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What instructions should a medical assistant give a patient undergoing pulmonary function tests?

To prepare for your pulmonary function test, follow these instructions:.
No bronchodilator medication for four hours..
No smoking for four hours before the test..
No heavy meals..
Do not wear any tight clothing..
The complete pulmonary function test takes around one and a half hours..

Which of the following procedures involves the process of cleaning out the contents of the stomach through a nasogastric tube?

Gastric suction, or stomach pumping, is a procedure your doctor can perform to empty the contents of your stomach quickly during an emergency. It's also known as gastric lavage and nasogastric tube suction.

Which of the following conditions describes inflammation and or infection of the sinus cavity?

Sinusitis is an inflammation of the sinuses that can cause them to get blocked and filled with fluid. It is usually caused by cold or allergies.

Which of the following respiratory disorders is manifested by inflammation swelling and constriction of the bronchioles and bronchi?

Asthma is marked by inflammation of the bronchial tubes, with extra sticky secretions inside the tubes. People with asthma have symptoms when the airways tighten, inflame, or fill with mucus. There are three major signs of asthma: Airway blockage.