What was the primary reason why Russia expanded south into the Caucasus and east into Manchuria quizlet?

the revival of religious faith did not

Enlightenment ideas

Yet, over the course of the nineteenth century, as literacy, cities, industrial production, and the number and prosperity of property owners expanded, ruling elites had no choice but to share power with a wider group of citizens

What was Europe's contribution to the Atlantic system?

military power and technology

What advantage did the English East India Company's royal charter provide?

exclusive rights to import East Indian goods into England

In Ming society, urban women participated in cultural activities such as reading, writing, and painting. (True or False)


Tokugawa Ieyasu did all of the following EXCEPT:

arrange marriages among the children of local authorities to solidify political bonds.


One reason that English monarchs did NOT establish an absolutist regime was:

they were legally required to obtain the consent of Parliament in order to raise funds.

The French empire in seventeenth-century North America profited from which commodity?


What was the political goal behind Doña Beatriz Kimpa Vita's claim to have received visions from St. Anthony?

to end the Kongolese civil war and restore unity to the kingdom

Why did the Chinese devote a great deal of attention to the science of astronomy?

They believed that the stability of the kingdom depended on the emperor's ability to calculate correct dates for festivals, court sessions, mourning periods, and agricultural work.

Europeans considered other literate cultures like the Chinese and Arabs to be civilized, but not those cultures without written languages. (True or False)


During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, which region of the world saw the emergence of thinkers who believed their understanding of knowledge was universal and objective?


How did Asante kings publicly display their connection to the gods?

by carrying golden spears, maces, and other symbols of power

What factor contributed to Mexico's declaration of independence in 1821?

loss of faith in the Spanish king's ability to rule effectively

All of the following contributed to the thirteen colonies' discontent with British rule EXCEPT:

new restrictions on religious freedom.

the idea that colonists were taxed but lacked political representation.


Industrialization led to lower costs for manufactured goods. (True or False)


All of the following accurately describe causes or justifications regarding the North American War of Independence EXCEPT:

Many Indians turned to the American revolutionaries to help them resist the aggressive advances of the land-hungry British.

When the Shawnee and other Native Americans wanted to cooperate with U.S. government officials and Christian missionaries, they were asked to do all of the following EXCEPT:

abandon their native language.

Which of the following was NOT a characteristic shared among the Shawnee, Maya, and Indian rebellions against colonial control?

the use of prophecy to encourage resistance

Generally speaking, the Taiping Rebellion failed because:

it failed to attract strong support from the landed gentry and other elite groups.

The international order that began to emerge during the nineteenth century was based on all of the following EXCEPT:

the emergence of international law.

Which of the following did NOT contribute to social and political instability in China after the Opium War?

increased standards of living among the peasantry

What reform or reforms did the British Chartist movement call for?

annual parliamentary elections, universal male suffrage, and the secret ballot

How would life in a Fourierist phalanx qualify as a reform of Restoration Europe's economic order?

All members would work at diverse tasks, in comfort.

All members would learn how to do all of the necessary tasks to keep the phalanx running.

All members would receive training in skilled, specialist work.


The Shawnee Prophet addressed his message of renewal to:

members of many Indian tribes.

What message did Tecumseh spread among the Indians of the Great Lakes region?

They should unify and stop selling land to the Americans.

Which of the following did NOT contribute to Canada's difficulties in forming a strong national identity during the late nineteenth century?

conflicts between Canadian Catholics and Canadian Protestants

How did conservative Chinese leaders react to the first railroads built in China?

They saw them as a threat to Chinese social harmony and had them torn up.

During the second industrial revolution, industrialized countries had little need of raw materials imported from elsewhere. (True or False)


The development of limited-liability joint stock companies facilitated:

a huge increase in the scale of industrial enterprises.

Which of the following was NOT a reason why Europeans settled in African colonies?

to assist in their industrialization

What kind of nation-state did the system of large estates used in Latin American countries such as Brazil encourage to develop?

one in which many people were considered unqualified for membership in the nation or the state

In general, what was the economic goal of imperial powers in the late nineteenth century?

to profit by importing raw materials and exporting finished products

How did Social Darwinists use the idea of "survival of the fittest"?

as a rationale for strong nations' domination of weaker ones

Which colony served as a model for later European colonial endeavors?

