What is the information that already exists somewhere having been collected for another purpose and is usually what researchers gather first?

1. Despite the data glut that marketing managers receive, they frequently complain that they lack _____.
a. enough information of the right kind
b. quality information
c. timely information
d. accurate and reliable information
e. valid information
(Answer: a; p. 97; Easy)

2. An MIS consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, _____, evaluate, and distribute information to marketing decision makers.
a. test
b. test market
c. analyze
d. critique
e. assess
(Answer: c; p. 97; Easy)

3. Your firm has just developed its first successful MIS. It interacts with information users to assess information needs, develop needed information, _____ the marketing information, and help managers use it in their decision making.
a. distribute
b. collect
c. retrieve
d. store
e. validate
(Answer: a; p. 97; Challenging)

4. The marketing information system is not limited to use by the company it serves. It may also provide information to _____.
a. the government
b. external partners
c. various publics
d. competitors
e. none of the above
(Answer: b; p. 97; Moderate)

5. Marketers must weigh carefully the costs of additional information against the _____ resulting from it.
a. uses
b. benefits
c. knowledge
d. rewards
e. cost
(Answer: b; p. 98; Easy)

6. Four common sources of internal data include the accounting department, operations, the sales force, and the _____.
a. owners
b. stockholders
c. marketing department
d. custodians
e. quality control department
(Answer: c; p. 99; Moderate)

7. Marketing information from this type of database usually can be accessed more quickly and cheaply than other information sources. Which one is it?
a. External.
b. MDSS.
c. EIS.
d. Internal.
e. Field representatives.
(Answer: d; p. 99; Easy)

8. This systematic collection and analysis of publicly available information about competitors and developments in the marketing environment is very useful. What is it called?
a. Marketing data.
b. Marketing intelligence.
c. Web Master.
d. Sales and sales management.
e. Secondary data.
(Answer: b; p. 99; Moderate)

9. Which of the following was not mentioned in your textbook as a source of marketing intelligence?
a. Suppliers.
b. Resellers.
c. Key customers.
d. Your company reports.
e. Sales force.
(Answer: d; p. 101; Easy)

10. Which of the following was not mentioned in your textbook as a source of marketing intelligence?
a. Competitors’ garbage.
b. Buying competitors’ products.
c. Monitoring competitors’ sales.
d. Checking for new goodwill.
e. Purchasing agents.
(Answer: d; p. 101; Moderate)

11. Your competitor may reveal intelligence information through which of these sources of information?
a. Annual reports.
b. Trade show exhibits.
c. Web pages.
d. Press releases.
e. All of the above.
(Answer: e; p. 101; Easy)

12. In today’s information age, companies are leaving a paper trail of information _____.
a. in the wastebasket
b. online
c. in annual reports
d. with government agencies
e. that is inaccessible
(Answer: b; p. 101; Moderate)

13. To combat marketing intelligence by competitors, Unilever Corporation is now providing _____ to employees.
a. intelligence training
b. privacy blocks
c. protection
d. less information
e. none of the above
(Answer: a; p. 102; Moderate)

14. Which of the steps in the marketing research process has been left out: defining the problems and research objectives, implementing the research plan, and interpreting and reporting the findings?
a. Developing the research budget.
b. Choosing the research agency.
c. Choosing the research method.
d. Developing the research plan.
e. Comparing and contrasting primary and secondary data.
(Answer: d; p. 102; Moderate)

15. Your colleague is confused about using the marketing research process. He seems to be having problems with _____, which is often the hardest step to take.
a. defining the problem
b. defining the research objectives
c. defining the problem and research objectives
d. researching a research agency to help
e. C and D
(Answer: c; p. 102; Moderate)

16. The objective of _____ research is to gather preliminary information that will help define the problem and suggest hypotheses.
a. descriptive
b. exploratory
c. causal
d. corrective
e. descriptive and exploratory
(Answer: b; p. 103; Easy)

17. It is important to note that research objectives must be translated into specific _____.
a. marketing goals
b. information needs
c. dollar amounts
d. results that justify the means
e. time allotments
(Answer: b; p. 103; Easy)

18. The research plan outlines sources of existing data and spells out the specific research approaches, contact methods, _____, and instruments that researchers will use to gather new data.
a. personnel
b. sampling plans
c. budget requirements
d. all of the above
e. none of the above
(Answer: b; p. 103; Moderate)

19. The way to begin marketing research is to gather secondary data, which consists of information _____.
a. that already exists somewhere
b. that does not currently exist in an organized form
c. that already exists somewhere, having been collected for another purpose
d. used by competition
e. that the researcher can obtain through surveys and observation
(Answer: c; p. 103; Easy)

20. How would you describe the primary data being used by your firm?
a. Collected for the specific purpose at hand.
b. Original information.
c. First-time information.
d. Fresh and perhaps more reliable than secondary data.
e. All of the above.
(Answer: e; p. 105; Easy)

21. Which form of data can usually be obtained more quickly and at a lower cost?
a. Primary.
b. Census.
c. Secondary.
d. Syndicated.
e. Tertiary.
(Answer: c; p. 105; Moderate)

22. Your assistant wants to use secondary data exclusively for the current research project. You advise him that the use of secondary data has some potential problems. Which of the following is not one of them?
a. It may not exist.
b. All of the needed data is rarely available.
c. It may not be useable.
d. It is generally more expensive when purchased from the government.
e. You do not know why it was originally collected.
(Answer: d; p. 105; Challenging)

