.

Read Full BioThere are at least three bands, who share the name.

1) A French duo consisting of OLIVIER from CHEVEU and ARMELLIE from THE DREAMS. Their debut album contains ten tracks of Afro-beat rhythms, cinematic soundscapes and post-punk aggression, almost sounding as if John Carpenter, RZA and The Slits made a record together. Sort of.

2) A Flemish Pagan Black Metal band.

HEIMAT was founded in 1999 by Strop and Twissak. The band has his heathen themes rooted in the own cultural heritage. Musically Heimat was influenced by Storm, Enslaved and Kampfar. The name “Heimat” stands for Fatherland in a lot of indo-german countries. In 2002 Storm (Gotmoor, Bunker, Paragon Impure, Moonlight Empire,…) joined Heimat on drums, which resulted in the “Promo 2002” (de Witte Buedts). This 3-track demo was only sent to some labels. In 2003 Virus aka Clauwaert (Gotmoor, Dead Inside Asylum, Voidkom,…) joined on vocals. This time we recorded our second demo “Erfgoed”, which was well received throughout the underground. After that Heimat was put on hold for various reasons. In 2007 Strop deceided to rehearse again. Storm decided to do the guitars and Virus agreed to compose the intro and outro on “Sibbevader”. Twissak is not an active member anymore but is still the composer-writer of many songs and lyrics in the background. ADHD (ex-Bellator, Crossvaults,…) joined Heimat on drums. With Noctiz (Gotmoor, Paragon Impure, Dead Inside Asylum,…) as a live member to do the second guitar Heimat played at NephereX-fest and Pestpop. With “Sibbevader” Heimat is back to claim its place!

Heimat released a second full-length, titled "Heem", in May 2012.

3) A German Industrial band.They are paying a tribute to the German "Heimat" movie series.("Eine Deutsche Chronik")

4) An American electric folk/semi-acoustic with post-rock influence project based in LA, California.

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Thema u. a.: Tiny-House-Helden vom Ahrtal

Die Kneipenbesitzerin Missy Motow will mit Tiny Häusern Flutopfern im Ahrtal helfen, die alles bei der Sommerflut 2021 verloren haben. Die Bewohner dort sind immer noch weit entfernt von der Normalität. Missy bietet die Häuser als Unterkunft an.

KategoriDokumentär / Utbildning / Nöje / NyhetsmagasinAvsnittspremiär2022-01-18

Zuletzt im TVDi18.01.2022 • 19:05

Thema u. a.: Tiny-House-Helden vom Ahrtal

Die Flutkatastrophe des vergangenen Sommers hatte verheerende Folgen für die Region rund um das Ahrtal und nahm zahlreichen Menschen ihr Zuhause. Die Bewohner:innen sind auch heute noch weit entfernt von Normalität. Kneipenbesitzerin Missy Motown möchte das ändern: Mit ihrem Projekt unterstützt sie Menschen, die alles in der Flut verloren haben, indem sie ihnen sogenannte Tiny Häuser als vorrübergehende Unterkunft zur Verfügung stellt. Wie stellt sie das an?


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