British India

All of the following contributed to the downfall of the Qing dynasty EXCEPT:

direct intervention by European military forces.

Dowager Empress Cixi was:

the leader of conservative forces in the Qing government.

Radical political organizations were more likely to develop in places where popular political participation was limited or nonexistent. (True or False)


Indian nationalism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries posed a different challenge to British rule than had the 1857 Indian Rebellion because:

the nationalist leaders imagined an Indian national community that encompassed the whole of British India rather than defending local identities.

African resistance to colonial rule arose regardless of the ruler or the system of administration the colonizing state employed. (True or False)


Women in Western societies found their political power generally equivalent to men's by the end of the nineteenth century. (True or False)


The perceived event that caused some Americans to fear the loss of their pioneering individualism was:

the growth of cities.
the annexation of Hawaii.
the closing of the American "frontier".

In Latin America during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, traditional racial hierarchies were disrupted by:

the arrival of large numbers of poor immigrants from Europe in the region.

The 1907 financial crisis in the United States helped to bring about _______.

the Mexican Revolution

The influence of Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points can be seen in which provision of the Treaty of Versailles?

the organization of a League of Nations

Which of the following was NOT a model of political modernity that had emerged by the 1930s?

the liberal democratic model
the authoritarian model
the postmodern model
the anticolonial model


After they gained power, the Nazis transformed Germany into _______.

a one-party state
a communist state
a rural utopia
a leader in international cooperation


The Spanish Civil War became an international conflict between right-wing and left-wing forces. (True or False)


Italian Fascists considered themselves to be the defenders of:

the little guy, peasants and workers, veterans, and students.

In the Soviet Union under Stalin, governance relied heavily on the use of _______.


All of the following were reasons why Hitler and the Nazis were popular with the German electorate EXCEPT:

their nationalization of agriculture and industry.

In the United States during the 1920s, almost 10 percent of all jobs were directly or indirectly related to:

the automobile industry.

How did Latin American governments respond to the decline of their export economies and access to foreign capital during the 1920s and 1930s?

by working to make domestic industry their main engine of economic growth

Why did communism lose its appeal in post-World War II western Europe?

because strong economic growth led to increased standards of living and expanded access to services like education and health care

At the end of World War II, communism appealed to many Europeans because:

it seemed to be an effective way to build powerful, egalitarian modern states.

The failed CIA attempt to overthrow Fidel Castro in Cuba is known as:

the Bay of Pigs invasion.

The vast majority of total German casualties during World War II were suffered during fighting against _______.

the Soviet Union

Which of the following groups of Americans had NOT begun to fight for civil rights and social justice by the end of the 1960s?


The Holocaust is the term given to Germany's murder of 6 million _______ during World War II.


All of the following were reasons for Jewish migration to Palestine during the first half of the twentieth century EXCEPT:

the wish to create a new European colony in the Middle East.

The threat of repression made the idea of any political or social opposition to communist regimes in the Second World unthinkable. (True or False)


In post-World War II western Europe, the "woman question" concerned what new problem?

Women were making gains in the workplace, but without a proportional decrease in domestic responsibility.

During the sixteenth century, increased global and local commerce allowed Mughal rulers to:

reform their administration and increase the flow of revenue.

Diseases from Afro-Eurasia wiped out an estimated _______ of the Native American population during the sixteenth century.

90 percent

Why did the Spanish capture of Manila in 1571 inaugurate the first worldwide trade circuit?

Manila gave the Spanish a base to trade New World silver to China, then Chinese goods to Europe.

Which of the following was NOT a consequence of the Thirty Years' War?

The human and material costs of warfare soared.

Russia emerged as a great European power.

Large, centralized states increased their power.


Early Ottoman rulers' decision to avoid trade with the outside world:

led to black markets, making Ottoman rulers dependent on loans of silver from merchants.

Tokugawa Ieyasu did all of the following EXCEPT:

arrange marriages among the children of local authorities to solidify political bonds.

