What will happen to a person with excessive secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland Brainly?

What will happen to a person with excessive secretion of growth hormones from the pituitary gland?

  • Excessive secretion of growth hormone may cause growth abnormalities, and in children and adolescents it causes gigantism in which there is an abnormal increase in height  that may cause bone weakness, while in adult growth hormones, excess growth hormones may cause a condition called acromegaly in which bone thickens and deformities occur.  They would have  grown abnormally tall.  Most of the time, their  balance would also be affected.
  • It causes a  condition known as acromegaly.  Patients with swelling of hands  and feet and altered facial features.

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What will happen to a person with excessive secretion growth hormones from the pituitary gland?

When you have too much growth hormone, your bones increase in size. In childhood, this leads to increased height and is called gigantism. But in adulthood, a change in height doesn't occur. Instead, the increase in bone size is limited to the bones of your hands, feet and face, and is called acromegaly.

What happens when there is too little secretion of growth hormones by the pituitary gland resulting to stunted growth?

Growth hormone deficiency (GHD), also known as dwarfism or pituitary dwarfism, is a condition caused by insufficient amounts of growth hormone in the body. Children with GHD have abnormally short stature with normal body proportions. GHD can be present at birth (congenital) or develop later (acquired).

What happens when someone produces too much growth hormone?

Acromegaly is a rare condition where the body produces too much growth hormone, causing body tissues and bones to grow more quickly. Over time, this leads to abnormally large hands and feet, and a wide range of other symptoms. Acromegaly is usually diagnosed in adults aged 30 to 50, but it can affect people of any age.

What do you call the condition when there is too much secretion of growth hormone Brainly?

Gigantism is a rare condition due to abnormal, accelerated growth caused by excessive amounts of growth hormone secretion during childhood or adolescence.