What is the primary purpose of the reviews at the end of each phase in the sdlc?

Like any other complex process, software development takes a lot of planning, preparation, and delegating tasks at different stages to teams or team members – especially if you have several simultaneous processes.


In IT and everywhere else, great projects start with a great vision.

Sometimes, it's necessary to involve external software developers to help answer specific user needs. These experts must be filled in quickly to do their job. For all this to go smoothly, you'll need a strict framework that makes the entire software development process effective and lets the development team generate the best possible results in the shortest time.

This is, basically, what the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) stands for, defining the tasks performed each step of the way.

We're here to unpack it all.

  • Why Should You Use The Software Development Life Cycle? 🤔
  • Explaining The Software Development Life Cycle 🧐
  • Phases Of SDLC Process 📂
  • SDLC Methodologies 📢
  • Aligning SDLC With Project Management 🎯
  • Time To Start Planning 📑
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    Why Should You Use The Software Development Life Cycle? 🤔

    It helps the core team in the production environment get a clear idea of what they need to do and lays out every phase of the development process before a single line of code is written. It saves everyone time and effort and helps them reach their goal faster.

    Explaining The Software Development Life Cycle 🧐

    An SDLC is basically a regulated framework, a methodology for planning and controlling the creation, testing, and delivery of high-quality software. Some mistakenly call the software life cycle model a management methodology, which it isn't. It's not about management.

    It's all about planning, designing, building, testing, and delivering a product that matches customer expectations.

    Basically, it's a to-do list for the development team, which consists of several clearly defined work phases. These include analyzing user requirements, designing the software, coding it, documenting and testing what has been done, and operating and maintaining the software.

    What is the primary purpose of the reviews at the end of each phase in the sdlc?
    The Software Development Cycle

    Creating a detailed project life cycle plan offers numerous perks for everyone involved.

    Developers clearly understand what they should do and what problems they should solve, ensuring all product requirements are reached, and project risks minimized.

    Hopefully, we all can agree that the goal can be reached sooner, and the product can be implemented faster and with fewer difficulties when the goal is clear to everyone.

    If difficulties arise, they're much more visible.

    Deviations from the main road are much clearer when the road is brightly illuminated.

    On top of that, since a clear framework allows us to see the big picture and possible bugs, developers can choose a path that will make development easier and serve their purposes.

    via GIPHY

    This way (depending on the SDLC), the team can keep working quickly instead of testing and retesting software glitches that would hinder or postpone the implementation. Generally, the whole process will become more efficient, as the software development life cycle helps you anticipate mistakes and avoid typical pitfalls.

    💡A software development life cycle demands detailed development documentation, structure, and coding.

    Documenting the development phases in great detail will allow you to outsource maintenance to another company more easily or replace a team member in the production environment. This way, you won't waste time updating the new team or team member if someone else can't do the work due to illness or incompetence.

    To give you a complete picture and help you get the best from the approach, you should remember the following information on SDLC phases with examples.

    Phases Of SDLC Process 📂

    There are six sequential phases in software development and software project management. Knowing them will make workflow planning easy as pie, and the whole process will become more transparent.

    1. Requirement gathering and analysis
    2. Design
    3. Implementation Or Coding
    4. Testing
    5. Deployment
    6. Maintenance

    1. Requirement Gathering And Analysis

    This is the SDLC's first and most essential stage. This is the planning stage, where you gather requirements from your client, analyze product feasibility and user needs, envision development and improvements that can be made, and investigate new, better ways to create the product or software application.

    If you need to improve or modify existing software, you'll have to find underlying problems and ways to prevent them.

    If you're working on an entirely new product, requirement gathering and analysis is the phase that involves the most research and input from you as a developer and your client or the rest of the team.

    Jot down ideas on paper or flip charts, as visual aids always help you keep your thoughts together and everyone on the same page.

    via GIPHY

    Documenting all your findings during the requirement gathering stage will help you track what has already been considered and refine requirements throughout the development process.

    Define roles, programming tools, development activities, and programming languages. Create a blueprint for the various work processes involved during development cycles.

    What is the primary purpose of the reviews at the end of each phase in the sdlc?
    The Requirement Analysis Phase

    2. Design

    This is the next stage of development. Based on the customer requirements and the detailed analysis you carried out, you can now design the software.

    Logical design is turning your vision into a physical design. That said, the business requirements you identified earlier must be transformed into a software architecture that brings value to the customer. Elements like input and output, forms and databases, codification schemes, and processing specifications should be laid out in great detail.

    The software design process can be facilitated using tools and techniques like flowcharts, data flow diagrams (DFD), data dictionaries, structured English, decision table, and decision trees.

    What is the primary purpose of the reviews at the end of each phase in the sdlc?
    The Design Phase

    3. Implementation Or Coding

    Thisis the phase when your team works on the actual development of the software and translates software specs and requirements into computer code.

    Physical software specifications are transformed into a solid working and reliable solution. The coding phase requires good management, as each team member is assigned tasks according to his or her skill set. Every participant's work in the coding phase should be closely supervised so that elements created by different people can function properly when combined.

