Which of the following produces an improved product customers are eager to buy such as a faster car or larger hard drive quizlet?

Information reach. Measures the number of people a firm can communicate with all over the world. Mass customization. Ability of an organization to tailor its products to the customers’ specification.


What name is given to a set of methods aimed at improving the ranking of a website in search engine listings quizlet?, Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines.

Furthermore, What refers to the depth and breadth of details contained in a piece of textual?, information richness. refers to the depth and breadth of details contained in a piece of textual, graphic, audio or video information.

Finally,  What measures the number of people a firm can communicate with all over the world information Reach Information Age information richness information Browser?, Information reach refers to the number of people a business can communicate with, on a global basis.

Frequently Asked Question:

What is the ability of an organization to tailor its products or services to the customers specifications quizlet?

Mass customization is the ability of an organization to tailor its products or services to the customers’ specifications.

What name is given to a set of methods aimed at improving the ranking of a website and search engine listings?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the art and science of getting pages to rank higher in search engines such as Google. Because search is one of the main ways in which people discover content online, ranking higher in search engines can lead to an increase in traffic to a website.

What is called when subway and SXSW work together quizlet?

What is called when Subway and SXSW work together? B2B. What is called when SXSW works with attendees directly? B2C. SXSW works with iTunes to promote bands playing at the event and in other areas of the world.

Which of the following terms refers to a count of the number of people who visit one site and click on an advertisement that takes them to the site of the advertiser?

Click‐through term represents a count of the number of people who visit one site, click on an ad, and are taken to the site of the advertiser.

What is called when subway and SXSW work together?

B2B. What is called when Subway and SXSW work together? Only $35.99/year. B2C.

What refers to the depth and breadth of details contained in a piece of textual graphic audio or video information?

What is information richness? … Refers to the depth and breadth of details contained in a piece of textual, graphic, audio, or video information.

What are Hitbots?

The practice of artificially inflating traffic statistics for online advertisements. Hitbots. Creats the illusion that a large number of potential customers are clicking the advertiser’s links, when in fact there is no likelihood that any of the clicks will lead to profit for the advertiser.

What is content that is designed to be easy for readers to consume and to share quizlet?

True or false: Collaboration content is content that is designed to be easy for readers to consume and to share. Collaboration content captures website visitors’ attention by offering small consumable pieces of information that can be quickly read and understood.

What is content from more than one source used to create a new product or service?

A mashup (computer industry jargon), in web development, is a web page or web application that uses content from more than one source to create a single new service displayed in a single graphical interface.

What describes how products in a network increase in value to users as the number of users increase?

The network effect refers to the concept that the value of a product or service increases when the number of people who use that product or service increases.

What are website ebusiness Analytics?

Website ebusiness Analytics. Uses clickstream data to determine the effectiveness of the site as a channel-to-market. Business Model. a plan that details how a company creates, delivers, and generates revenues.

What uses clickstream data to determine the effectiveness of the site as a channel-to-market?

Website ebusiness analytics – Uses clickstream data to determine the effectiveness of the site as a channel-to-market. Allows a business to generate commissions or referral fees when a customer visiting its website clicks a link to another merchant’s website.

What is the ability of an organization to tailor its?

Terms in this set (31) Mass customization. The ability of an organization to tailor its products or services to the customers’ specifications. Personalization. Occurs when a company knows enough about a customer’s likes and dislikes that it can fashion offers more likely to appeal to that person.

What applies to any business that sells its products or services directly to consumers online?

The term business-to-consumer (B2C) refers to the process of selling products and services directly between a business and consumers who are the end-users of its products or services. Most companies that sell directly to consumers can be referred to as B2C companies.

Which of the following produces an improved product customers are eager to buy such as a faster car or larger hard drive group of answer choices?

Sustaining technology produces an improved product customers are eager to buy, such as a faster car or larger hard drive. Sustaining technologies tend to provide us with better, faster, and cheaper products in established markets.

What is the buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet?

At its core, electronic commerce or e-commerce is simply the buying and selling of goods and services using the internet, when shopping online.

What is a family of web feed formats used for Web syndication of programs and content?

RSS (most commonly expanded as Really Simple Syndication) is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated works—such as blog entries, news headlines, audio, and video—in a standardized format.

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Which of the following produces an improved product customers are eager to buy quizlet?

Sustaining technology produces an improved product customers are eager to buy. They give us a better, faster, cheaper product in an already established market.

Which technology helps manage the creation storage editing and publication of their website content without needing to know web programming languages?

A CMS provides a graphical user interface with tools to create, edit and publish web content without the need to write code from scratch. A CMS has two components: a content management application (CMA) and a content delivery application (CDA).

Why does ebusiness take advantage of long tail?

Why is ebusiness able to take advantage of the long tail? data can observe the exact pattern of a consumer's navigation through a site.

What is a box running across a website that advertises the products and services of another business usually another ebusiness multiple choice question?

A banner ad is a box running across a website that advertises the products and services of another business, usually another ebusiness. The banner often contains a link to the advertiser's website. 95. What measures the number of people a firm can communicate with all over the world?