________ is a standard set of terms and graphical notations for documenting business processes.

BPMN depicts these four element types for business process diagrams:

  1. Flow objects: events, activities, gateways
  2. Connecting objects: sequence flow, message flow, association
  3. Swimlanes: pool or lane
  4. Artifacts: data object, group, annotation

These are the individual elements and how they are used to define a business process:


A trigger that starts, modifies or completes a process. Event types include message, timer, error, compensation, signal, cancel, escalation, link and others. They are shown by circles containing other symbols based on event type. They are classified as either “throwing” or “catching,” depending on their function.


A particular activity or task performed by a person or system. It’s shown by a rectangle with rounded corners. They can become more detailed with sub-processes, loops, compensations and multiple instances.

________ is a standard set of terms and graphical notations for documenting business processes.


Decision point that can adjust the path based on conditions or events. They are shown as diamonds. They can be exclusive or inclusive, parallel, complex, or based on data or events.

Sequence flow

Shows the order of activities to be performed. It is shown as a straight line with an arrow. It might show a conditional flow, or a default flow.

Message flow

Depicts messages that flow across “pools,” or organization boundaries such as departments. It shouldn’t connect events or activities within a pool. It is represented by a dashed line with a circle at the start and an arrow at the end.


Shown with a dotted line, it associates an artifact or text to an event, activity or gateway.

Pool and swimlane

A pool represents major participants in a process. A different pool may be in a different company or department but still involved in the process. Swimlanes within a pool show the activities and flow for a certain role or participant, defining who is accountable for what parts of the process.


Additional information that developers add to bring a necessary level of detail to the diagram. There are three types of artifacts: data object, group or annotation. A data object shows what data is necessary for an activity. A group shows a logical grouping of activities but doesn’t change the diagram’s flow. An annotation provides further explanation to a part of the diagram.

  1. A ________ is a network of activities, repositories, roles, resources, and data flows that interact to accomplish a business function.


  2. Activities are ________.


  3. A(n) ________ is a physical repository.


  4. In a business process, a role is ________.


  5. Resources are ________.


  6. Which of the following statements is true for business processes?


  7. In business process management, teams build a(n) ________ model that documents the current situation and then make the adjustments necessary to solve problems.


  8. An as-is model ________.


  9. In business process management, once the as-is model is created, the team must ________.


  10. Which of the following is an accurate representation of the steps in the business process management cycle?


  11. The BPM process begins with the ________ stage.


  12. A business process that crosses into multiple companies is known as a(n) ________ business process.


  13. Accounts payable is an example of the ________ scope of business processes addressed by business process management.


  14. A functional business process ________.


  15. In cross-functional business process management, ________.


  16. Which of the following is not a functional process in an organization?


  17. Which of the following is true of business processes in nonprofit and governmental organizations?


  18. The ________ is a software-industry standards organization that created a standard set of terms and graphical notations for documenting business processes.


  19. ________ is a standard set of terms and graphical notations for documenting business processes.


  20. In a BPMN process diagram, data is represented by ________.


  21. In a BPMN process diagram, a ________ represents the start of a process.


  22. In a BPMN process diagram, a ________ represents an activity.


  23. In BPMN notation, ________ represent decisions and usually contain a question that can be answered with yes or no.


  24. In a BPMN process diagram, dotted arrows depict the flow of ________.


  25. In BPMN, ________ depict the flow or sequence of the activities in the process.


  26. In BPMN diagrams, a square with a plus sign means that ________.


  27. Which of the following is NOT a way for process designers to increase the performance of a business process?


  28. Which of the following is true for the relationship between business processes and information systems?


  29. Which of the following terms refers to the process of creating and maintaining information systems?


  30. Which of the following is true of information systems?


  31. An organization will be able to buy an information system using all of the following options, EXCEPT ________.


  32. The first step in the system definition phase of systems development is to ________.


  33. Once we have defined the project's goals and scope, the next step is to ________.


  34. What are the four dimensions of feasibility?


  35. ________ feasibility refers to whether existing information technology is likely to be able to meet the needs of the new system.


  36. Organizational feasibility ________.


  37. An element of ________ feasibility concerns whether the new system fits within legal requirements.


  38. Does the company have a management policy that prohibits releasing customer data? Such a question is critical to understanding ________ feasibility.


  39. If the defined project is determined to be feasible, the next step is to ________.


  40. During the requirements definition stage of developing an information system, the project team will include mostly ________.


  41. The ________ stage of the information systems development process involves identifying what is to be produced, how frequently and how fast it is to be produced.


  42. Tasks in the ________ phase of the system development process are to build, test, and convert the users to the new system.


  43. A(n) ________ is a formal description of the system's response to use and misuse scenarios.


  44. Once the system has passed integrated testing, the organization installs the new system. Which term is used to refer to this activity?


  45. With ________ installation, the organization implements the entire system/business processes on a limited portion of the business.


  46. In a ________ installation, the new system runs alongside the old one until it has been tested and is fully operational.


  47. A ________ installation is the riskiest because the old system is turned off and the new system is turned on.


  48. Plunge installation is sometimes called ________ installation.


  49. In the ________ installation style of system conversion, the organization shuts off the old system/business processes and starts the new one directly.


  50. Fixing the system so that it works correctly or adapting it to changes in requirements occurs in the ________ phase of the information system development process.


  51. Which of the following is NOT one of the five components of an information system?


  52. To which of the following does Brook's Law apply?


  53. According to Brooks' Law, adding more people to a system development project will ________.


  54. In systems development, documents, designs, prototypes, data models, database designs, working data entry screens, and the like are examples of ________.


  55. Project teams create a(n) ________, which is a hierarchy of the tasks required to complete a project, to reduce the confusion of complex interrelated tasks.


  56. A ________ shows the tasks, start and finish dates, and dependencies for the tasks of a project.


  57. The ________ is the sequence of activities that determines the earliest date by which the project can be completed.


  58. ________ is the process by which project managers compress the schedule by moving resources, typically people, from noncritical path tasks onto critical path tasks.


  59. The situation that occurs when adding more resources creates inefficiencies is known as ________.


  60. The term ________ refers to a set of management policies, practices, and tools that developers use to maintain control over the project's resources.


What are the four dimensions of feasibility?

The 4 elements of a feasibility analysis There are four main elements that go into a feasibility study: technical feasibility, financial feasibility, market feasibility (or market fit), and operational feasibility.

Which of the following statements about information system and business process is correct?

The correct answer is: (b) An information system consists of the hardware, software, data, people, and procedures that work together to produce quality information.

Is the relationship between business processes and information systems one to one?

The first relationship between the business processes and the information systems is their purpose in achieving business objectives. For instance, organizations use information systems to enhance the efficiency of their operations and processes by improving the flow of information.

Is the relationship of business processes and information systems is many to many?

The relationship of business processes to information systems is many-to-many. A business process need not relate to any information system, but an information system related to at least one business process. 3. Every IS has at least one application because every IS has a software component.