Which class of workers increased most dramatically from 1910 to 1930 quizlet?

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Terms in this set (118)

When Josiah Strong spoke of "pure Christianity," he referred to


In the nineteenth century, partisan politics was

Largely a masculine affair.

What political issues were considered most appropriate for women's interest and participation?

Moral reform movements.

Most American women who participated in voluntary reform movements were

Members of the educated middle class.

Why were so many women attracted to the Woman's Christian Temperance Union?

They liked the camaraderie and political activism.

"Nativism" refers to

Opposition to immigration.

How did most Americans feel about the nation's natural resources by the end of the nineteenth century?

Most Americans accepted the idea that government should oversee the distribution of natural resources.

What were "greenbacks"?

Paper currency backed only by the word of the United States.

Minstrel shows generally depicted what?

Happy plantation life.

Progressivism was

An alternative option for social change to the more radical forms, such as socialism.

Unlike their predecessors, progressives were comfortable with

Expanding government power to implement change.

Urban living in the United States in the late nineteenth century could be

Anonymous and impersonal.
A different experience for many Americans from their rural roots.

All of the above.

The ministers of the "Social Gospel" advocated which of the following?

A belief that corporate capitalism was organized sin.

Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes the progressives of the turn of the century?

Progressivism was a widespread, many-sided reform effort.

Progressives who believed that science and God were on their side believed that

Their solutions should be forced on Americans.

Ida B. Wells-Barnett used which of the following tactics to expose the horrors of lynchings?

Research, exposure in the popular press, and organization of investigators across the nation.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) won its first court battle in 1915 against the

Grandfather clause, which denied the right to vote to the descendants of slaves.

Which of the following now-ordinary provisions was or were introduced by the progressives?

Secret ballots and voter registration.

What motivated most nineteenth-century immigrants to leave their homes?

Social and economic change at home.

What precipitated the massive immigration of European Jews to America?

Anti-Jewish pogroms in Russia following the assassination of Czar Alexander II.

Where did the majority of immigrants find new homes in America?

Eastern cities near factories.

When did the modern "downtown" for shopping and business offices develop in cities?

In the middle of the nineteenth century.

What was the only enterprise in America that could be called "big business" before the Civil War?


What background characterized most of America's leading businessmen?

The majority were native born and relatively educated.

What groups formed the backbone of the new segment of society known as "middle class"?

Professionals such as attorneys and medical doctors.

All of the following were part of a new legion of white-collar workers at the turn of the century except


Who primarily filled the jobs in new factories erected in the second half of the nineteenth century?

Migrants from farms and small towns.

Natural selection was invoked to show which of the following?

African inferiority.

Which of the following technologies was instrumental in building almost insurmountable trench lines during World War I?

Barbed wire.

Like other progressives, President Wilson believed that those nations that did not follow the rules

Should be forced to do so.

In August of 1914, as war began in Europe, most Americans

Felt that America should maintain a neutral role in the conflict.

Where trade was concerned, why was it difficult for the United States to be neutral?

The United States exported the things that both sides needed and would pay for.

In reality, the United States favored __________ where trade was concerned.

Great Britain

President Wilson's "peace without victory" slogan meant that

-Both sides could negotiate the end to the war as equals.
-In a war without winners there would be no losers.
-The war would end and both sides could negotiate their differences rather than fighting about them.

All of the above.

Congress passed which of the following laws to suppress dissent?

The Espionage Act.

Aside from higher pay, what could African American workers find in northern cities that they could not find back home?

Freedom and opportunity.

The influenza pandemic of 1918 was

-Global in its impact, killing about 30 million people worldwide.
-A variant of a "swine flu."
- A virus that spread rapidly throughout the soldiers on the front and civilians whose immunities were reduced because of wartime conditions.

The term "Red Scare" referred to the American fear of

Communists, anarchists, socialists, and labor unionists.

Which class of workers increased most dramatically from 1910 to 1930?

White-collar laborers.

What did female workers generally earn?

About half as much as men.

The New Culture of the 1920s extolled what virtues?