    Well-written code substantially reduces the number of test runs and maintenance-related problems.
    What is the primary purpose of the reviews at the end of each phase in the sdlc?

    4. Testing

    This phase is vital, and there's no way around it. The unit testing phase allows the development team to see whether everything works as intended. This is where they detect potential errors and see if the software meets the initial business goals. QA engineers design and carry out test cases and evaluate exit criteria (by following the scope set in the planning phase).

    They create bug reports describing detected defects and report to the stakeholders on the test findings and the completion status. Testing may be repeated to check for errors. Stakeholders can also participate in the acceptance testing to give feedback from a user's point of view and see if the software fulfills their requirements.

    What is the primary purpose of the reviews at the end of each phase in the sdlc?
    The Testing Phase

    5. Deployment

    This might be your final phase if you're not responsible for maintenance.

    This is where integration testing happens. The deployment phase's primary goal is ensuring that the software is operational in a live environment. You can say that this is when you let your brainchild out into the wild. If it runs smoothly and the way it was intended in the first place, then consider your software ready to be launched.

    To deploy your software, set up a schedule and deployment stages. Discuss all the user benefits at each stage to see if they're delivered as planned and all the communication channels for support and maintenance communication.

    A post-deployment review will point out the software's bugs, if any. You may also need to provide some instructions for future users.

    6. Maintenance

    Congratulations! You've reached the final phase of the software development process.

    via GIPHY

    If you successfully passed the previous phase, your product must have been deployed at the expected quality level. In most cases, maintenance is the longest-lasting phase and can be tricky. Your task now is to keep the software operational, ensure it meets the scope of future enhancements, and works well with updates in other related software or hardware.

    There are two types of maintenance stages. With corrective maintenance, you fix defects that may arise and are rooted in production. It's virtually impossible to create a perfect product in one go. Some problems become visible only when software is used by many users or across a larger geographic or demographic area.

    Adaptive maintenance allows you to add requirements you didn't have in the original plan; users can show the need for them only after they have entirely switched to the software.

    All the stages of the system development life cycle are vital parts of the development process and can be arranged and worked through in different order. There are several SDLC methodologies, depending on how the team managers organize the developers' work.

    SDLC Methodologies 📢

    There are always many ways to reach a goal. In our case, we have five major SDLC methodologies that define the framework of a development team.

    a) Waterfall Model

    Another major drawback is that if you've completed a phase and moved on to the next one, you can't really go back and fix something until the maintenance phase.

    For Waterfall to work well, you should know all the requirements before the development process starts. However, if the project doesn't require a lot of flexibility and has a tight schedule, Waterfall is the go-to methodology for completing the development efficiently and on time.

    What is the primary purpose of the reviews at the end of each phase in the sdlc?
    The Waterfall Model

    b) V Model

    This one is also known as the Verification phase and Validation phase. It's a sequential model like Waterfall, which means that all of the work products and activities for a given phase are completed before the next phase begins. However, there's a short step forward from the Waterfall methodology – this time, the testing team gets involved during the early system development life cycle phases rather than at the end of the project, which reduces the amount of potential reworking.

    Once the development and the test teams receive the requirements, they start their work. While developers are working on the System Requirement Specification (SRS), the testers work on the Business Requirements Specification and prepare the Acceptance Test Plan (ATP) and the Acceptance Test Cases (ATC), etc. So, by the time the developers finish the product, the testers are ready with all the required artifacts (such as the ATP and ATC).

    It's still suitable for projects with little to no unknown specs, as it's still challenging to go back a step and fix or add something. Every phase must be signed off on before the team can move to the next one. Each of them has a corresponding testing activity.

    What is the primary purpose of the reviews at the end of each phase in the sdlc?
    The V Model

    c) Iterative Model

    This model works like a kind of snowball. The team develops software in small portions, adding functionality at each step. They group features (according to priority, for example) and then carry out various project phases for each group. This way, you get a viable product reasonably early in the development process, and introducing changes along the way is less expensive.

    Straightforward as it may be, the Waterfall model requires all the info about the future product at the initial stage. With the Iterative model, it's possible to add new requirements as you go.

    So, basically, you start with a small set of features, test them, evaluate, refine them or move on. You repeat the process until all the requirements are implemented and work perfectly. Be careful – don't let the process get stalled by repeating the same phases too many times.

    What is the primary purpose of the reviews at the end of each phase in the sdlc?
    The Iterative Model

    d) Spiral Model

    Being the most flexible, this model borrows from the Iterative model by following the repetitive principle but is also structured and systematic, like the Waterfall model. The Spiral Model pays a lot of attention to risk management. Here, a project starts on a very small scale, explores risks, handles them, and then decides whether it's okay to move on to the next step, i.e., to the next iteration of the spiral.

    Basically, a project goes through four stages (identification, design, build, evaluation, and risk analysis) repeatedly in a "spiral" until it's completed. This way, multiple rounds of refinement and changes are possible.

    With this model, you can build highly customized software and incorporate user feedback in the early stages. It also allows for more realistic estimates (budget, schedules, etc.) But beware – you may get into an endless spiral. The cost and time needed to complete the product may also be higher than it is with other models.

