Intellectual property is the works, inventions or creations of an individual, group or business.

Julia receives an email from an

unknown source. The subject of

the email looks strange and it has

an attachment. What should Julia


Antivirus software is a computer

program that_______,


and takes action to disarm or

remove malicious software


Intellectual property is the works,

inventions or creations of an

individual, group or business.

Asking questions are important to

determining the best use of

digital communication because

they help me think________,

which helps me

make better decisions.

The "A" in the D.E.A.L. acronym

stands for

To whom should you report


Cyberbullying is the use of

Information Technology to harm

or harass other people in a

repeated, and hostile


The digital divide is an economic_________

between groups,

broadly construed, in terms of

access to, use of, or knowledge

of information and

communication technologies.

What type of identity theft occurs

when a thief spends another

person's monev or opens a line

of credit in their name?

Before I post something on-line

that is critical about someone,

one of the questions I should ask

myself is, "Am I doing this

because of a(n)_________



conviction in a

cyberbullying case may result in

the offender paying restitution to

the victim's family.

_______can be protected by a copyright.

Visiting Internet sites that are

prohibited by an employer could

result in consequences up to and


Free Wi-Fi is typically offered on a(n)_______ network.

______is a positive impact of technology on society.

Is "Ih@%eC@ts!" a strong password?

A digital footprint is all of the information on-line about a person posted by that person or others,________

intentionally or unintentionally

A__________is an agreement between you and

the owner of a software program that allows you to perform certain tasks with software.

How are digital assets and digital footprints related?

Digital assets create digital footprints

Making hateful comments about someone through emails, blogs, on-line profiles, or chat rooms considered a method of_______

Dependency on technology is one of the________ impacts of technology on the workplace.

_______is the act of breaking into a computer to steal information.

Public domain does not represent

works whose intellectual

property rights have extended or

works that have been released by


Does a company have the right

to monitor all your digital

communications if you are using

their equipment?

Malware is software that has

Protecting what is added to your

digital footprint is important

because potentially embarrassing

information can remain on-line_____

What type of identity theft occurs

when a thief uses someone's

Social Security Number (SSN) to

file taxes or reap other benefits?

_______is not

protected by Freedom of


Lack of downtime is one of the______ impacts of

technology on the workplace.


attaches itself to a file

or program, enabling it to spread

from one computer to another.

What is software that is provided

to others with restrictions or for a

certain limited trial basis?

A digital native is a person who

has been exposed to technology

at a(n)_______

and is

comfortable using it.

Efficiency is one of the______ impacts of

technology on the workplace.

If your friends are involved in

cyberbullying, you should_______

_________is When

someone wrongfully obtains and

uses another person's personal

data, typically for economic gain.

Ryan receives an email from his

cousin Mike. The subject of the

email looks strange and it has an

attachment. What should Ryan


Ask Mike if he sent the email

Confidential and proprietary

information is information that_______

be shared outside of

the company without prior


Hiring managers and college

admissions officers are some of

the people who use social media

and other Internet resources to

research candidates for


Plagiarism is the______ of

someone else's words or ideas

and presenting them as your own.

Does a company have the right to monitor all your digital communications If you are using their equipment?

Federal workplace privacy and employee monitoring regulations stem primarily from the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986. The ECPA allows business owners to monitor all employee verbal and written communication as long as the company can present a legitimate business reason for doing so.

What is a license that is paid for by number of machines or number of people using the software?

A per-seat license (or "named user license") is a software license model based on the number of individual users who have access to a digital service or product.

What is software that is available for use at no cost but usually has some restricted usage rights?

Freeware is software that is available for use at no monetary cost or for an optional fee, but usually (although not necessarily) closed source with one or more restricted usage rights.

What does the A in the deal acronym stands for?

DEAL. Definition, Elimination, Automation and Liberation (from the Timothy Ferriss book "The 4-Hour Workweek"