Which of the following are recommended reasons for reviewing notes as soon as possible after a research interview quizlet?

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    Terms in this set (71)

    Using personal experience to supplement outside information in a speech

    Brings the speech to life.

    Resources in library research usually include which of the following?

    -periodical databases

    -reference works


    Manuel is a librarian at a college library, and every day he sees hundreds of students looking for resources for doing research. What could Manuel tell the students about his job?

    He can help them find all kinds of information because he is a trained professional.

    Once you have the call number to locate a book for library research, you can

    go to the physical location of the book.

    Which of the following is not an example of a reference work?

    search engines

    Stories about personal experiences

    can help strengthen the points made in a speech.

    Which of the following are major online periodical databases?


    -LexisNexis academic

    -world news digest

    What are some of the research sources typically available in the library?


    quotation books

    periodical databases

    biographical aids

    Perhaps the most important purpose librarians can serve is to

    save students time in locating materials.

    In a library setting, a call number is used to

    locate a book or other physical resource.

    Encyclopedias, yearbooks, and quotation books are publications called

    reference works.

    How do experts suggest that you view the relationship between looking for research resources on the Internet and research at a library?

    Internet sources supplement library research.

    What is the primary difference between academic databases and newspaper and periodical databases?

    Academic databases focus on scholarly journals, whereas newspaper and periodical databases focus on major newspapers, magazines, and other media

    If you wanted to research the benefits of adding fluoride to tap water on the Internet, which of the following is the most likely to yield the most useful results?

    what are the benefits of fluoridating tap water?

    An example of a database that contains peer-reviewed, academic journals is
    Multiple choice question.


    Librarians can be an asset for research because they

    they are trained in library use and research methods

    Which of the following types of information are found in most library catalogues?

    Whether the material is checked out or

    Call number

    Author and title

    An example of a specialized research resource available on the Internet is

    the U.S. Census Bureau.

    True or false: Search engines can be used to help use the Internet effectively for research.


    Which of the following are ways you can greatly increase your odds of finding useful information when using a search engine?

    By selecting the type of source, such as "book" or "video"

    By typing in more specific terms or phrases to get fewer results

    By developing a search strategy

    Which of the following sources would be the most useful for finding statistical information about the number of registered Democrats and Republicans in each state of the United States?

    The U.S. Census Bureau

    Which of the following are major academic databases?

    Google Scholar


    Academic OneFile

    How has Wikipedia become a more reliable source of information since its early years?

    Articles have been edited and refined over time to improve accuracy.

    Content under development is flagged to warn readers of its newness.

    Many articles are accompanied by a set of additional resources to enhance research.

    Wikipedia, USA.gov, and World Factbook are all examples of

    specialized research resources.

    In general, if the author of an Internet document cannot be identified, the next thing that you can do in terms of evaluating the document is to determine the document's ______ organization.


    When doing online research, if you can't find information about the author in the source, you should

    look for a link to a page that tells about the author.

    Mike is giving a speech about Madagascar's government and current politics. Which of the following Internet resources is likely to provide the most reliable information?

    world factbook

    What are some methods someone can use to examine a resource for sponsorship?

    Learn about the site's founders and contributors

    Do a Google search to find reviews and criticisms of the organization

    Click on the About tab to learn about the organization's mission

    In which of the following cases is Wikipedia a good choice for research?

    when you are beginning to learn about a topic

    when you need information about additional resources on a topic

    Jermaine has cited an online source written on an individual blog last week reflecting the personal insights of a man named Bob. Even though Jermaine knows little about Bob, the entry is well-written, so he uses it. Jermaine failed to adequately evaluate the resource based on


    Tisha is working on a research project. She has been doing most of her research online and she has doubts about the authorship of some of the materials she has found. What are some tips she needs to remember?

    There is often a link to an author's homepage that can be used for online resources.

    If she cannot identify the author of a document, she should not use it as a source.

    She can find out about reputable authors by doing a search on Google.

    A researcher would be least likely to visit U.S. government resources to find which one of these types of information?

    Archives of news sources

    When evaluating a resource for sponsorship, the key thing to look for is
    Multiple choice question.


    In contrast to several years ago, Wikipedia is now seen as

    a good starting point for research.

    The date of a document is especially important when citing


    Johanna is worried that the Internet source she wants to use might not be a quality source. What are some of the criteria she should consider in determining the quality of the source?

    Authorship, sponsorship, and recency.

    Finding information about the author of an online resource

    can be done with a Google search for a reputable author.

    Which of the following sources would be the most useful for finding statistical information about the number of registered Democrats and Republicans in each state of the United States?
    Multiple choice question.

    The U.S. Census Bureau

    Which of the following are characteristics of research interviews?

    They are also known as investigative interviews.

    They are often conducted by journalists.

