When attending a staff meeting a nurse is participating in what type of communication quizlet?

Nurses on a hospital burn unit meet a a group to discuss procedures. Which statements accurately describe the functions of group dynamics? Select all that apply.

A. Ideally, a group leader is selected who alone uses his or her talents and interpersonal strengths to assist the group to accomplish goals
B. Effective groups possess members who elicit mutually respectful relationships
C. The group's ability to function at a high level depends on only the group leader's sensitivity to the needs of the group and its individual members
D. If a group member dominates or thwarts the group process, the leader or other group members must confront him or her to promote the needed collegial relationship
E. In an effective group, power is used to "fix" immediate problems without considering the needs of the powerless
F. In an effective group, members support, praise, and critique one another

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Terms in this set (72)

____ is the process of exchanging information and
generating and transmitting meanings between two or more


It is the foundation of society and the most primary
aspect of a nurse-patient interaction.


____ (1960) is credited with the classic description
of the communication process, which involves a source
(encoder), message, channel, and receiver (decoder).

David K. Berlo

classic description
of the communication process, which involves a ___, ____, ____, and _____

source (encoder),
receiver (decoder)

the communication process is initiated based on a _____,
in this case a patient need that must be addressed.


The _____ of the message is a person
or group who initiates or begins the communication process.

sender, source, encoder

The ____ is the actual physiologic product of the


The ___ of communication
is the medium the sender has selected to send
the message


The____ must translate and interpret the message

receiver (decoder)

Communication is a reciprocal process in which both the
sender and the receiver of messages participate _____.


interpreting a visual stimulation by making note of nonverbal enhancement


Patient makes note of the nurse's sense of competence, confidence, and sympathetic


Assigning meaning to a visual event


Patient concludes that the nurse is willing and
able to help him and feels comforted.


Patient hears the nurse say, "I understand your
hip is hurting. This injection should help you to
start feeling better within minutes."


Receiving an auditory stimulus


gaining an awareness of underlying messages and feelings accompanying auditory events


patient senses that the nurse said he should start feeling better soon and really wants this to happen because she cares about him


Conveying emotional support ___ touch

caring touch

Patient feels that the nurse cares about him as a person when she touches his shoulder upon first entering the room while asking about his pain.

caring touch

Factors such as __ and ___ also play a key
role in meanings associated with touch

age and sex

Despite its individuality,
___ is viewed as one of the most effective nonverbal
ways to express feelings of comfort, love, affection, security,
anger, frustration, aggression, excitement, and many others.


Communication often begins with

eye contact.

There are four levels of communication
in which nurses engage during practice:

and organizational.

___ communication, or self-talk, is the communication
that happens within the individual.


___ communication occurs between two or more
people with a goal to exchange messages.


___ communication includes small-group and organizational
group communication.


___ communication occurs when nurses interact
with two or more individuals.


___ communication occurs when individuals
and groups within an organization communicate to achieve
established goals.


___-s can be described most simply as how individual
group members relate to one another during the
process of working toward group goals.

Group dynamic

group member role:

focusing on the work to be done.
For example, information giver, information seeker,
clarifier, coordinator, delegator, energizer, or evaluator

Task-oriented roles

group member role:

focusing on the
well-being of people doing the work. For example, active listener, harmonizer, trust builder, tension
reliever, or supporter

Group-building or maintenance roles

group member role:

role that tries advance the needs of individual
members at the group's expense. For example,
attention seeker, dominator, blocker, special pleader,
withdrawer, or aggressor

Self-serving roles

___ refers to the common lifestyles, languages, behavior
patterns, traditions, and beliefs that are learned and passed
from one generation to the next.


the urge to maintain an exclusive right to certain space is termed ____


from ____ might be optimal distance to sit from
a patient during an intake interview.

18 inches to 4 feet

SBAR, which
stands for

Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendations,

the ___ and __ of sbar provide objective data, whereas the___ AND ___ allow for presentation of
subjective information.

The S (Situation) and B

A (Assessment)
and R (Recommendations)

A _____ relationship
exists among people who provide and receive assistance in
meeting human needs. It sets the climate for the participants
to move towards common goals


Therefore, _____
occurs as the result of a successful helping relationship.

need gratification

The nurse patient relationship is a ___ relationship


3 basic characteristics of helping relationship

purposeful and time limited
helper is professionally responsible for outcomes

3 phases of helping relationship


what phase of helping relationship

The patient will accurately describe the roles of the
participants in the relationship.
• The patient and nurse will establish an agreement about:
• Goals of the relationship
• Location, frequency, and length of the contacts
• Duration of the relationship


what phase of helping relationship?

The patient will actively participate in the relationship.
• The patient will cooperate in activities that work toward
achieving mutually acceptable goals.
• The patient will express feelings and concerns to the nurse.

working phase

what phase of the helping relationship?

The patient will participate in identifying the goals
accomplished or the progress made toward goals.
• The patient will verbalize feelings about the termination
of the relationship.


The ___ phase is usually the longest phase of the helping


A ____ trait is a characteristic or customary way of


a feeling of mutual trust experienced by people in
a satisfactory relationship


It is the primary source of information when a patient is
unwilling or unable to communicate verbally.

nursing observations

___ questions are used to gather
specific information from a patient and to allow the nurse and
patient to focus on a particular area.


The ___ question technique involves repeating what the
person has said or describing the person's feelings.


in recognition of the need for healthy work environments,
has established six standards that support excellence in nursing

American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN),

Anger and aggressive behavior between nurses, or nurseto-
nurse hostility, has been labeled ___

horizontal violence.

what level of communication

How you think about how you want to communicate to another


what level of communication

How you talk to another person


what level of communication

How you communicate in a group

small gropup

group member role

focus on work to be done


group member role

focus on well being of people doing work

group building or maintenance

group member role

advance the needs of individual members at group's expense

self serving

active listener in a group is performing which of the following group roles?

Maintenance roles

A group member who delegates responsibilities to other members is performing which of
the following group roles?

Task roles

Which of the following techniques would a nurse employ when using listening skills appropriately?

Listen to themes in the patient's comments

When attending a staff meeting, a nurse is participating in which of the following types of communication?

Small group communication

A nurse is using a(n) comment/question when she says to her patient, "You have been following a diet high in fiber at home. Are you continuing to get enough fiber in the foods you've been eating since you've been here?"


the patient will express his concerns about pending surgery to the nurse during what phase of helping relationship?


You say you have always been healthy and active, is this the first time you've been hospitalized? What type of question?


You expressed concern about your children at home.. what type of question


At home you've been treating your ulcer with an antacid, did you take any today? What type of question?


You've been on your present medication for 3 yrs, did you experience any side effects?
What type of question?


Your chest pain began after exercising on a lifecycle? What type of question


You've been upset about taking medication... what type of question


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