Modernity and pleasure.

How did Big Business encourage Americans to define life?

Through the pursuit of pleasure.

Advertising agencies placed their product messages in and on all of the following except


The 1920s gave rise to a new spectator sport with the organization of the

National Football League.

What was the most popular consumer attraction of the 1920s?

The movies.

Attendance at American colleges and universities between 1899 and 1929 was

Traditionally an option for the elite.
Predominantly male.
More available to the middle class by the 1920s.

All of the above.

What triggered growing enrollments in American colleges?

The growing demand for white-collar professionals in the new economy.

Which of the following describes the Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s?

They attempted to impose their interpretation of morality through force and intimidation.

October 29, 1929, also known as "Black Tuesday," was the day

The New York Stock Exchange collapsed.

Why did banks fail by the hundreds even during good times in the 1920s?

Rural banks suffered from the bankruptcy of farmers.

By 1932 many Americans were

Each statement is accurate.

The severity of the Great Depression was caused by the extent and duration of


The "Bonus Marchers"

Wanted the "bonus" Congress had promised them that was not due until 1945.

Which of the following did Franklin D. Roosevelt promise during his election campaigns in 1932?

A cut in government spending.

Which of the following was not true about the Tennessee Valley Authority?

It failed miserably and became the embarrassment of the New Deal.

William Randolph Hearst did not like the New Deal because it was

Becoming too radical.

The Works Progress Administration (WPA) did which of the following?

All of the above.

President Roosevelt's basic problem with the justices on the Supreme Court was

Their decisions declaring certain New Deal legislation unconstitutional.

In 1940, most Americans

Feared involvement and opposed support for antifascist belligerents.

Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime was built on

All of the above.

Which of the following is true of Kristallnacht?

All of the above.

What weakened the position of isolationists in 1940?

German bombings of England.

Prior to the Nazi invasion of France, how did the U.S. army compare in size with the Germany army?

The U.S. army was much smaller than the German army.

During World War II, army leadership struggled to preserve

Racial traditions of segregation.

Compared to other warring countries during World War II, the United States enlisted

Relatively few women.

The "miracle of production" was made possible by

The "miracle of production" was made possible by

Roosevelt ordered the internment of Japanese Americans in the Western Defense Command because

California's press and congressional delegation were pushing for it.

Even before the war was over, American military planners

Had already made plans for a global system of military bases.

Which of the following was a source of the conflict between the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)?

The belief that capitalism and Communism cannot coexist.

Why did President Truman come to believe that the danger posed by American Communists was far bigger than their numbers?

A series of sensational spy scandals.

How did the U.S. development of the nuclear bomb affect U.S.-Soviet relations?

U.S. secrecy about the development of the bomb further strained U.S.-Soviet relations.

The Iron Curtain

Was a metaphorical division between the nations supportive of the Soviet Union and those that supported the West.

What became known as the "containment policy" was inspired by

George F. Kennan.

Which of the following best summarizes the official meaning of the Truman Doctrine?

The United States must support free peoples in their struggle against subjugation.

Which of the following was a result of the Marshall Plan?

By 1950, participating countries exceeded prewar production levels.

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was

A mutual defense treaty made up of European and North American nations pledged to protect one another in case of an attack by the Soviet Union.

The National Security Act of 1947 accomplished all of the following except

Requiring annual military service for American men.

As a result of the global Cold War

Territories of formerly little strategic interest became vital to security.

I Love Lucy reflected American postwar culture in that it

Left behind the economic limits and constraints of the Depression.

Which of the following explained the prosperity of the 1950s?

Major defense spending.

American workers during the 1950s enjoyed

All of the above.

By 1960, nearly one-third of Americans lived in


Which of these brands of automobiles seemed to represent the ultimate symbol of material success in the 1950s?


Conformity, William H. Whyte argued, was

Making the United States more like the Soviet Union.

Which of the following statements reflects the state of American farming in the 1950s?

The number of farms decreased.

All of the following refer to religion in the 1950s except which of the following?

A series of scandals rocked the mainline denominations.