The "Canton system":

only allowed European merchants to trade in the Chinese port of Canton.

Francis Bacon's method of scientific inquiry asserted that:

conducting experiments was the only way that humans could begin to understand the workings of nature.

All of the following resulted from efforts to convert African slaves to Christianity EXCEPT:

the majority of European slave owners becoming convinced that Christianizing their slaves was a good idea.

In what way did Europe's cultural exchanges with the Americas and the Pacific differ from its exchanges with China and the Islamic world?

Contact and commerce were accompanied by conquest in the Americas and the Pacific.

The Comte de Buffon and fellow Europeans believed that human groups were more or less admirable according to how closely they resembled the people portrayed in which of the following types of artwork?

Greek nude sculptures

American political leaders were eager to welcome Haiti as another new country that embraced the ideals of liberty and egalitarianism. (True or False)


How did the industrial revolution affect Europe's relationships with other parts of the world?

Europe became more powerful by exporting more goods than it imported.

Which technological innovation greatly contributed to the emergence of the industrial revolution?

the steam engine

Islamic reformers in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries were inspired by:

the life of Muhammad and early Islamic practice.

The Indian Rebellion of 1857 comprised many small, locally oriented revolts. (True or False)


Peasant participation in the Indian Rebellion of 1857 was characterized by:

attacks on people and places that represented their oppression, both Indian and British.

Mohammad Ibn al-Wahhab's Islamic reform movement stressed the oneness of Islam as a reaction against:

the polytheistic beliefs that had taken root among some Muslims.

How did the Mayan rebels express their increasing desire for cultural autonomy?

by creating a new political, moral, and religious system that was almost entirely divorced from the rest of Mexico

What form of government was most common in post-Napoleonic Europe?

conservative monarchy

Marx and Engels believed that the conflict between proletariat and bourgeoisie would be succeeded by other stages of class conflict. (True or False)


Which of the following groups of people was most attracted to Wahhabi Islam?

people who felt threatened by the increasing pace of commerce and intellectual change

Which of the following best describes the beliefs of a cultural Darwinist in the late nineteenth century?

White Europeans and Americans are more fully evolved than the darker peoples of the world; white people are therefore the creators of modern culture.

Bismarck and Cavour, the men who led the unifications of Germany and Italy, respectively, can best be described as _______.


Which of the following did NOT contribute to the end of Brazil's rubber boom?

attacks by hostile Native Americans on rubber plantations and convoys

In order to control their African colonies, European powers depended on:

military forces made up of local supporters or conscripts.

How did late-nineteenth-century Orientalism portray nonwestern peoples?

as sensuous, backward, and exotic

The Dutch government's decision to order Indonesian villagers to produce export crops such as coffee beans, sugar, and tobacco led to over three hundred thousand Indonesians dying of starvation. (True or False)


How did Social Darwinists use the idea of "survival of the fittest"?

as a rationale for strong nations' domination of weaker ones

Which of the following made Russia an atypical example of Afro-Eurasian expansionism?

its policy of assimilating many subject peoples into its society

American imperialism in the 1890s was unlike earlier forms of U.S. expansionism because it:

took control of new territories without seeking to incorporate them into the national political body.

In general, the goals of Progressive reformers included:

the creation of a more efficient society and correction of the undesirable outcomes of urbanization and industrialization.

The idea of an "open door policy" for access to China was proposed by _______.

the United States

The Maji-Maji Revolt in German East Africa was an example of:

the deep dissatisfaction with inequalities in wealth and power which emerged during the late nineteenth century.

The most successful turn-of-the-twentieth-century revolution took place in _______.


Anxiety over racial mixing in the United States during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries led to all of the following EXCEPT:

the expulsion of Mexican Americans from the southwestern United States.

Early-twentieth-century European artists tended to identify primitiveness with the art of Africa and Oceania. (True or False)


Changes in the world economic order during the late nineteenth century had a very limited impact on those areas of the world that had NOT industrialized. (True or False)


The tension in Europe that led to World War I was initially caused by a growing rivalry between:

Great Britain and Germany.

