How should you address a patient when calling her from the reception room to the exam room?

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5.When should the receptionist document the fact that a patient doesn’tshow for an appointment?a.on the same dayb.only if the patient doesn’t call to reschedulec.immediatelyd.when completing the daily journale.when the office manager tells the receptionist to do so6.How long are patients typically willing to wait in the office for their

appointment before they become agitated?

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7.What is queuing up medical charts?

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How should you address a patient when calling her from the reception room to the exam room?

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Nutrition Therapy and Pathophysiology


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medical recordb.having patients sign in with their name, time of arrival, andthe name of the physician to be seenc.activating or displaying a computerized listd.listing no-show patients at the end of the daye.listing the procedure and diagnosis codes reported to theinsurance company8.How should you address a patient when calling her from the receptionroom to the exam room?

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9.What action may the physician take if a patient is a repeated no-show forappointments?a.Refer the patient to a physician partner.b.Release the patient from the physician’s care.c.Cancel the patient’s insurance.d.Write off the patient’s balance.e.Notify the patient’s insurance company.10.What mustnotbe included on a patient sign-in sheet?

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Physician, insurance company, Doctor patient relationship

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How should you address a patient when calling her from the reception room to the exam room?

The document you are viewing contains questions related to this textbook.

Nutrition Therapy and Pathophysiology


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Kayla GardnerMr. JonesJanuary 15, 2021MED 130Competency Review:1.Define and spell the terms for this chapter.1.Assignment of benefits-patient's written authorization giving the insurance company theright to pay the physician directly for billed charges.2.Collating-collecting and putting in proper order all records, test results, and informationpertaining to a patient who is scheduled to be seen by the physician.3.Copayment-predetermined amount of money the patient must pay for medical services,as determined by the insurance company.4.Demographic-information such as age, gender, ethnic background, education, andSocial Security number.5.Encounter form-record of services for billing and for insurance processing.6.No-show-patient who did not show up for a scheduled appointment.7.Pulling (charts)-preparing the medical charts of scheduled patients so that all pertinentinformation is readily available to the physician.8.Queuing up-activating or displaying electronic medical charts.9.Receptionist-person, usually a medical assistant, who greets patients as they arrive.2.Explain the steps to take if you are the first person to arrive and must open the medicaloffice.The steps to take if you are the first person to arrive and must open themedical office are arriving thirty minutes early before the start of office hours. Youshould begin opening the office by checking the security alarm and disengaging it,turning on all lights, and checking the general status of the reception room. Whichshould be tidy and clean. If the office maintains a communication notebook with thecleaning service, check for any new messages that may alert you to safety ormaintenance issues in the office. Any area used for children's toys should be neatand safe. Magazines and books should be stacked or placed in wall racks. If theoffice uses electronic health records, the person opening should make sure that thecomputer stations in all the exam rooms and physician's office are turned on, alsomake sure all charts are pulled and prepared for that day’s patients. The cash boxshould be counted before any patients are seen. A master list of patientappointments should be printed out and copies of the master list placed on the deskof the clinical medical assistants. Last of the opening list is to check the answeringservice or voicemail, if any messages came in, the person opening should documentall calls, and place messages on charts.

How should you address a patient?

Primary and secondary outcome measures. Patients preferred mode of address from healthcare providers including first name, title and second name, abbreviated first name or another name. Whether patients disliked formal address of title and second name.

How should a receptionist greet a patient?

Always greet your patients by name: A rose only by its name… Once in the office, patients should always be greeted with a smile and addressed by the appropriate name; that first interaction sets the tone for the rest of the visit. Patients do have names and like to be greeted personally.

How do you call a patient?

Immediately begin using the caller's name throughout the conversation. Establish the reason that they are calling and complete a patient phone slip when the details are required. Build relationship by listening intently and limiting outside distractions.

What are some ways to prepare the examination room for patients?

Room Preparation The examination room should be clean, well lit, ventilated and at a comfortable temperature for the patient. After every physical examination and health assessment the medical assisting should disinfect the room and paper on the surfaces should be removed and replaced.