Which design principle helps in providing an invisible connection between the elements even if they are not close to?

Q.1 A 2-dimensional area with a known boundary is called as _____________.

       A. Color

       B. Dot

       C. Shape

       D. Form

       E. Line

Ans : Shape

Q.2 Which Gestalt law states that the human brain prefers to see a continuous flow of design elements and not as separate objects?

       A. Law of Proximity

       B. Law of Similarity

       C. Law of Continuity

       D. Law of Symmetry

Ans : Law of Continuity

Q.3 Shapes that cannot be related to reality are called as __________.

       A. Isometric Shapes

       B. Organic Shapes

       C. Abstract Shapes

       D. Geometric Shapes

Ans : Abstract Shapes

Q.4 Which design principle deals with creating the focus on a single element?

       A. Dominance

       B. Space

       C. Contrast

       D. Scale

Ans : Dominance

Q.5 ____________ refers to the arrangement of visually distinct elements to create interest.

       A. Unity

       B. Balance

       C. Contrast

       D. Space

Ans : Contrast

Q.6 Which Gestalt law states that the human mind combines the visual information available to form a meaningful object rather than seeing it as individual elements?

       A. Law of Proximity

       B. The Principle of Closure

       C. Law of Continuity

       D. Law of Common Fate

Ans : The Principle of Closure

Q.7 The quality of the surface of an object is called as __________.

       A. Color

       B. Texture

       C. Form

       D. Shape

Ans : Texture

Q.8 The following are characteristics of color, except ________.

       A. Tactile

       B. Saturation

       C. Value

       D. Hue

Ans : Tactile

Q.9 _________ defines the relative size of the design elements.

       A. Scale

       B. Balance

       C. Space

       D. Contrast

Ans : Scale

Q.10 Which is the common reading pattern observed on text-heavy websites?

       A. A-Pattern

       B. T-Pattern

       C. Z-Pattern

       D. F-Pattern

Ans : F-Pattern

Q.11 Which design principle helps in providing an invisible connection between the elements, even if they are not close to each other?

       A. Scale

       B. Space

       C. Alignment

       D. Proximity

Ans : Alignment

Q.12 Textures that you can feel and see are called as _________.

       A. Smooth Textures

       B. Implied Textures

       C. Rough Textures

       D. Tactile Textures

Ans : Tactile Textures

Q.13 Shapes like circles, squares, and rectangles are called as _________.

       A. Isometric Shapes

       B. Abstract Shapes

       C. Organic Shapes

       D. Geometric Shapes

Ans : Geometric Shapes

Q.14 A layout is typically constructed within a _________.

       A. Grid

       B. Form

       C. Line

       D. Shape

Ans : Grid

Q.15 __________ mainly discusses the difference between positive and negative spaces.

       A. Typography

       B. Graphic Design

       C. Color Theory

       D. Gestalt Psychology

Ans : Gestalt Psychology

Q.16 Which is the common reading pattern observed on websites that are not text-heavy?

       A. A-Pattern

       B. T-Pattern

       C. Z-Pattern

       D. F-Pattern

Ans : Z-Pattern

Q.17 Which Gestalt law states that humans have a tendency to group connected elements?

       A. Law of Proximity

       B. The Principle of Closure

       C. Law of Element Connectedness

       D. Law of Common Fate

Ans : Law of Proximity

Q.18 When users read a page, their eye scans the content from the upper left corner.

       A. True

       B. False

Ans : True

Q.19 Balanced designs appear stable.

       A. True

       B. False

Ans : True

Q.20 The principle of closure states that humans have a tendency to group elements moving in the same direction.

       A. True

       B. False

Ans : False

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Elements of User Experience Interview Question-Answer

Which design principle helps in providing an invisible connection between the elements?

Aligning elements which are not in close proximity with each other, helps to provide an invisible connection between them. Alignment is one of the most basic and important principles of design. It allows us to create order and organisation among elements.

Which design principle helps in providing an invisible connection between the elements even if they are not close to eachother?

Alignment is one of the most basic and important principles of design. It helps unify the elements on a page by creating a visual connection between them. Even if those elements aren't in close proximity to one another, when aligned an invisible line is created (both in your eye and in your mind) which connects them.

Which design principle helps to organize elements and create a relationship?

Design principle #5: Consider proximity when organizing your graphic elements. Proximity is also helpful in creating organization on a design, since similar or related elements should be grouped together to create a relationship between them.

Which design principle helps to organize elements and create a relationship between those elements in the viewer's mind space contrast scale proximity?

Aligning elements which are not in close proximity with each other, helps to provide an invisible connection between them. Alignment is one of the most basic and important principles of design. It allows us to create order and organisation among elements.