What is the best way to keep the stakeholders continuously updated on work status?

Agile E1 CBO 60566

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What is the best way to keep the stakeholders continuously updated on work status?

Managing a business is not a solo project. As a leader, it’s your responsibility to inform all relevant internal and external parties about what’s going on in the company.

To keep things running smoothly, it's important for your stakeholders to have a clear picture of what’s going on at all times. If you're struggling with this, you're not alone. That's why we asked a panel of Forbes Coaches Council members for the best strategies companies can use to better keep your most important people in the loop.

Photos courtesy of the individual members.

1. Share Quickly And Share Often

“Share quickly and share often” is something I learned from the vice president I worked for. This was his modus operandi. It made sense that he would share all matters of the business with his team daily and with consistency. This type of communication assured us that we all had sales in the multimillions. - Adriana Rosales, Adriana & Company™ LLC

2. Make Progress Visual

Let people "see" progress being made. Whether it be a balanced, online scorecard system, or a simple poster with dimensions and lanes drawn out, people must be able to "see" progress being made. This enables everyone, from front-line managers to the chief operating officer, to measure progress, vertically and horizontally. Don't be surprised when levels of mutual support increase among functions. - Kevin Black, Kevin Black Consulting

3. Operate With Consistent Integrity

Though communication is the obvious answer, there is more to it. Communication at its face is great; however, in order to have the proper impact on stakeholders, those communications have to be above board. That usually translates into being accepted as a person of consistent integrity that will report objectively at all times. Without that perception, communication is not effective. - Kamyar Shah, World Consulting Group

4. Send Quick Voice Texts

One strategy we have adopted is to send quick voice updates via group text message. Most stakeholders are busy individuals who are inundated with email. However, they can usually find a quick minute to listen to a short recorded update. If there is any input or response, they can send via text so that all are aware. Note: This tactic works best with eight or fewer stakeholders on the group text. - Karan Rhodes, Shockingly Different Leadership

5. Build Strong Relationships With Active, Ongoing Communication

Your company's stakeholders—investors, consumers, employees or the community—are vested in your company. They are potential advocates and brand ambassadors. They are the reason your company exists. Building high-integrity relationships via active, ongoing, transparent communication is a great way to keep stakeholders engaged, involved and included on ideas, challenges and growth. - Shefali Raina, Alpha Lane Partners

6. Send Weekly Scheduled Updates

In several companies I have led, rather than answer unscheduled, random calls from investors, customers and stakeholders, I promised a "Wednesday Market Update," which is a scheduled report—an email, text, call, etc.—that gave them updates on exactly what they want to know. The updates for customers cater to their concerns. The updates for investors are different. Scheduled calls save time. - John Hittler, Evoking Genius

7. Create A Stakeholder Map

Do a stakeholder analysis to identify individual vision, needs, understanding and desired outcomes for the strategy. Plot each stakeholder on a map that includes whether they are an influencer and the level of interest in the particular strategy. With both of these, you'll have a better picture of who's a priority, how and how often to keep them informed and how to involve them in the work that lies ahead. - Annette Franz, CX Journey Inc.

8. Develop A Dashboard With Key Indicators

Providing your stakeholders with quarterly updates helps to keep them engaged and supportive of trajectory. Develop a dashboard of the key indicators to achieve and the vision. Provide a forum for discussion and feedback face to face or through Zoom, etc. Be transparent on the achievements and gaps in performance. Have a plan to close the gap. Ask for input and ideas on closing the gap. - Bobbie Goheen, Synthesis Management Group

9. Send Out A Stakeholder Quiz

One way to ensure the engagement of your stakeholders is to send them something like an "Update Quiz." It's different from the usual "push" communication and encourages them to be more proactive. The quiz could have 10 to 15 multiple choice questions about the current update, and they're scored on what they get correct. It'll test their instinct and show them where they need more information. - Gabriella Goddard, Brainsparker Leadership Academy

10. Bring Them Into Your Content

What a loss of opportunity when companies leave stakeholders out of their content. They may ask for testimonials or bring them into their marketing or PR, but companies lose so much opportunity and alternatively gain so much by adding thought leader insights into articles, podcasts and case studies when they truly bring stakeholders who will also benefit into serious company content and insights. - John M. O'Connor, Career Pro Inc.

11. Hold A Monthly 'State Of The Union'

In a world of many messages, the infrequent but consistent voice of the CEO or president sharing perspective on the current status and the future is an important address. Politically this has been called the "State of the Union," but the same components shared monthly keep everyone moving in the same direction. Celebrate successes, lay out challenges, propose next steps and reinforce the vision. - Christy Geiger MCC, CPCC, Synergy Strategies Coaching & Training

12. Use The Right Platforms And Apps To Stay Connected

Having a clear picture of what is going on nurtures relationships and builds trust. How to keep stakeholders in the loop?—that depends on the stakeholders and their needs. In today's high-tech world of communication platforms on the internet as well as the companies' internal communication apps can help connect both internal as well as external stakeholders with text, voice and video messages. - Ute Franzen-Waschke, Business English & Culture

13. Practice Transparent And Timely Communication

Having regular, clear and concise communications with stakeholders affords connection to key networks and access to key financial, personnel and material resources. Transparency and consistent reporting develop trust and, ultimately, credibility. Quality relationships with stakeholders is an important strategy that adds value to company initiatives and keeps stakeholders in the loop. - Lori Harris, Harris Whitesell Consulting

14. Eliminate Imagination

Open of my earliest clients said to me once, "I'm finding communication with my employees works much better than leaving it up to their imagination." When people don't know, they generally fill the gap in with something they make up, then believe that. While this is often problematic, it's also quite human. The format can be newsletters, meetings, etc., but the strategy is to eliminate imagination. - Josef Shapiro, Clear and Open

What is the best approach to keep the stakeholders continuously updated on the work status?

Status reports are another great way to keep your stakeholders updated on the project. These reports can be sent out via email or shared at stakeholder meetings.

What is the best approach for a team to keep the stakeholders continuously updated on work status in agile?

Answer: Continuous Improvement is a Scrum approach in which the team learns from experience and stakeholder engagement to constantly keep the Prioritized Product Backlog updated with any changes in requirements.

In which of the following approaches the stakeholders are continously involved in the project?

The Agile methodology is a way to manage a project by breaking it up into several phases. It involves constant collaboration with stakeholders and continuous improvement at every stage.