What four tools would be required by a technician during a preventive maintenance on a desktop PC

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Troubleshooting requires an organized and logical approach to problems with computers and other components. Sometimes issues arise during preventive maintenance. At other times, a customer may contact you with a problem. A logical approach to troubleshooting allows you to eliminate variables and identify causes of problems in a systematic order. Asking the right questions, testing the right hardware, and examining the right data helps you understand the problem and form a proposed solution.
Troubleshooting is a skill that you refine over time. Each time you solve a problem, you increase your troubleshooting skills by gaining more experience. You learn how and when to combine steps, or skip steps, to reach a solution quickly. The troubleshooting process is a guideline that is modified to fit your needs.
This section presents an approach to problem-solving that you can apply to both hardware and software.
Note: The term customer, as used in this course, is any user that requires technical computer assistance.
Before you begin troubleshooting problems, always follow the necessary precautions to protect data on a computer. Some repairs, such as replacing a hard drive or reinstalling an operating system, might put the data on the computer at risk. Make sure you do everything possible to prevent data loss while attempting repairs. If your work results in data loss for the customer, you or your company could be held liable.

Data Backup:
A data backup is a copy of the data on a computer hard drive that is saved to another storage device or to cloud storage. Cloud storage is online storage that is accessed via the internet. In an organization, backups may be performed on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
If you are unsure that a backup has been done, do not attempt any troubleshooting activities until you check with the customer. Here is a list of items to verify with the customer that a backup has been performed:
-Date of the last backup
-Contents of the backup
-Data integrity of the backup
-Availability of all backup media for a data restore
If the customer does not have a current backup and you are not able to create one, ask the customer to sign a liability release form. A liability release form contains at least the following information:
-Permission to work on the computer without a current backup available
-Release from liability if data is lost or corrupted
-Description of the work to be performed

The first step in the troubleshooting process is to identify the problem. During this step, gather as much information as possible from the customer and from the computer.
Conversation Etiquette
When you are talking to the customer, follow these guidelines:
-Ask direct questions to gather information.
-Do not use industry jargon.
-Do not talk down to the customer.
-Do not insult the customer.
-Do not accuse the customer of causing the problem.
Figure 1 lists some of the information to gather from the customer.
Open-Ended and Closed-Ended Questions:
Open-ended questions allow customers to explain the details of the problem in their own words. Use open-ended questions to obtain general information.
Based on the information from the customer, you can proceed with closed-ended questions. Closed-ended questions generally require a yes or no answer.
Documenting Responses:
Document the information from the customer in the work order, in the repair log, and in your repair journal. Write down anything that you think might be important for you or another technician. The small details often lead to the solution of a difficult or complicated problem.
Beep Codes:
Each BIOS manufacturer has a unique beep sequence, a combination of long and short beeps, for hardware failures. When troubleshooting, power on the computer and listen. As the system proceeds through the POST, most computers emit one beep to indicate that the system is booting properly. If there is an error, you might hear multiple beeps. Document the beep code sequence, and research the code to determine the specific problem.
BIOS Information:
If the computer boots and stops after the POST, investigate the BIOS settings. A device might not be detected or configured properly. Refer to the motherboard documentation to ensure that the BIOS settings are correct.
Event Viewer:
When system, user, or software errors occur on a computer, the Event Viewer is updated with information about the errors. The Event Viewer application, shown in Figure 2, records the following information about the problem:
-What problem occurred
-Date and time of the problem
-Severity of the problem
-Source of the problem
-Event ID number
-Which user was logged in when the problem occurred
Although the Event Viewer lists details about the error, you might need to further research the problem to determine a solution.
Device Manager:
The Device Manager, shown in Figure 3, displays all the devices that are configured on a computer. The operating system flags the devices that are not operating correctly with an error icon. A yellow triangle with an exclamation point indicates that the device is in a problem state. A red X means that the device is disabled, removed, or Windows can't locate the device. An arrow down means the device has been disabled. A yellow question mark indicates that the system does not know which driver to install for the hardware.
Task Manager:
The Task Manager, shown in Figure 4, displays the applications and background processes that are currently running. With the Task Manager, you can close applications that have stopped responding. You can also monitor the performance of the CPU and virtual memory, view all processes that are currently running, and view information about the network connections.
Diagnostic Tools:
Conduct research to determine which software is available to help diagnose and solve problems. There are many programs to help you troubleshoot hardware. Manufacturers of system hardware usually provide diagnostic tools of their own. For instance, a hard drive manufacturer might provide a tool to boot the computer and diagnose why the hard drive does not start the operating system.

Computer problems can be attributed to hardware, software, networks, or some combination of the three. You will resolve some types of problems more often than others.
These are some common hardware problems:
-Storage Device: Storage device problems are often related to loose, or incorrect cable connections, incorrect drive and media formats, and incorrect jumper and BIOS settings.
-Motherboard and Internal Components: These problems are often caused by incorrect or loose cables, failed components, incorrect drivers, and corrupted updates.
-Power Supply: Power problems are often caused by a faulty power supply, loose connections, and inadequate wattage.
-CPU and Memory: Processor and memory problems are often caused by faulty installations, incorrect BIOS settings, inadequate cooling and ventilation, and compatibility issues.
-Displays: Display problems are often caused by incorrect settings, loose connections, and incorrect or corrupted drivers.

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What is preventive maintenance in PC?

PC Preventive Maintenance Overview (4.1. 1) Preventive maintenance is the regular and systematic inspection, cleaning, and replacement of worn parts, materials, and systems. Effective preventive maintenance reduces part, material, and system faults and keeps hardware and software in good working condition.

Which 3 benefits result from doing frequent preventive maintenance on desktop Pcs?

Regular preventive maintenance: -Reduces potential hardware and software problems, computer downtime, repair costs, and the number of equipment failures. -Improves data protection, equipment life and stability, and saves money.

What is a primary benefit of preventive maintenance on a PC?

Preventive maintenance helps reduce software and hardware problems by preventing undue wear on components, thereby extending the life of the components. It also assists in identifying failed components that require replacement, such as cooling fans.

What is a preventive maintenance hardware?

Preventive maintenance (also seen as preventative maintenance) is the practice of routinely taking measures in hardware administration that reduces the risk of failures and improves the likelihood of quick recovery in the event that a failure does occur.