23. Primary data must be relevant, current, unbiased, and _____.
a. complete
b. accurate
c. inexpensive
d. collected before secondary data
e. valid
(Answer: b; p. 105; Moderate)

24. Which method of research can obtain information that people are unwilling or unable to provide?
a. Observation.
b. Focus groups.
c. Personal interviews.
d. Fax surveys.
e. Questionnaires.
(Answer: a; p. 106; Easy)

25. Survey research, called the backbone of primary research, is the most widely used method for primary data collection and is best suited for gathering _____ information.
a. personal
b. preference
c. attitude
d. descriptive
e. exploratory
(Answer: d; p. 107; Moderate)

26. Fredia Pellerano has just discovered the major advantage of survey research. She reports to her supervisor that it is _____.
a. flexibility
b. cost effectiveness
c. quickness to administer
d. understandability
e. simplicity
(Answer: a; p. 107; Moderate)

27. Experimental research is best suited for gathering _____ information.
a. unknown
b. causal
c. complicated
d. interactive
e. descriptive
(Answer: b; p. 107; Challenging)

28. One of the following is not a current survey research method. It is contact by _____.
a. online use
b. mail
c. telephone
d. fax
e. none of the above
(Answer: d; p. 107; Easy)

29. All of the following are disadvantages of telephone interviewing except one. Which one?
a. Higher cost than mail questionnaires
b. Introduces interviewer bias
c. Under time pressures some interviewers might cheat
d. Interviewers tend to interpret answers similarly
e. A and C
(Answer: d; p. 108; Challenging)

30. Currently, you find yourself involved in marketing research. The form you are using is flexible, allows explanation of difficult questions, and lends itself to showing products and advertisements. What is this form of research?
a. Personal interviewing.
b. Online interviewing.
c. Vision phone interviewing.
d. Mall intercepts.
e. None of the above.
(Answer: a; p. 108; Easy)

31. Which of the following is not an advantage of Web research?
a. Speed.
b. Low costs.
c. Instantaneous results.
d. All of the above.
e. A and C
(Answer: e; p. 109; Easy)

32. DelRay Pools and Spas is collecting marketing data through online (Internet) marketing research. Management will have the choice of using Internet surveys, experiments, or _____.
a. online focus groups
b. individual interviewing
c. hit counting
d. questionnaire responses
e. observations
(Answer: a; p. 109; Challenging)

33. Judy Hammerschmidt regularly conducts online marketing research at work. She has found that it has several advantages over traditional methods. Which of these is not an advantage?
a. Respondents tend to be more honest.
b. It is more cost efficient.
c. Report generation turnaround time is much quicker.
d. There is greater personal interaction.
e. Respondents cannot remain anonymous.
(Answer: d; p. 109; Challenging)

34. Marketing researchers usually draw conclusions about large groups of consumers by studying a small _____ of the total consumer population.
a. group
b. sample
c. population
d. target group
e. audience
(Answer: b; p. 110; Easy)
35. Why would In The Mood Music Distributors choose a sampling of its customers to research rather than all 1,500 of them?
a. Researching all of them is too time-consuming.
b. Researching all of them can be too expensive.
c. The sample can fairly represent the entire population.
d. The customers may all be similar.
e. All of the above.
(Answer: d; p. 110; Moderate)

36. Sampling requires the answers to three questions. Choose the inappropriate one.
a. Who is to be sampled (what sampling unit)?
b. How many people should be surveyed (what sample size)?
c. Why should they be sampled (justification)?
d. How should the people be chosen (what sampling method)?
e. None of the above.
(Answer: c; p. 110; Challenging)

37. The backbone of marketing research, or the most common instrument used, is the _____.
a. mechanical device
b. live interviewer
c. questionnaire
d. teleinterviewer
e. Internet
(Answer: c; p. 110; Easy)

38. In creating research questionnaires, which of the following is good advice for Mark Hammel, research specialist at New Wave Data, to follow?
a. Use care in the wording and ordering of questions.
b. Questions do not have to be arranged in a logical order.
c. Ask difficult questions in the beginning to “weed out” uninterested respondents.
d. Ask personal questions in the middle of the instrument.
e. Avoid eye contact as it may confuse the respondents.
(Answer: a; p. 111; Moderate)

39. Which of the following was not mentioned in your text as a common mechanical instrument used to conduct market research?
a. Supermarket scanners.
b. People meters.
c. Galvanometers and eye cameras.
d. Telephones.
e. e. B and C
(Answer: d; p. 111; Moderate)

40. At this point in your marketing research project, Mr. Barnes comments that the _____ phase is generally the most expensive and the most subject to error.
a. exploratory research
b. hypothesis
c. data collection
d. interpreting and reporting the findings
e. data validation
(Answer; c; p. 113; Challenging)

What is information that already exist somewhere having been collected for another purpose?

Secondary data consist of information that already exists somewhere, having been collected for another purpose.

Which research is the gathering of primary data by watching people?

It consists of both qualitative and quantitative surveys of situations and subjects. Observation research focuses on observing the subjects or situation. It is also a primary data collecting technique but it is not more accurate and popular than survey research.

Which type of data refers to information that is developed or gathered by the researcher specifically for the research project at hand?

An advantage of using primary data is that researchers are collecting information for the specific purposes of their study.

What is the term for data that have been collected for some purpose other than the problem at hand?

In other words, secondary data refers to data that have already been collected for some other purpose.