    What is the primary purpose of the reviews at the end of each phase in the sdlc?
    The Spiral Model

    e) Agile Model

    The Agile model is another iterative model with very short iterations of 2-4 weeks. It advocates for a collaborative effort of self-organizing cross-functional teams. For this methodology, everyone works with everyone – customers, developers, and testers work together throughout the project. Agile methods prefer personal communication over documentation, emphasizing individuals and interactions over processes and instruments. Responding to change is more important than following a plan.

    With the Agile model, the whole development process is broken down into small timeboxes that minimize upfront planning. During this time, a cross-functional team works in all directions – planning, analysis, design, coding, and testing. At the end of this iteration, a working product is presented to the stakeholders. One iteration doesn't necessarily add enough functionality to guarantee a market release, but still, there's a working product at the end of each iteration.

    After each iteration, the team reevaluates project priorities to ensure the product fulfills all of the customer's (new and old) requirements. Because of its practical approach, it has become one of the most widely adopted SDLC methodologies.

    What is the primary purpose of the reviews at the end of each phase in the sdlc?
    The Agile Model

    Aligning SDLC With Project Management 🎯

    As we review all of the methodologies and phases, it may seem that the entire process is some sort of project management "silver bullet." This is a misconception common among many professionals working in the software industry. The truth is, SDLC is just a framework for planning, controlling, creating, testing, and delivering software. It's like a checklist you tick off on your way to the goal. It's a path description that aims to realize a product's requirements.

    Project management, in turn, is less about technology and more about applying knowledge and skills.

    A project manager needs to know his techniques to make sure the product meets requirements through careful planning and organizing the team, controlling and supervising the development process, and overseeing resources, be they human, financial, or time.

    Similar to SDLC, traditional project management has its own phases. They're also called "process groups" and include Initiating, Planning, Executing, and Closeout. Project managers, standing between the stakeholders and the development team, must translate the languages these groups speak for the other side.

    They identify requirements and balance stakeholder needs, expectations, concerns, and competing constraints such as scope, quality, schedule, budget, risk, and resources.

    Good project managers should know how to combine managerial practices with SDLC. They have to communicate the status of a project to a variety of stakeholders. Since they all have different project information needs, there must be a way – like including certain milestones – to report in a meaningful manner for both project management and SDLC. To do so, these two life cycles must be aligned.

    For example, take Initiation – the first phase of project management – the part where the initial project scope and schedule are settled. The SDLC phase that corresponds to this is Requirement gathering. Both of these depend on the amount and complexity of the requirements.

    The next stage is planning, which requires greater precision in size, complexity, and impact estimation. This is only possible after the Design phase and its activities are settled, and there's a clear understanding of the next steps in development. Execution incorporates several SDLC phases simultaneously – Implementation (Coding), Testing, and Deployment. The Closeout is a standalone phase not directly related to the SDLC phases.

    Software Development Life Cycle And Management Phases

    What is the primary purpose of the reviews at the end of each phase in the sdlc?
    The Software Development Life Cycle And Management Phases

    To move from theory a bit more deeply into details, let's see how project management differs between the Waterfall and Agile methodologies. Stemming from the '50s, the Waterfall Model is the oldest one and now has serious competition in form of the Agile Model, which has largely replaced it.

    Above, we explained how both of these models work, but what about the managerial perspective? Waterfall follows a strict plan and requires very detailed documentation; this is the project manager's responsibility. It may sound like a heavy workload – but it pays off, as the process is independent of any team members, so they can be moved or replaced.

    With Agile, development is divided into short stages; at each end, a small module of the final product is presented to users for review. This way, changes are easier to make along the way. Since this model values a well-functioning product and a satisfied customer over transparent documentation, it requires a creative (to some extent) and quick-thinking project manager.

    Both models coexist peacefully, and choosing one or the other mainly depends on your company and the product you develop.

    For example, Agile works better for developmental and non-sequential projects, while Waterfall is a comfortable framework for projects with fixed requirements and scope, where the technology is clear and reliable, and the product is familiar and stable.

    Time To Start Planning 📑

    Antoine de Saint-Exupéry once said, "A goal without a plan is just a wish."

    Knowledge of the software development life cycle and all its phases and methodologies gives you an endless and powerful set of tools to develop innovative software fast and cost-effectively. Whatever your project will be – whether it's a request from a client or something your startup is eager to achieve – you need to have a good plan. There must be a sturdy ladder that leads you to the top.

    During which phase of the SDLC does the feasibility study take place?

    Phase 2: Feasibility study Once the requirement analysis phase is completed the next sdlc step is to define and document software needs. This process conducted with the help of 'Software Requirement Specification' document also known as 'SRS' document.

    What is the primary concern regarding maintenance service login accounts?

    What is the primary concern regarding maintenance login accounts? Computer systems have default user accounts for system setup. Access to maintenance accounts must be restricted to a particular station address. Maintenance accounts must be configured to use the hardware that was selected by the organization.

    Which of the following principles includes the concept of writing all or nothing to the database?

    The ACID principle of database transaction refers to atomicity (all or nothing), consistency, isolation (transactions operate independently), and durability (data is maintained).