It is a set of symbols that enables members of society to communicate verbally and nonverbally

It is a set of symbols that enables members of society to communicate verbally and nonverbally

What do you call a set of symbols that enables members of society to communicate verbally and nonverbally. A.languageB.CharactersC.OperatorsD.symbols​

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What do you call a set of symbols that enables members of society to communicate verbally and non verbally?

They are essential to communication, shaping thoughts and ideas, and defining a society's culture. Language. Is a set of symbols that enables members of society to communicate verbally, and non verbally.

Which are shared ideas norms and principles that provide members of society the standards that pertain to what is right or wrong good or bad desirable and undesirable?

Sociology - Ch 2.

What refers to the shared rules of conduct that determine specific behavior among society members?

• NORMS –-are shared rules of conduct that determine specific behavior among society members.

Is the lifelong process of forging identity through social interaction?

Socialization: A lifelong process of social interaction through which individuals acquire self-identity and the physical, mental, and social skills needed for survival in society.