What business structure became prevalent after the Civil War that allowed the raising of capital while limiting shareholder liability?

Fill in the -

The development of such massive fortunes as those of Andrew Carnegie, J. P. Morgan, and John D. Rockefeller required a great deal of business prowess and -, but it took more than that. To become one of the tycoons of Big Business required government -.

To ensure the prosperity of their enterprises, corporations purchased government influence by -. In return, the legislative and executive branches of the U.S. government adopted - economic policies. This meant that the government did not impose significant - or meaningfully monitor the - of wage laborers.

-working conditions
-performing charitable acts
-individual genius
-corporate taxes

What business structure became prevalent after the Civil War?

The Civil War created opportunities for workers with a particular - to form "craft unions," which grew in size and popularity.

How did the government encourage the growth of business after the Civil War?

Congress enacted protective tariffs to encourage the buying of American goods. American entrepreneurs invested money in products in order to make profits. Railroads expanded.

What helped spark the rise of the American labor movement after the Civil War and Reconstruction?

The Civil War and Reconstruction seemed to briefly distract the nation from the plight of labor, but the end of the sectional crisis and the explosive growth of big business, unprecedented fortunes, and a vast industrial workforce in the last quarter of the nineteenth century sparked the rise of a vast American labor ...

Which of the following statements accurately reflect the development of labor unions after the Civil War through the early twentieth century?

Which of the following statements accurately reflect the development of labor unions after the Civil War through the early twentieth century? The growth of new businesses required a massive labor force, creating the opportunity for workers to form unions that would represent their interests collectively.