Which components are required to build a successful site to site VPN connection on AWS choose two?

The latest Amazon Web Services CLF-C01 AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification actual real practice exam question and answer (Q&A) dumps are available free, which are helpful for you to pass the Amazon Web Services CLF-C01 AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner exam and earn Amazon Web Services CLF-C01 AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner certification.

Exam Question 271

What is the recommended method to request penetration testing on AWS resources?
A. Open a support case
B. Fill out the Penetration Testing Request Form
C. Request a penetration test from your technical account manager
D. Contact your AWS sales representative

Correct Answer:
B. Fill out the Penetration Testing Request Form

Exam Question 272

A user needs to automatically discover, classify, and protect sensitive data stored in Amazon S3.
Which AWS service can meet these requirements?
A. Amazon Inspector
B. Amazon Macie
C. Amazon GuardDuty
D. AWS Secrets Manager

Correct Answer:
B. Amazon Macie

Exam Question 273

Which components are required to build a successful site-to-site VPN connection on AWS? (Choose two.)
A. Internet gateway
B. NAT gateway
C. Customer gateway
D. Transit gateway
E. Virtual private gateway

Correct Answer:
C. Customer gateway
D. Transit gateway

Exam Question 274

Which Amazon EC2 pricing option is best suited for applications with short-term, spiky, or unpredictable workloads that cannot be interrupted?
A. Spot Instances
B. Dedicated Hosts
C. On-Demand Instances
D. Reserved Instances

Correct Answer:
C. On-Demand Instances

Exam Question 275

What is the MOST effective resource for staying up to date on AWS security announcements?
A. AWS Personal Health Dashboard
B. AWS Secrets Manager
C. AWS Security Bulletins
D. Amazon Inspector

Correct Answer:
C. AWS Security Bulletins

Exam Question 276

Which AWS service offers persistent storage for a file system?
A. Amazon S3
B. Amazon EC2 instance store
C. Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS)
D. Amazon ElastiCache

Correct Answer:
C. Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS)

Exam Question 277

Which of the following allows AWS users to manage cost allocations for billing?
A. Tagging resources
B. Limiting who can create resources
C. Adding a secondary payment method
D. Running all operations on a single AWS account

Correct Answer:
A. Tagging resources

Exam Question 278

Which of the following AWS services are serverless? (Choose two.)
A. AWS Lambda
B. Amazon Elasticsearch Service
C. AWS Elastic Beanstalk
D. Amazon DynamoDB
E. Amazon Redshift

Correct Answer:
A. AWS Lambda
D. Amazon DynamoDB

Exam Question 279

Which AWS managed services can be used to extend an on-premises data center to the AWS network? (Choose two.)
B. NAT gateway
C. AWS Direct Connect
D. Amazon Connect
E. Amazon Route 53

Correct Answer:
C. AWS Direct Connect

Exam Question 280

What AWS benefit refers to a customer’s ability to deploy applications that scale up and down the meet variable demand?
A. Elasticity
B. Agility
C. Security
D. Scalability

Correct Answer:
D. Scalability

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Spot Instances for stateless and flexible workloads,Reserved Instances for sustained workloads

What can be used to reduce the cost of running Amazon EC2 instances? (Choose two.)

A company is launching an e-commerce site that will store and process credit card data. The company requires information about AWS compliance reports and AWS agreements. Which AWS service provides on-demand access to these items?

Which AWS service or feature allows the user to manager cross-region application traffic?

Which AWS service can be used to track unauthorized API calls?

A user needs to regularly audit and evaluate the setup of all AWS resources, identify noncompliant accounts, and be notified when a resource changes. Which AWS service can be used to meet these requirements?

Launch the instances across multiple Availability Zones in a single AWS Region.

A user is planning to launch two additional Amazon EC2 instances to increase availability. Which action should the user take?

Set up Amazon S3 cross-region replication to another AWS Region

A company must store critical business data in Amazon S3 with a backup to another AWS Region. How can this be achieved?

Which AWS Cloud service can send alerts to customers if custom spending thresholds are exceeded?

Fill out the Penetration Testing Request Form

What is the recommended method to request penetration testing on AWS resources?

A user needs to automatically discover, classify, and protect sensitive data stored in Amazon S3. Which AWS service can meet these requirements?