Between 1945 and 1960, the "baby boom years," the number of babies born increased, alongside

Membership in religious denominations during the same period.

Membership in religious denominations during the same period.

Trying to balance the demands of new advantages with those of traditional child-centered responsibilities.

The result of such a grassroots movement as the sit-ins energized

Other groups to confront their own civil rights issues.

Civil rights activists, liberals, conservatives, and members of the "New Left" had one thing in common:

Their membership was youth driven.

What appeared to be John F. Kennedy's biggest handicap in the 1960 election

His Catholic faith.

During the Cuban missile crisis,

The United States and the Soviet Union went on full military alert.

President Johnson's "war on poverty"

Implemented the Head Start program, which provided early schooling, meals, and medical exams for poor preschool-age children.

"Freedom Summer" of 1964 was known for its

Symbolic peaceful cooperation between black and white civil rights activists working to register black voters in Mississippi.

As a result of the Voting Rights Act of 1965,

Black voter registration in Mississippi grew from 6 to 44 percent.

The philosophical foundation of Malcolm X was his

Belief that African Americans should acquire freedom "by any means necessary."

The counterculture was a disruptive force in the 1960s where the war, civil rights, and individual rights were concerned because it

Encouraged Americans to question authority and conventional values.

George Wallace, former governor of Alabama, ran for the presidency hoping to capitalize on votes from those who were

All of the above.

An unprecedented combination of high unemployment and high inflation led to a new descriptive term for the economy. That term was


During the 1970s, industry and workers moved from the Northeast and Midwest to the _________.

Sun Belt

President Nixon's strategy of détente was designed to

Relax tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union.

Despite his Republican ideals, President Nixon

Left many Great Society and New Deal programs in place.

During the 1970s two new means for promoting racial equality were

Affirmative action and school busing.

What did the Supreme Court bar in its decision in Regents of the University of California v. Allan Bakke?

Universities could not impose admission quotas.

What was Richard Nixon's position on busing?

He opposed it publicly and privately ordered less vigorous enforcement.

The equal rights amendment (ERA) was

Passed by Congress in 1972 and ratified by 34 states by the end of 1974 but thereafter stalled and was never ratified.

The "Stonewall riot" in New York City in 1969 involved a protest by

Gay men.

The downfall of President Nixon is most accurately attributed to

His obstruction of justice and his repeated lying to the American public.

By the 1980s, the largest American Protestant denomination was the

Southern Baptists.

Ronald Reagan's economic plan was designed to

Provide less government regulation in big businesses.

What was problematic about Reagan's support of the contras in Nicaragua?

They were tied to the oppressive Somoza regime.

Which of the following is true about Ronald Reagan's appointments to the Supreme Court?

The most notable was his appointment of Sandra Day O'Connor to the Court as the Court's first female justice.

Which inequalities did women continue to suffer in the 1980s?

Lower pay than men for the same work.

The Equal Rights Amendment

Failed to pass.

Roe v. Wade, a target of the social conservative agenda, was

Upheld by the Court in 1983 and 1986.

In the 1980s most states in the United States had

Decriminalized homosexual behavior.

Which of the following statements applies to African American activism in the 1980s?

There was an increase in the number of African Americans elected to public office.

During the last years of the Reagan administration, the Soviet Union

Sought an easing of tensions with the United States.

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What was the most popular consumer attraction of the 1920s quizlet?

c) National Football League. What was the most popular consumer attraction of the 1920s? d) The movies.

What musical form gained great popularity in the 1920s?

Jazz music became wildly popular in the “Roaring Twenties,” a decade that witnessed unprecedented economic growth and prosperity in the United States.

What musical form gained great popularity in the 1920s quizlet?

Trace the development of Jazz and its impact on American Society and the rest of the world. African Americans created Jazz Music it was a mixture of their blues and ragtime and European popular hits. Jazz was considered a huge part in the roaring twenties.

Which describes a goal of the nativist movement of the 1920s quizlet?

Which describes a goal of the nativist movement of the 1920s? They wanted to go back to an earlier, more homogeneous America.


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