    Benjamin has created a speech outline on animal rights based on a Web site he found sponsored by a group known as Citizens and Governments Working to Bring Dignity to All Species. The Web site looks professional, and the content is well-written and updated daily. When he presents his speech, a classmate points out that this group is known as a radical fringe group that fabricates information and participates in illegal activities, and has little respect, even among other groups sharing the same mission. Benjamin did not properly check his source for


    The best way to test for recency of a document is to

    search for a publication or copyright date at the top or bottom.

    Ben is interviewing the dining hall director about the nutritional value of dining hall meals. He says, "Many believe that school meals are unhealthful due to the amount of fat and salt used in preparation. Why do you feed students this food?" The dining hall director becomes defensive and refuses to answer any more questions. What did Ben do wrong?

    He asked a leading question.

    Doing a Google search for an author works especially well if the author is

    a noted expert.

    Which of the following are basic steps that lead to a successful outcome from a research interview?

    Repeat the purpose of the interview

    Listen carefully

    Don't overstay your welcome

    Keep the interview on track

    Conducting a research interview is

    a complex process when done well.

    When you evaluate an online document for sponsorship, you should
    Multiple choice question.

    search online for comments about the reputation of the source.

    The recency of a source can usually be trusted if the source

    is in a virtual library.

    Which of the following are recommended reasons for reviewing notes as soon as possible after a research interview?

    To discover the main points that emerged in the interview

    To verify information in notes while it is fresh

    To pull out specific information that is useful to your speech

    When preparing interview questions, it is best to avoid

    loaded questions.

    leading questions.

    questions you can answer without the interview.

    Marcus was preparing a speech on organized recreational activities. He met with the head of the parks department, Dan Albright, in his office for an interview. Marcus wore casual clothes: T-shirt and jeans. Without giving any reasons for requesting the interview, he jumped into his questions, asking Mr. Albright how many parks there were in the city, and what kind of feedback he received on recreational programs. At the end of the interview Marcus thanked Mr. Albright. Identify the mistakes that Marcus made.

    He shouldn't have asked about how many parks the city has since that information is readily available elsewhere.

    He didn't dress appropriately for a meeting in an office.

    He didn't state the purpose of the interview.

    Which of the following are strategies that facilitate the research process?

    Start early

    Make a preliminary bibliography

    Take good notes

    When evaluating a resource for sponsorship, the key thing to look for is


    One of the biggest mistakes students make when doing a research project is

    waiting too long before they start their research.

    The two main tasks after a research interview are to review your notes and to

    transcribe your notes.

    When preparing for an interview, the interviewer needs to do which of the following?

    Determine whom to interview
    Set up a time for the interview

    Steps to take during an interview include

    setting up the recorder.

    repeating the purpose of the interview.

    keeping the interview from veering off course.

    dressing in a reasonable way.

    As you encounter the titles of books, magazines, and Internet documents you may use as sources for your research, you should

    create a preliminary bibliography.

    When students fail to start their research early, which of the following problems are likely to occur?

    A research interview cannot be scheduled in time.

    Needed books may not be available.

    The research takes longer than expected.

    There is insufficient time to think about findings.

    Which of the following are recommended actions after you finish a research interview?

    Review your notes quickly

    Transcribe your notes

    Identify major points that emerged during the interview

    Which of the following are steps to take before an arranged interview?

    Define the purpose of the interview

    Determine whether to record the interview

    Prepare your questions

    What is the purpose of a preliminary bibliography?

    To keep track of potential sources

    Bernardo is preparing to do some research for an important speech. He should remember

    to start researching early in case problems arise.

    For research on a speech about recycling, Sharon wrote down a citation for a newspaper article that she found online as "Conrads, David. Home deconstruction: Can an entire house be recycled? Christian Science Monitor. csmonitor.com." Which of the following should she have also included in her citation to follow APA style?

    The first and last page of the article, if available

    The date the article was published

    You are conducting a research interview, and some answers from the interviewee help you realize that your list of questions does not include some important information. The best way for you to continue with the interview is to

    follow the new leads and then move back to your original question list.

    Which of the following methods for note-taking tend to be most efficient?

    Using subject headings

    Distinguishing among direct quotations, paraphrases, and your own ideas

    Making a separate entry for each note

    Taking plenty of notes

    Instead of being a boring routine that just gathers information, the research process can be a very ______ process.


    Which are the major styles most commonly used by communication scholars for citing sources in a bibliography?

    Modern Language Association (MLA)

    American Psychological Association (APA)

    Taking good notes involves

    recording notes in a consistent format.

    Critically evaluating your research can alter speech content by doing which of the following?

    Helping you organize your speech

    Changing your perspective

    Showing you new connections between ideas

    LaShawnda is conducting research and taking notes for her upcoming presentation. What should she remember about formatting her notes?

    To use subject headings for each note

    While researching your topic, you will begin to see relationships among ideas that will help you to do which of the following to improve your speech?

    Experiment with ways to organize your thoughts

    Sketch out main and supporting points

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