Which of the following is a true statement about the role media plays in providing citizens with political knowledge quizlet?

Which of the following is correct regarding the effect of the marketplace of ideas on opinion formation?

Competing forces try to persuade as many people as possible, and few people resist modification of their beliefs.

Competing forces try to persuade as many people as possible, and most people resist modification of their beliefs.

Free thought is encouraged, and most people resist modification of their beliefs.

Free thought is encouraged, and few people resist modification of their beliefs.

Which of the following makes a correct comparison between political parties and interest groups in the United States

A: Political Parties: Political parties recruit and run candidates in elections; Interest Groups: Interest groups seek to influence public policy

B: Political Parties: Political parties have small constituencies and thus try to win elections by energizing their base to vote for them; Interest Groups: Interest groups alert and educate voters regarding pending legislation

C: Political Parties: Political parties have organizations that donate money to candidates for public office; Interest groups: Interest groups are barred by law from donating money to political campaigns

D: Political Parties: Political parties achieve the bulk of the changes they seek through the use of courts; Interest Groups: Interest groups build relationships with congressional committees and the bureaucracy to form iron triangles.

All of the following are important roles for the media in American democracy EXCEPT

A.helping inform the public about current political issues and events.

B.providing a forum through which candidates, politicians, and even the public can debate policies and issues.

C.enabling privately owned companies to advertise their products to the public.

D.serving as a watchdog on the actions of politicians and other political actors.

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"Any candidate using Facebook can put a campaign message promising one thing in front of one group of voters while simultaneously running an ad with a completely opposite message in front of a different group of voters. The ads themselves are not posted anywhere for the general public to see (this is what's known as 'dark advertising'), and chances are, no one will ever be the wiser. That undermines the very idea of a 'marketplace of ideas,' says Ann Ravel, a former member of the Federal Election Commission who has long advocated stricter regulations on digital campaigning. 'The way to have a robust democracy is for people to hear all these ideas and make decisions and discuss," Ravel said. 'With microtargeting, that is not happening.'" Julia Carrie Wong, "'It Might Work Too Well:' the Dark Art of Political Advertising Online," The Guardian, March 19, 2018.

Which of the following scenarios reflects the most direct effect of the practice described in the passage on the electoral process?

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What role does the media including social media play in the political process quizlet?

The media helps inform the public about current political issues and events; provide a forum through which candidates, politicians, and the public can debate policies and issues; and to act as a watchdog on the actions of the gov.

What is the role of the media in elections quizlet?

How does the media play a role in the political process? media helps candidates win by infleuncing the people viewing them to vote for the candidate advertise.

What functions do the media serve in democracy quizlet?

helping inform the public about current political issues and events. B. providing a forum through which candidates, politicians, and even the public can debate policies and issues.

Which statement best describes the relationship between public opinion and government policy quizlet?

Which statement best describes the relationship between public opinion and government policy? The relationship between government policy and public opinion is dynamic, wherein government policy responds to public opinion but public opinion also shifts based on new government policies.