Which of the following diets would be most appropriate for a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?

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What type of diet should a person with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease eat?

Limit simple carbohydrates, including table sugar, candy, cake and regular soft drinks. Eat 20 to 30 grams of fiber each day, from items such as bread, pasta, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables. Eat a good source of protein at least twice a day to help maintain strong respiratory muscles.
Diet has been recognized as a modifiable risk factor for chronic diseases development and progression [12], and recent evidence has also increasingly pointed to a role in obstructive lung diseases, including COPD [13,14,15].

What foods should COPD patients avoid?

Foods and Ingredients to Avoid if You Have COPD.
Sodium. For people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, fluid retention is an uncomfortable but common issue. ... .
Certain Fruits and Vegetables. ... .
Dairy Products. ... .
Caffeine. ... .
Fried Foods. ... .

Why is high calorie diet for COPD?

Therefore, the pulmonary (breathing) muscles in someone with COPD might require up to 10 times the calories needed by a person without COPD. It is important for you to consume enough calories to produce energy in order to prevent wasting or weakening of the diaphragm and other pulmonary muscles.