Unzip is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file. jupyter

You’re trying to use the command-line tool wget to download a web page, image, video, etc., but you’re getting an error saying that wget is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file.

This can happen for several reasons:

  • You don’t have wget installed.
  • The PATH environment variable is not set up properly and wget is not in it.
  • There’s a typo in the command or file name that you’re trying to download.

Here are some solutions to the wget is not recognized error:

1. Installing wget (if you don’t have it)

Wget is available for most operating systems, but if it isn’t installed by default on yours, you’ll need to install it yourself.

Here’s how to install wget on Windows 10:

  • Download the latest Windows version of wget here. Download the setup executable file.
  • Once downloaded, open File Explorer and double-click on the setup executable file.
  • Once the installation is finished, press Windows + R shortcut key and type cmd.
  • Verify that wget is working by running:
wget -h

Wget on Mac

Here’s how to install wget on a Mac:

Download and install wget using Homebrew. If you don’t have Homebrew installed, follow our doc here.

brew install wget

Verify wget is installed and working by downloading wget using wget. Nice!

wget https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/wget/wget-1.21.2.tar.gz

We don’t recommend installing wget using the source code. There are dependencies you have to install. If you don’t install the version of wget with the correct dependencies, the installation may fail.

2. Configuring your PATH variable (If you don’t have it)

To do anything useful on a computer, programs need to be “accessible” and this is done through something called the PATH environment variable. To set up your path variable, you need to configure it.

If you’re using Windows 10, please follow the steps below:

  • Open the Control Panel (Press Windows + R, type control, and then press Enter).
  • Click System and Security.
  • Click System.
  • On the left side, click Advanced system settings.
  • Click Environment variables.
  • Scroll to find a PATH variable in System variables section and press Edit.
  • When. a new window appears, click New.
  • Enter the following path:
C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin
  • Click OK to save all the changes.
  • Open the Command Prompt and type the following:
wget --help
  • If you see the usage for wget message, wget is now working.

3. Reinstall Wget

If the above solutions don’t work for you, it may be time to reinstall the wget program. Follow the steps below depending on the operating system you have installed.

Ubuntu/Debian for Linux

  1. Type the following command to install wget on Linux:
sudo apt-get install wget


  1. Install Homebrew. If you don’t have it installed, follow our guide to installing Homebrew on a Mac.
  2. Type the following command to install wget using homebrew:
brew install wget


  • Download the 32-bit version of wget 1.11.4-1 from here.
  • Open Windows Explorer and double-click on the file you just downloaded.
  • Follow the prompts and use the default settings.


We hope one of the above solutions helps you fix the wget is not recognized error. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below.

Asked 9 years, 8 months ago

Viewed 55k times

I am trying the zip functionality on the windows host through command prompt.

When I run the command:

zip -r folder.zip folder

It returns the error message:

'zip' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file

I checked with environment variables also in there path also included like %SystemRoot%\system32

How can I resolve this?

Unzip is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file. jupyter


5,2747 gold badges39 silver badges54 bronze badges

asked Nov 16, 2012 at 16:11


Windows doesn't have a command line Zip program, only a default windows explorer one. You will need to download a command line archiving program.

Try 7zip or WinRAR.

answered Nov 16, 2012 at 16:13

Bali CBali C

1,66210 silver badges16 bronze badges


Well, to use zip or unzip command from the command line using third party software like 7zip, you have to do below things

  • Copy the 7-zip executable path and append it to the environment's PATH variable value
  • Open Cmd new window and give the command as below

7z a folder.zip folder

answered May 27, 2017 at 8:04

Unzip is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file. jupyter


1831 gold badge1 silver badge6 bronze badges


How do you fix jupyter is not recognized as an internal or external command operable program or batch file?

Restart your command prompt and all your python scripts should run directly on the command prompt anywhere. PS : Also, make sure that your jupyter scripts are there in the Python Scripts folder. A proper installation of Jupyter via pip should have ensured this.

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“jupyter unzip file” Code Answer's.
import zipfile..
with zipfile. ZipFile("file.zip","r") as zip_ref:.
zip_ref. extractall("targetdir").

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