Within a few years following World War I, women's suffrage became legal in all of the following countries EXCEPT:


In the United States during the 1920s, the dominant political trend was:

the rise of radical, class-based politics.

greater internationalism and participation in the League of Nations.

the rise of autocratic, charismatic leaders.

retreat from earlier government activism.


The theories of economist John Maynard Keynes argued that:

the role of business and economic production was to serve the interests of the state.

human nature was best served by an economy made up of many small producers in competition with one another.

at times states needed to compensate for failures in the market by stimulating the economy with job creation and an increased supply of money.


_______ was a form of media that encouraged the development of mass national audiences in the 1920s.


During the 1920s, producers of which type of product saw their economic circumstances worsen?

agricultural products

During the early 1920s, the Guomindang sought to rejuvenate itself by allowing followers of which political movement to join its ranks?

the communists

Which of the following best describes a corporatist political system?

a system in which the state establishes political parties and encourages interest groups such as chambers of commerce and trade unions to associate with them

The president who oversaw the enlargement of the U.S. federal government during the Great Depression was:

Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Legal solutions to racial inequality, such as the Civil Rights Act, eliminated the problems of racism and racial separatism in American society. (True or False)


World War II undermined anticolonial movements in Africa because their leaders were discredited by their cooperation with the European powers during the war. (True or False)


The Soviet leader who sought to separate Stalinism from "true" communism was _______.


Apartheid-era South Africa was able to gain international recognition and support by reminding the world that it was _______.


Which of the following was NOT a feature of South Africa's apartheid system?

each race was recognized as having equal claims to land and resources

Egypt emerged as a potent symbol of pan-Arab nationalism after which event?

the Suez Canal crisis

American actions in Vietnam during the 1960s and 1970s were an example of its _______ policy.


Which countries' leaders worked together to determine the direction of the world after World War II?

the United States, the Soviet Union, and Great Britain

Because its value rose dramatically during and after the Black Death, a key commodity Portuguese traders sought was _______.


Aztec statehood was organized around:

kinship and clan networks.

During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the average life expectancy of an African slave brought to the Caribbean was:

three years.

After having initially welcomed trade and Christianity into Japan in the sixteenth century, Tokugawa officials banned Christianity and expelled missionaries from Japan. (True or False)


How did sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Europeans change Southeast Asian social structures?

by replacing established trade routes with new ones serving European interests

In what way had the Islamic world in the period between 1500 and 1780 changed from its earlier pattern of cultural development?

The Islamic world had developed three distinctive cultural traditions centered around the Mughal, Ottoman, and Safavid empires.

Initially, European colonists were overwhelmingly male in all of the following settlements EXCEPT:

British North America.

Which group of people was consigned to the bottom of Enlightenment-era racial hierarchies?


Which of the following characteristics was NOT a common part of Chinese maps during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries?

Chinese maps exhibited a high degree of geometric and mathematical precision.

Radical French revolutionaries did all of the following when they controlled the French government during the 1790s EXCEPT:

force the clergy to swear allegiance to the state.

declare universal male suffrage.

develop a new calendar using the beginning of the revolution as its start date.

declare France to be a constitutional monarchy.


The Decembrist revolutionaries:

sought to replace Russian despotism with Western-style political institutions.

opposed the principles of the French Revolution.

sought to create a federal system in the Russian Empire.


The early-nineteenth-century development that reopened the slavery question in the United States was:

westward expansion.

How did nationalist thinkers define "the nation"?

in terms of a common language and common history

When the Mayans of the Yucatan peninsula revolted against the Mexican government in 1847, what was their initial demand?

They wanted political equality with other Mexicans.

Viewed collectively, the actions of rebels and dissidents in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries reflected:

both local traditions and levels of contact with global trade networks and European power.

In which area did liberal thinkers fail to exert influence?

the Austrian Empire

Utopian socialist thinkers believed in creating change by using _______.


Charles Fourier's phalanxes excluded which of these groups?


Which of the following was NOT a change made by the British in their approach to ruling India after 1857?