Customer gateway,Transit gateway

Which components are required to build a successful site-to-site VPN connection on AWS? (Choose two.)

Which Amazon EC2 pricing option is best suited for applications with short-term, spiky, or unpredictable workloads that cannot be interrupted?

Which AWS cloud architecture principle states that systems should reduce interdependencies?

What is the MOST effective resource for staying up to date on AWS security announcements?

Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS)

Which AWS service offers persistent storage for a file system?

Which of the following allows AWS users to manage cost allocations for billing?

Which AWS service allows users to download security and compliance reports about the AWS infrastructure on demand?

AWS Lambda,Amazon DynamoDB

Which of the following AWS services are serverless? (Choose two.)

AWS VPN,AWS Direct Connect

Which AWS managed services can be used to extend an on-premises data center to the AWS network? (Choose two.)

The payer account must be used to remove the linked account from the organization

Which requirement must be met for a member account to be unlinked from an AWS Organizations account?

What AWS benefit refers to a customer’s ability to deploy applications that scale up and down the meet variable demand?

During a compliance review, one of the auditors requires a copy of the AWS SOC 2 report. Which service should be used to submit this request?

Run on two Availability Zones in one AWS Region, using the additional Availability Zones in the AWS Region for the disaster recovery site.

A company wants to set up a highly available workload in AWS with a disaster recovery plan that will allow the company to recover in case of a regional service interruption. Which configuration will meet these requirements?

A company has a 500 TB image repository that needs to be transported to AWS for processing. Which AWS service can import this data MOST cost-effectively?

Which AWS service can run a managed PostgreSQL database that provides online transaction processing (OLTP)?

Using multiple AWS accounts,Using Consolidated Billing

Which of the following assist in identifying costs by department? (Choose two.)

company wants to allow full access to an Amazon S3 bucket for a particular user.Which element in the S3 bucket policy holds the user details that describe who needs access to the S3 bucket?

Which AWS service allows for effective cost management of multiple AWS accounts?

A company is piloting a new customer-facing application on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) for one month. What pricing model is appropriate?

Which AWS tools automatically forecast future AWS costs?

Applying updates to the hypervisor

Under the AWS shared responsibility model, which of the following is a responsibility of AWS?

A user is able to set up a master payer account to view consolidated billing reports through

Performing operations as code is a design principle that supports which pillar of the AWS Well- Architected Framework?

Testing recovery procedures

Which design principle is achieved by following the reliability pillar of the AWS Well-Architected Framework?

Users can exchange Convertible RIs for other Convertible RIs from a different instance family.

What is a characteristic of Convertible Reserved Instances (RIs)?

Implementing controls to route application traffic

The user is fully responsible for which action when running workloads on AWS?

Use the AWS Simple Monthly Calculator to estimate the monthly cost.

An architecture design includes Amazon EC2, an Elastic Load Balancer, and Amazon RDS. What is the BEST way to get a monthly cost estimation for this architecture?

Automated backups,Software patching

Which are benefits of using Amazon RDS over Amazon EC2 when running relational databases on AWS? (Choose two.)

Automatic cost savings by moving objects between tiers based on access pattern changes

What does the Amazon S3 Intelligent-Tiering storage class offer?

A company has multiple data sources across the organization and wants to consolidate data into one data warehouse. Which AWS service can be used to meet this requirement?

Which components are required to build site

The components involved in a Site-to-Site VPN connection to an AWS VPC are: A Customer Gateway (CGW) on the local network. A Virtual Private Gateway (VGW) on the AWS network. A VPN tunnel to connect CGW and VGW.

What two types of gateways are required in AWS to create a VPN choose two?

To establish a VPN connection between your VPC and your on-premises network, you must create a target gateway on the AWS side of the connection. The target gateway can be a virtual private gateway or a transit gateway.

What are the two types of VPN AWS?

AWS VPN is comprised of two services: AWS Site-to-Site VPN and AWS Client VPN. AWS Site-to-Site VPN enables you to securely connect your on-premises network or branch office site to your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). AWS Client VPN enables you to securely connect users to AWS or on-premises networks.

What is the service used on the AWS side of a site

Virtual private gateway: A virtual private gateway is the VPN endpoint on the Amazon side of your Site-to-Site VPN connection that can be attached to a single VPC.