Which of the big five personality traits pertains to the degree to which a person is organized and responsible?

"Involved" grandparents usually are all of the following except

They act as supporters and buddies to their grandchildren

According to one analysis, every time the unemployment rate goes up 1%, there is a ________% rise in suicide.

When a situation occurs where a highly trained professional experiences dissatisfaction, disillusionment, frustration, and weariness from his/her job, this is called

Globally speaking, ________ throughout the world experience some form of violent victimization during their lives.

Domestic violence occurs only in the U.S.

When reviewing findings across cultures, which of the following of the "Big Five" major clusters of personality traits/characteristics increase from early adulthood through middle age to a degree?

agreeableness and conscientiousness

According to the U.S. census, the multigenerational household has increased more than a third between 1990 and 2000, and represents ________% of all households in America.

Being part of the sandwich generation is not a new phenomenon.

Research suggests that most people have a general "set-point" for happiness that is consistent despite the ups and downs of life.

Which two developmental psychologists believed that a person's personality is quite stable and continuous throughout one's lifetime?

Research substantiates that the passage into middle age is full of psychological turmoil called a mid-life crisis.

According to anthropologist Richard Shweder, high-caste Hindu women from the Oriya, India view their lives in all of the following ways except

on the basis of on-going chronological age and the concept of middle age.

All are contributing factors to child abuse except?

-multigenerational families living in the same house

Which of the following of the "Big Five" major clusters of personality traits/characteristics pertains to the degree to which a person is moody, anxious, and self-critical?

Although the overall divorce rate has declined in the past two decades, divorce among ________ couples is rising.

Which age has come to have special meaning in most Western societies?

Erik Erikson suggested that middle adulthood encompasses a period he characterized as ________ where a person is, or is not, making a contribution to family and community.

generativity-versus-stagnation stage

First- and second-generation immigrants comprise almost ________ of the U.S. population.

Research shows that the divorce rate for second marriages is lower than first marriages.

Couples in their middle-age who must fulfill the needs of both their children and their aging parents are called

According to Levinson, people around the age of 40-45 move into a period/time of questioning called ________ and focus on the finite nature of life where they begin to question everyday fundamental assumptions.

The evidence for a midlife crisis experience is no more compelling than the evidence for a stormy adolescence.

Theorist Ravenna Helson focused on the ________, which suggests that it is the particular events in an adult's life, rather than age per se, that determines the course of personality development.

Residents of countries across the world have much higher happiness set points than people living in the U.S.

Since the mid-1980s, the workforce has grown especially with

women in their 50s and older and college graduates

All of the following are reasons why African-American grandparents are more likely to be involved with their grandchildren except

African-Americans have a more "collectivist" view of caregiving.

"Remote" grandparents usually are all of the following except

hold clear expectations about the way their grandchildren behave.

Which country in the world has the fastest pace of living?

When young adults return after leaving home for some period to live in the homes of their middle-aged parents, this is called

According to psychologist George Vaillant, what does "keeping the meaning" mean?

Adults seek to extract the meaning from their lives, and accept the strengths and weaknesses of others.

Research indicates that when children depart from the home where the mother remained within the home full-time, the despair and feelings of loss experienced by the mother are so profound that the mother can never get over them.

According to the researcher Levinson, only men experience a mid-life crisis.

According to Gould's 7 stages of development, which stage is associated with the period of urgency to attain life's goals, the awareness of time limitations, and the realignment of life's goals?

Which of the following is not a factor that contributes to spousal abuse?

multigenerational families living in one household

Which of the following of the "Big Five" major clusters of personality traits/characteristics pertains to the degree to which a person demonstrates curiosity and interest in new experiences?

According to Erikson, if a middle-aged person is focused on the triviality of his/her own activities and not on being involved with family and society, he/she is likely to experience all of the following except

satisfaction and inner-peace

Many middle-aged adults report that they perceive many differences in their personality from when they were in their 20s compared to when they are in their 50s.

Which of the following of the "Big Five" major clusters of personality traits/characteristics pertains to the degree to which a person is organized and responsible?

Which group of divorced women have the best opportunity to be remarried?

women under the age of 25

All of the following may be contributing factors to why a higher percentage of second marriages end in divorce except

Which of the big five personality traits pertains to the degree to which a person is moody anxious and self critical?

The big five personality traits can be summarized as follows: Neuroticism - A tendency to easily experience unpleasant emotions such as anxiety, anger, or depression.

What are the big five personality traits in organizational behavior?

The big-five personality traits—extraverted personality, agreeable personality, conscientious personality, emotionally-stable personality, and open to experience personality—have direct, positive effects on organizational citizenship behavior.

What are the Big 5 personality traits name and describe each of them?

The Big Five traits are:.
Openness to experience (includes aspects such as intellectual curiosity and creative imagination).
Conscientiousness (organization, productiveness, responsibility).
Extroversion (sociability, assertiveness; its opposite is Introversion).
Agreeableness (compassion, respectfulness, trust in others).

Is one of the big five personality traits that reflect the degree to which someone is outgoing sociable and assertive?

Extraversion, also spelled Extroversion, is a basic personality variable of the Big Five theory. It is a broad dimension that can be broken down into personality traits related to sociability, liveliness, assertiveness, and impulsivity.