The British began to use railroads, roads, and telegraph lines to link the region together and make it easier to govern effectively.

Which of the following industries is NOT associated with the second industrial revolution?

cotton textiles

During the second half of the nineteenth century, all of the following moved rapidly around the world EXCEPT:

new diseases.


In which of the following situations were factors like shared language insufficient to create a national bond?

Great Britain's relationship with Ireland

How did the Franco-Prussian War encourage the growth of French nationalism in the late nineteenth century?

It encouraged the French to unify around their hatred of the Germans.

Russia expanded south into the Caucasus and east into Manchuria primarily in order to:

respond to perceived threats from rivals in those areas.

acquire new land on which to settle former serfs.


In which of the world's regions were newly conquered territories most thoroughly assimilated into established states?

the Americas

What event was the starting point for Japan's drive to remake itself as a modern, Western-style state?

the Crimean War
Commodore Perry's arrival at Edo


When they received news of unrest in African colonies, European reactions included all of the following EXCEPT:

the argument that European countries had to return their colonies to independence as soon as possible.

The impact of the unification of Germany and Italy on European political life during the late nineteenth century was:

the replacement of the old balance of power with a new system of alliances among states.

All of the following internal or regional migrations took place in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries EXCEPT:

Austria to Germany.

Nationalist "pan" movements threatened all of the following EXCEPT:

the Japanese Empire.

The Indian National Congress was originally a movement led by:

Western-educated Indian intellectuals.

Early-twentieth-century European artists used the idea of "the primitive" to symbolize all of the following EXCEPT:

the diversity of nature.

Introduction of new weapons and new fronts broke the stalemate that had developed on World War I's Western Front. (True or False)


The dictatorships that emerged in Spain and Portugal during the 1930s were imposed by:

the military.

After World War I, European countries experienced increasing amounts of class-based conflict. (True of False)


What role did African people play in governing Europe's African colonies in the post-World War I period?

Africans had a significant voice in colonial administration and governance.

African traditions provided the templates that Europeans used to rule their colonies.

Africans had little voice in colonial governance and made their opinions known through protest.

African people engaged in a wide range of violent anticolonial uprisings across the continent.


The individual most responsible for mobilizing a mass anticolonial movement in British-controlled India was _______.

Mohandas Gandhi

How did the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt combine tradition and modernity?

by attempting to use the nation-state as a means of returning to a pure form of Islam

In the Soviet Union, how did Stalin plan to replace capitalist agriculture with socialist agriculture?

by forcing peasant farmers to join state-run agricultural collectives

For Gandhi, the most effective route to accomplishing Indian independence was for all Indians to embrace self-reliance and non-violent resistance to colonial rule. (True or False)


In comparison with life in First World countries, life for ordinary people in Second World countries provided:

lower standards of living, but higher levels of economic security.

During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union expected that Third World countries would:

join one or the other of the two opposing cold war camps.

The Soviet Union believed that its sacrifices during World War II justified its dominance of eastern Europe after the war. (True or False)


The pattern of government developed in independent India combined which elements from the First World and Second World?

state-planned development projects and democratic institutions

One of the underlying causes of World War II was:

lingering resentment over the punitive treaties imposed after World War I.

Under what circumstances did the Cold War become a "hot" war?

when the United States and the Soviet Union armed their Third World allies and encouraged their conflicts

During the Chinese civil war, which group became the base of support for Mao Zedong and the communists?


What was an encomienda?

a grant from the Spanish crown giving an individual control over Indian labor in exchange for payment of taxes

Which product emerged with silver as one of the most valuable exports from the Americas?


The Dutch East India Company (VOC) sought to establish a monopoly over the trade in:


Access to what natural resource allowed the Asante kingdom to begin its growth and development?


How did Captain Cook's voyages to Australia reflect Enlightenment ideas?

They included scientists to describe and classify Australia's fauna, flora, people, and natural features.

Creoles in Spanish and Portuguese colonies were drawn to Enlightenment ideas because:

Enlightenment ideas helped to justify their dissatisfaction with colonial rule.

How did popular culture in Tokugawa Japan subvert its social order?

