Which of the following best describes the relationship between the government and the media?

The media frenzy over the extramarital affairs of Bill Clinton, Herman Cain, and Newt Gingrich is evidence that

A)the media is not at all liberal.

B)the conservative media has more influence on public opinion than any other group.

C)the power of the media is declining.

D)the media's bias is more oriented to audience appeal than to ideology.


Which of the following best describes the relationship between the government and the media in the United States today?

A)The government controls most of the media content through regulations and tightly controlled press briefings.

B)The government owns but does not control the major sources of media.

C)The government does not own but regulates the content and the ownership of broadcast media.

D)Broadcast media are not regulated in the United States.


The media have become

A)less partisan.

B)less ideological.

C)more diverse.

D)more elite.


What happened to the adversarial relationship between the press and the government in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks?

A)The press savagely attacked President Bush for failing to stop the attacks.

B)The press continued its usual adversarial policy, criticizing President Bush's response.

C)The media openly supported the Bush administration, and such unquestioning support continues today.

D)The media openly supported the Bush administration in the immediate aftermath of the attacks but later criticized President Bush's approach to Iraq.


Which of the following sources of news typically covers topics with the least depth of coverage?

A)radio talk shows


C)the Internet



____________ are the ultimate beneficiaries of a free and active media.

A)The politicians

B)The reporters

C)The people

D)The newspapers


Which of the following events do the authors not use to illustrate the power of the media in U.S. politics?

A)the civil rights movement

B)ending American
involvement in the Vietnam War


D)the savings and loan scandal


Conservative radio talk show hosts such as ____________ have helped to mobilize support for conservative political causes.

A)Norman Goldman

B)Larry King

C)Stephen Colbert

D)Rush Limbaugh


The FCC requires broadcasters to provide individuals with the opportunity to respond to personal attacks, which is known as the

A)equal time rule.

B)right of rebuttal.

C)fairness doctrine.

D)equal access rule.


American radio and television are regulated by

A)state governments.

B)the Federal Communications Commission.

C)local governments.

D)the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Broadcasters must provide candidates running for the same political office equal opportunities to communicate their messages to the public.
This is the

A)equal time rule.

B)right to rebuttal rule.

C)fairness doctrine.

D)equal access rule.


According to your textbook, about what percentage of Americans are registered users on the social media site Facebook?

A)15 percent

B)35 percent

C)50 percent

D)85 percent


The media has a bias in favor of




D)whatever will get the largest audience.


Why did Howard Stern move to satellite radio?

A)It isn't regulated by the FCC.

B)He could reach the whole country.

C)He wanted to broadcast in Europe.

D)He would get a higher audience share.


If an idea lacks or loses media appeal, its chance of resulting in new programs or policies is


B)not affected.

C)increased at first but then decreased.

D) decreased.


More than ____________ of the daily newspapers in the United States are owned by large conglomerates such as the Hearst or Gannett corporations.

A)25 percent

B)50 percent

C)75 percent

D)90 percent


The FCC's fairness doctrine

A)is no longer being enforced.

B)is strictly enforced.

C)is enforced only during presidential campaigns.

D)applies only to cable television.


Studies have shown that followers of comedic talk shows like The Colbert Report and The Daily Show

A) are not very well informed about politics.

B)don't pay any attention to politics.

C)are well informed about politics.

D)only watch the shows for fun, since they don't tend to learn much about politics from the shows.


Which of the following is not a reason that new media has become more popular in recent years?

A)It tends to be updated more quickly.

B)It has a wider diversity of sources.

C)It is usually more convenient than print or broadcast media.

D)It tends to have more accurate


Which age group cites the Internet as their main source of news?

A)younger Americans

B)middle-age Americans

C)senior citizens

D)middle-class Americans


Interest groups try to secure media coverage of their issues to ultimately get the attention of politicians and passage of favorable policy proposals. Interest groups do this because of the ______________ power of the media.

A)equal time





The power of the media to decide how the American people interpret political events and results is called

A)agenda setting.



D)selection bias.


Even though newspapers are not the primary news source for most Americans, why could they still be considered important?

A) They are still influential among the political elite.

B) They are still influential among middle-class Americans.

C)They have a long history and should be respected for the role that they used to play, even if they don't matter today.

D)They aren't considered important today.


Politicians generally consider ____________ friendlier venues than the ____________.

A)local broadcasts; national news

B)national news; local broadcasts

C)television broadcasts; Internet

D)television broadcasts; radio


According to the textbook, the media's adversarial posture toward government may

A)increase levels of political participation.

B)decrease levels of political participation.

C)not have any impact on levels of political participation.

D)increase participation at the national level but decrease participation at the state level.


The proliferation of media sources and outlets results in coverage that is

A)more neutral.

B)more partisan.

C)more heterogeneous.

D)less accurate.


According to the authors of the textbook, most publishers today

A)are most concerned with editorial content.

B)are business people and are more concerned with business operations than with editorial content.

C)dictate a particular political bias that the media should promulgate.

D)have a liberal political ideology.


Why do many news sources today tend to be more partisan than they used to be?

A)It's a new facet of the idea of traditional journalism.

B)All reporters have a conservative bias.

C)All reporters have a liberal bias.

D)There are so many news sources that not many can aim for a broad-based national audience.


In the United States, there are only three truly national newspapers. Which of the following is not one of the newspapers?

A)the Wall Street Journal

B)the Christian Science Monitor

C)USA Today

D)the Washington Post


Misinformation about political issues is higher among people who get their news from




D)radio talk shows.


____________ journalism caters to specialized interests of news consumers.






About how many Americans are considered "digital citizens," defined by having high-speed Internet access at home?

A)20 percent

B)50 percent

C)60 percent

D)90 percent


The decline of party organizations since the 1970s has increased the dependence that politicians have on

A)the party machines.

B)the primaries.

C)the media.

D)interest groups.


The Telecommunications Act of 1996 was an attempt to do all of the following except

A)loosen federal restrictions of media ownership.

B)allow broadcasters, telephone companies, and cable companies to
compete with one another.

C)ban indecent sexual
material accessible to minors on the Internet.

D)tighten federal restrictions of media ownership.


Community-based nonprofit newspapers are being supported by ____________ in an attempt to fill the void in local news created by the loss of
local newspapers.


B)local foundations

C)national newspapers



Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between public opinion and government?

Which statement best describes the relationship between public opinion and government policy? The relationship between government policy and public opinion is dynamic, where government policy responds to public opinion but public opinion also shifts based on government policies.

Which of the following best describes the relationship that the news media have with big technology companies?

Which of the following best describes the relationship that the news media have with big technology companies? ? Technology companies are increasingly developing or buying major news media companies.? large media conglomerates.

What is the relationship between the mass media and the executive branch of the US government quizlet?

The media keeps executive branch officials attuned to the public's major concerns. 3. The media enables executives to convey their messages to the general public as well as to political elites within the outside of government.

Which of the following best describes the adversarial portion of the relationship between the media and the government?

Which of the following best describes the adversarial portion of the relationship between the media and government? The media push for more transparency while the government wants to influence how information and issues are presented to the public.