The view that managers are directly responsible for an organization’s success or failure

1) In the symbolic view of management, managers are

seen as directly responsible for an organization’s

success or failure. FALSE

2) The view of managers as omnipotent is consistent

with the stereotypical picture of the take-charge business

executive who can overcome any obstacle in carrying

out the organization’s objectives. TRUE

3) The symbolic view of management impact is useful

in explaining the high turnover among sports coaches,

who can be considered the “managers” of their teams.


4) Conditions of economic inequality illustrate how

societal attitudes can constrain managers’ decisions and

actions. TRUE

5) A dynamic environment is characterized by the

absence of new competitors, few technological

breakthroughs by current competitors, and little activity

by pressure groups to influence the organization. FALSE

6) Environmental uncertainty looks at the number of

components in an organization’s environment and the

extent of the knowledge that the organization has about

those components. FALSE

7) A dynamic and simple environment is characterized

by the greatest level of environmental uncertainty.


8) An organization’s competitors and employees are

considered to be stakeholders who are affected by the

organization’s decisions and actions. TRUE

9) Managers of high-performing companies tend to

consider the interests of the most profitable stakeholder

groups as they make decisions. FALSE

10) Strong cultures have more influence on employees

than do weak cultures. TRUE

11) The shared aspect of culture implies that all

employees in an organization approve of the culture.


12) In strong organizational cultures, employees have

little knowledge of company history or heroes, whats

important is present performance. FALSE

13) Organizations help employees adapt to the culture

through socialization. TRUE

14) Corporate rituals are repetitive sequences of

activities that express and reinforce the key values of an

organization. TRUE

15) In a ‘ready-aim-fire’ culture, managers take action

and then analyze what has been done. FALSE

16) In order to develop an innovative organizational

culture, managers must minimize ambiguity and

uncertainty and discourage risk-taking. FALSE

17) Giving service-contact employees the discretion to

make day-to-day decisions on job-related activities is

instrumental in creating in a customer-responsive

culture. TRUE

18) Organizations that emphasize workplace spirituality

focus on individual development. TRUE

19) Spiritual organizations tend to be intolerant of

employees who commit mistakes. FALSE

20) Organizations that subscribe to workplace

spirituality emphasize the importance of employees

controlling their expressions and emotions. FALSE

21) A valid criticism of workplace spirituality is that

secular institutions, especially businesses, have no right

to impose spiritual values on employees, if spirituality

means bringing religion into the workplace. TRUE

22) Which of the following represents the two views of

managerial impact on the success or failure of the


A) omnipotent and symbolic

B)omnipotent and reflective

C)symbolic and interactive

D)reflective and interactive

23) The current dominant assumption in management

theory suggests that ________.

A)an organization’s success or failure is due to

external forces outside managers’ control

B)managers’ roles are increasingly becoming

peripheral and staff manage their own areas of


C)managers are directly responsible for an

organization’s success or failure

D) managers cannot significantly affect an

organization’s performance because they

constrained by the abilities of their employees

24) The omnipotent view of management states that


A)managers’ roles are peripheral and staff manage

their own areas of the business

B)managers are directly responsible for an

organization’s success or failure

What view suggests that managers are directly responsible for an organization's success or failure?

1) In the symbolic view of management, managers are seen as directly responsible for an organization's success or failure.

Who are responsible for the success of an organization?

Explanation: Strategists are like the root of an organization. They help in formulation, implementation and evaluation of strategy. The strategists are one who help in setting the goal for an organization, framing the actions to achieve the set goal by using the available resources efficiently and effectively.

Is the view that much of an organization's success or failure is due to external forces outside managers control?

Symbolic view: Much of the organization's success or failure is due to external forces outside of the manager's control.

Who is responsible for organizational management?

The managers of the highest level make up the top of the Organizational Management. They are responsible for making decisions, determining goals and objectives, and making plans that affect the entire organisation. These managers are often referred to as operating officer, CEO, or chairman of the board.