It idolized groups such as actors, musicians, and courtesans, who were ordinarily at the bottom of the social hierarchy.

The jobless craftsmen who smashed the machinery that had rendered them unemployed were known as _______.


The rule of Napoleon Bonaparte was characterized by:

centralized, efficient administration.

Where did participation in global trade first begin to have a significant impact on the lives of ordinary people?

Britain, northwestern Europe, and North America

Why did small-scale settlements in southern Africa give way to larger states during the early nineteenth century?

Larger states were better equipped to compete for limited resources and defend against their enemies.

Chinese peasant rebellions were often inspired by popular religious movements. (True or False)


The introduction of what new crop to the Yucatan encouraged the incorporation of the Maya into the plantation system?



The leaders of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Islamic revitalization movements sought to reestablish the glory of Islam through which new practice?

creating full-scale theocratic polities

Charles Fourier can best be described as a(n) _______.

utopian socialist

Tenskwatawa advised his followers to do all of the following EXCEPT:

stop fighting battles.

King Menelik II of Ethiopia was able to defeat Italian forces because:

he was able to equip his united and loyal armies with European weapons.

The catalyst for the Scramble for Africa was Britain's conquest of Egypt. (True or False)


China's Qing rulers were more concerned with the possibility of internal revolt than they were with European and American economic aggression. (True or False)


In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, governments imposed almost no restrictions on emigration and immigration because:

migrants were believed to allow productivity gains in the countries they left and to fuel economic growth in the countries they entered, so it was thought that everyone benefited from migration.

The American Frederick Winslow Taylor is most closely associated with:

scientific management theory.

The Boxer movement flourished in Chinese cities and among intellectuals. (True or False)


The term modernism refers to:

a sense of having broken with intellectual and artistic traditions.

The glorification of a shared past that characterized turn-of-the-twentieth-century nationalism was always based on verifiable historical facts. (True or False)


Pan-Islamism called for:

Muslims to put aside differences between Shiite and Sunni and work against European aggression.

Which of the following did NOT contribute to the decline of Qing dynastic authority?

the decline of Qing religious authority


The destination of most emigrants from India was:

other British possessions, where they could work as laborers and merchants.

Right-wing and left-wing authoritarian political systems developed in opposition to:

their defeat in the First World War.
anticolonial activism.
liberal democracies.


_______ was an African leader who invoked precolonial traditions as a basis for resisting British colonialism in Kenya.

Jomo Kenyatta

The overall impact of the New Deal was:

the preservation of the American system of capitalism.

The Soviet push to build infrastructure and expand industrial capacity in the 1920s and 1930s was known as:

the Five-Year Plan.

Many leaders of African anticolonial movements were:

charismatic individuals who had been educated in the West.

At independence, British India was partitioned into two parts based on differences of _______.


At the end of World War II, atomic bombs were used to attack _______.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

The cartel that shifted the terms of trade in favor of oil-producing nations during the 1970s was:


In what way was Russia's expansion in Asia different from American expansion in North America quizlet?

In what way was Russia's expansion in Asia different from American expansion in North America? Russia tolerated and taxed native populations instead of displacing or slaughtering them. Which of the following was a similarity between Russian and Japanese attempts to modernize in the late nineteenth century?

What was the self

The Self-Strengthening movement included a variety of new ventures: arsenals, shipyards, coal mines, a steamship company to contest the foreign domination of coastal shipping, schools for learning foreign ways and languages. Also dispatched 120 school boys to America for "western education".

What did American nation states do with territories taken from indigenous peoples quizlet?

What did American nation-states do with territories taken from indigenous peoples? American nation-states turned these territories into new provinces by sending settlers to the hinterlands.

In what way did late nineteenth century Japanese colonial rule in the Ryukyu Islands differ from that of the British in India or the Americans in Puerto Rico quizlet?

In what way did late nineteenth-century Japanese colonial rule in the Ryukyu Islands differ from that of the British in India or the Americans in Puerto Rico? The Japanese refused to train a Ryukyu governing class. The Japanese built railroads and bridges to connect the islands.